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WhatsApp Automation: Benefits & Use Cases

WhatsApp Automation Benefits & Use Cases NeoDove

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Are you aware that over 5 million businesses actively connect with their customers over WhatsApp? 

Moreover, 80% of these businesses believe that the platform has helped them grow. 

With WhatsApp having such significant impact, you should definitely consider incorporating WhatsApp automation into your business processes.

After all, what is that one thing you cannot imagine your day without?

Undoubtedly, it is checking one’s WhatsApp.

In current times, using WhatsApp and WhatsApp marketing automation has become an important tool for businesses everywhere. 

In this article, let’s examine why WhatsApp automation is so important alongside its benefits. Furthermore, we will also examine what else WhatsApp marketing automation has to offer.

What does WhatsApp automation mean?

What does WhatsApp automation mean

In recent times, WhatsApp has become the preferred method of communication amongst customers. 

With the introduction of business-friendly and smart WhatsApp automation, you can significantly enhance quality of customer service. This leads to faster resolution of problems.

Out of various options, WhatsApp is by far the most widely used messaging platform. In fact, it has over two billion users worldwide. All of this demonstrates the incredible reach you can achieve with the platform.

Moreover, with WhatsApp API, WhatsApp Business and bots, your business can now automate entire conversation processes alongside message flows.

Setting up your business’ auto-replies can be done in two ways:

1) Using WhatsApp Business

Through the WhatsApp Business App, connect with customers more. You can deliver important notifications as well as collect feedback from them. 

It even functions as a live chat tool. You can even use it to set up ‘away messages’. In this way, you can automate WhatsApp messages to inform customers that you’re unavailable but will get back to them shortly. 

2) Using WhatsApp’s Business APIs 

WhatsApp Business APIs enable you to send timely messages as well as automate your conversations. 

With the help of a WhatsApp Chatbot, you will be able to automate WhatsApp messages to FAQs. Alongside this, you can also stay connected with customers 24/7.

“WhatsApp Business App: connect, notify, chat, automate ‘away messages.’ APIs send timely messages, Chatbots handle FAQs for 24/7 support.”

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    How To Automate WhatsApp Messages

    When WhatsApp Business was introduced, it brought with it the concept of Whatsapp automation. Additionally, two major methods of utilizing this automation feature to automate WhatsApp messages became quite popular.

    1) WhatsApp Business Automation APIs

    WhatsApp Business API is aimed at medium as well as large-sized business owners. The APIs allow you to reach out to customers around the globe. 

    With WhatsApp Business API, chatbots can instantly address customer queries at scale and increase your brand’s reach.

    WhatsApp Business chatbots are mainly used to automate WhatsApp messages and hold conversations with your customers. Thereby, simulating a regular human interaction. 

    Nowadays, businesses are popularly using business chatbots to increase their own engagement rate. Furthermore, your brand visibility is also improved alongside stellar customer service.

    The WhatsApp API lets you utilize WhatsApp Business’ automation tools. In addition to this, you can completely enjoy more advanced capabilities such as message flow WhatsApp automation via bots.

    Some of the main functionalities of WhatsApp APIs are as follows:

    “WhatsApp Business API transforms customer engagement for businesses, automating interactions through chatbots and elevating brand visibility globally.”.

     i) Automating the entire flow of messages

    WhatsApp API allows you to automate WhatsApp messages and set up custom message flows. As well as covering the length of a normal conversation, this also covers different stages of a conversation.

    Important Note – Customized message flows will reduce response time and improve your customer service. It’s mainly useful when dealing with repetitive tasks and frequently asked questions. 

    ii) Ability to automate the sales process via WhatsApp bots

    The entire selling flow can be automated and made human-intervention-free using WhatsApp bots.

    Additionally, bots can be programmed to display catalogs alongside questions about your customer’s needs. In fact, it can even help customers select the right product and check out instantly.

    Most importantly, with the help of chat bots, you can offer 24/7 customer service to your customers.

    iii) Automating proactive notifications is possible

    You can connect with your customers proactively through WhatsApp API. Easily set up proactive message templates to accomplish this.

    It is possible to use this feature after a customer has opted in to receive such communication from you. Once confirmed, you can use this to send updates on orders, appointments, service requests and payments. 

    This use of WhatsApp marketing automation greatly reduces the number of follow-up questions your customers need to ask. As a result, agents have fewer repetitive queries to handle.

    Important Note – Keep in mind that message templates can only support images, text, and PDFs.

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      iv) Automating IVR call rerouting

      It is an automation feature that only WhatsApp API offers. This allows you to reduce agent workload by directing phone calls to WhatsApp.

      Additionally, your IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system allows you to choose a particular number. Afterward, you can set it to ask users if they’d like to continue their conversation through WhatsApp.

      Upon opting in, your customer will be automatically redirected to WhatsApp. From there, they can continue the conversation with a bot or an agent.

      This feature has been shown to significantly reduce wait times for customers who need fast resolution. In addition to this, your business also benefits from reduced operational costs.

      2) WhatsApp Business App Automation

      The WhatsApp Business app is a free-to-use option that is equipped with the basic features of the WhatsApp API. However, the API promises more advanced features as well as WhatsApp automation capabilities.

      Three of the main features in WhatsApp Business include:

      i) Automated greeting message

      With this feature, you can set a triggered response to customers’ messages as soon as their query is received.

      Important Note – Not only does this make your first interaction quick, but also lets customers feel seen and heard. This message can be set from the business tool section via the WhatsApp Business App.

      ii) Automated away messages

      Automated away messages can be curated to trigger whenever an individual reaches out to you post office hours. 

      Through this feature, your customers can rest assured that their query has been received. Additionally, they can also know about when they should expect a response.

      As a result of this innovative feature, they will not be left feeling neglected and unhappy.

      iii) Quick replies to answer FAQs at a faster rate

      With this handy feature, you can save and reuse messages repeatedly. 

      After assigning a unique ‘tag’ to the messages, you can access them by typing ” / ” followed by a certain keyword. 

      By utilizing these messages, you can respond to queries fast as well as save agents’ time and energy.

      Do Check Out: WhatsApp Business Multiple Users: An Ultimate Guide

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        Limitations of WhatsApp Automation with WhatsApp Business App

        While WhatsApp Business App offers a myriad of communication opportunities, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations. 

        Explore the challenges that businesses may encounter when relying solely on this platform for WhatsApp automation.

        Limitations of WhatsApp Automation with WhatsApp Business App-NeoDove

        1) Broadcast Limitations and Contact Dependency

        WhatsApp Broadcast is capped at 256 users, reaching only those who have added you to their contacts. This limitation restricts the scale of mass communication efforts in WhatsApp marketing automation.

        2) Absence of Auto Reply for Basic Use Cases

        Surprisingly, the WhatsApp Business App lacks the ability to set up auto-reply for fundamental use cases of WhatsApp marketing automation. This absence hinders businesses from efficiently managing routine queries.

        3) Lack of Analytics Tracking

        Businesses using the WhatsApp Business App face the challenge of not having a built-in analytics tracking system. As such, you’re unable to get insights into your WhatsApp marketing automation efforts.

        4) Inability to Monitor Agent Performance

        WhatsApp Business App doesn’t provide features to track agent performance. This limitation hampers businesses from assessing and improving the efficiency of their customer support team.

        5) Incapability to Integrate WhatsApp Chatbot

        One of the significant drawbacks is the inability to seamlessly integrate a WhatsApp Chatbot for automating customer support via WhatsApp marketing automation.

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          6) Limited Integration with 3rd Party Software & CRMs

          The absence of robust integration capabilities with third-party software and CRMs limits the overall efficiency of business operations.

          7) Missing Automated Notifications Feature

          The WhatsApp Business App lacks automated notifications, a valuable tool for proactive communication. Businesses miss out on the chance to send timely updates and reminders to their audience without manual intervention.

          8) Inability to Send Messages with Clickable Buttons

          The absence of clickable buttons when you automate WhatsApp messages limits the interactive capabilities of businesses on the WhatsApp Business App. 

          9) Challenges in Acquiring WhatsApp Green Tick:

          Acquiring the coveted WhatsApp Green Tick, a symbol of business authenticity, is not within the control of businesses using the WhatsApp Business App. 

          If you want to be able to achieve all the above mentioned actions, choose WhatsApp Business API for your WhatsApp automation.

          Check Out: WhatsApp Business vs WhatsApp API: Which is Best?

          Important Note -“WhatsApp Broadcast is limited to 256 contacts, restricting mass communication in marketing automation. Surprisingly, the Business App lacks auto-reply for basic automation, hindering efficient query management.”

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            Top 6 Use Cases of WhatsApp Automation

            Unlock the potential of streamlined communication with WhatsApp automation and transform messaging.

            Let’s take a look at how WhatsApp marketing automation has changed the way businesses connect with their audiences:Top 6 Use Cases of WhatsApp Automation

            1) Automated Payment Reminder Notifications

            Streamline your payment processes by automating reminder notifications on WhatsApp. With WhatsApp automation, businesses can ensure timely payment reminders, reducing the chances of missed payments and enhancing overall financial efficiency.

            2) Welcoming Users with Setup Welcome Messages & Quick Replies

            Make a lasting first impression by setting up welcome messages and quick replies. WhatsApp automation allows businesses to automate the welcoming process, providing users with instant information and responses, creating a positive and engaging initial interaction.

            3) Real-Time Delivery Updates via WhatsApp

            Keep customers in the loop with live delivery updates on WhatsApp. Automate the process of sending real-time information about the status and location of deliveries, enhancing transparency and customer satisfaction throughout the entire fulfillment journey.

            4) Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies

            Leverage WhatsApp automation to recover 45-60% of abandoned carts. Through automated messages and reminders, businesses can re-engage customers who left items in their carts, significantly improving conversion rates and reclaiming potential sales.

            5) Efficient Sales and Customer Query Automation with Chatbots

            Transform your customer engagement strategy with WhatsApp chatbots. Automate responses to sales inquiries and customer queries, ensuring instant and accurate information. WhatsApp automation enables businesses to provide a seamless and efficient customer service experience.

            6) Effective After-Sales Support

            Elevate your post-purchase experience with WhatsApp automation for after-sales support. From order tracking to issue resolution, businesses can automate processes that enhance customer satisfaction, fostering loyalty and positive brand perception.

            Also Read: A Complete Guide To Create Free WhatsApp Chatbot

            Important Note -“Automate payment reminders, live delivery updates, and abandoned cart recovery on WhatsApp. Optimize customer engagement with efficient sales and query automation through chatbots.”

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              Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Message and Chatbots

              Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Message and Chatbots - NeoDove

              WhatsApp automation, especially chatbots offer a range of benefits and can help your business run a lot more efficiently. Chatbots offer the perfect opportunity for businesses to reach out to a newer and wider audience. 

              Additionally, they also allow businesses to provide the best quality of customer service. This ensures that customers keep coming back to your business.

              Let’s take a look at some of the various benefits of WhatsApp auto message and chatbots for different groups of individuals.

              Important Note -WhatsApp automation, especially chatbots, boosts efficiency and expands audience reach, ensuring top-notch customer service and fostering loyalty


              Benefits of WhatsApp Automation For Clients 

              Clients reap the following benefits from a business utilizing WhatsApp chatbot:

              Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Message and Chatbots


              1) Seamless Initiations and Instant Solutions

              Clients hold the reins to initiate conversations at their convenience. With WhatsApp automation, your clients can initiate conversation with businesses whenever they want. Moreover, they can also receive instant solutions to their queries.

              2) Two-Way Conversations Elevated

              The ability to receive prompt replies facilitates dynamic two-way conversations. This feature fosters engagement, enabling clients to actively participate in discussions, thereby strengthening the bond between businesses and their clientele.

              3) Unparalleled 24/7 Support

              WhatsApp automation ensures around-the-clock support, leading to heightened customer satisfaction rates. Clients feel supported and valued, knowing that assistance is just a message away, regardless of the time.

              4) App Accessibility Sans Downloads

              Eliminating the need for downloading new apps, businesses become effortlessly accessible to clients on a platform they already use—WhatsApp. This not only streamlines the communication process but also enhances user experience.

              5) Familiarity with WhatsApp’s Interface

              Leveraging WhatsApp for business ensures that clients are already familiar with the platform’s functioning and layout. This familiarity contributes to a user-friendly experience, reducing the learning curve for clients.

              6) Security and Verification Measures

              WhatsApp automation prioritizes data protection through two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and business verification. This robust security infrastructure safeguards users’ data and identity, instilling trust in the client-business relationship.

              7) AI-Enhanced Personalization

              Integrating AI-enhanced chatbots injects a personalized touch into conversations. Clients experience tailored interactions, adding significant value and enhancing the overall quality of engagement, thereby elevating the client experience to new heights.

              Important Note –WhatsApp automation ensures instant solutions, dynamic conversations, and 24/7 support, enhancing user experience on the familiar platform.

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                Benefits of WhatsApp Automation For Business Owners

                In the dynamic landscape of business, WhatsApp automation emerges as a powerhouse for business owners. Let’s explore how this innovative tool caters to the diverse needs of business owners:

                1) Universal Applicability

                WhatsApp automation is a versatile solution, accommodating businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small, home-run operation or a large corporation, harnessing its potential is within reach.

                2) Omnichannel Accessibility

                Make your business omnipresent! WhatsApp automation ensures that your business is not only available but easily accessible across a myriad of platforms and channels, meeting your audience wherever they are.

                3) Enhanced Customer Interaction

                Elevate your customer experience with the richness of chatbots. By providing interactive and personalized interactions, WhatsApp automation becomes a catalyst for heightened customer engagement and loyalty, fostering long-term relationships.

                4) Broadcasts and Notifications

                Empower your communication strategy with the ability to send broadcasts and outbound notifications directly to your clients. Stay effortlessly connected and keep your audience informed with timely updates.

                5) Brand Building and Loyalty

                WhatsApp automation becomes a cornerstone for brand enhancement. It not only amplifies brand awareness but also nurtures brand loyalty, solidifying the connection between your business and its clientele.

                6) Visual and Interactive Outreach

                Revolutionize your outreach strategies with the visual and interactive capabilities of WhatsApp automation. Connect with your audience on a more personal level, making your business stand out in a visually engaging medium.

                7) Global Reach and Programming:

                Leverage the global presence of WhatsApp to create a customer-centric chatbot. Tailor your automation to cater to international audiences, breaking down geographical barriers and expanding your business horizons.

                Important Note -In the dynamic business landscape, WhatsApp automation stands out as a powerhouse for business owners, addressing their diverse needs effectively.

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                  Benefits of WhatsApp Automation For Marketers

                  The ability to auto send WhatsApp messages has brought about a lot of new opportunities for marketers. Some of these opportunities include:

                  Benefits of WhatsApp Auto Message and Chatbots

                  1) Time Liberation for Strategic Work

                  WhatsApp chatbots redefine efficiency by seamlessly handling repetitive tasks, granting marketers the freedom to focus on strategic endeavors. With more time on their hands, marketers can innovate and contribute to the overarching goals of the business.

                  2) Guiding Customers Down the Marketing Funnel

                  Empower your marketing team to navigate and direct customers strategically down the marketing funnel. WhatsApp automation becomes the virtual guide, ensuring a personalized journey that enhances engagement and accelerates conversions.

                  3) Broadcast Lists for Targeted Campaigns

                  Revolutionize your marketing campaigns with Broadcast lists on WhatsApp. Deliver targeted messages directly to your audience, maximizing the impact of promotions and announcements. This real-time engagement fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

                  4) Effective Lead Generation Channel

                  WhatsApp automation establishes a potent channel for generating and connecting with leads. Streamline lead generation processes, creating a dynamic platform for interaction, conversion, and continuous engagement.

                  5) Personalized Chats for Tailored Discounts

                  Harness the power of personalized chats! WhatsApp chatbots use tailored interactions to offer intriguing discounts to frequent users and potential leads. This personalized approach not only captivates but also converts, boosting customer loyalty.

                  6) Creativity Unleashed with Formatting Options

                  Explore the diverse formatting options and multimedia capabilities of WhatsApp automation. Marketers can infuse creativity into their messages, incorporating images, videos, and more. This versatility allows for visually engaging content that resonates with the target audience.

                  “WhatsApp chatbots boost efficiency, freeing marketers for strategic innovation and contributing to business goals.

                  Benefits Of WhatsApp Automation For Sales Executives

                  After leads have been generated, the sales team can enjoy the following benefits from WhatsApp auto messaging:

                  Benefits Of WhatsApp Automation For Sales Executives

                  1) Revitalizing Cold Leads with Targeted Promotions

                  WhatsApp automation becomes a strategic ally for sales executives by running targeted promotions, breathing new life into leads that may be growing cold. Effectively re-engage with personalized offers and reignite interest.

                  2) Flash Sales Unleashed Through 24-Hour Status Feature

                  The 24-hour WhatsApp status feature emerges as a sales executive’s secret weapon for announcing flash sales and deals. Capitalize on this innovative approach to create urgency and exclusivity, driving sales with real-time announcements.

                  3) Enhanced Customer Engagement with Quick Replies

                  Quick replies, a powerful tool in the sales arsenal, keep customers engaged throughout their purchase journey. Sales executives can provide instant assistance, answer queries promptly, and guide customers seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience.

                  4) Effortless Order Updates and Notifications

                  Stay ahead in customer communication. WhatsApp automation simplifies the process of sharing updates on customer orders and other essential notifications, keeping clients informed and instilling confidence in their purchase decisions.

                  5) Strategic Upselling Opportunities Realized

                  Unlock the potential for upselling with WhatsApp automation. Sales executives can effortlessly recommend relevant and suitable products, complete with direct links for immediate purchase. This tailored approach enhances the customer’s shopping experience and maximizes sales opportunities.

                  6) Guided Sales Decisions with Chatbots

                  Chatbots stand as invaluable aides for sales-related decisions. From locating products to guiding customers through payment gateways, WhatsApp marketing automation’s chatbots become the go-to assistants for sales executives.

                  WhatsApp automation revives leads, announces flash sales, engages with quick replies, and guides sales decisions with chatbots.

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                    Benefits Of WhatsApp Automation For Sales Executives

                    After leads have been generated, the sales team can enjoy the following benefits from WhatsApp auto messaging:

                    Benefits of WhatsApp Automation For Customer Support Representatives-NeoDove

                    1) Seamless Bot-to-Human Handover for Complex Queries

                    WhatsApp automation facilitates effortless handling of complex queries. Through the chatbot-to-human handover feature, customer support representatives seamlessly take over when needed, ensuring intricate issues receive the attention and expertise they deserve.

                    2) Tailored FAQs Management with Customizable Chatbots

                    With WhatsApp marketing automation, you can customize WhatsApp chatbots to tackle frequently asked questions. Empower support representatives with tailored tools that efficiently address common queries, freeing up their time to focus on more personalized customer interactions.

                    3) Dynamic Two-Way Conversations for Instant Responses

                    WhatsApp automation allows for dynamic two-way conversations between businesses and customers. Support representatives can provide instant responses, fostering real-time engagement and ensuring that customers feel heard and supported throughout their journey.

                    4) Efficient Customer Redirection to Service Centers

                    In cases where satisfactory solutions aren’t immediately available, WhatsApp chatbots enable support representatives to redirect customers to service centers or nearby stores. The added functionality of sharing location pins ensures seamless offline support.

                    5) Survey Setup for Enhanced Product and Service Insights

                    Leverage WhatsApp chatbots to automate WhatsApp messages and set up surveys for clients. Through this, customer support representatives can collect valuable feedback and insights, contributing to the continuous enhancement of products and services. 

                    Also read – Why is whatsApp Business important for small and medium sized businesses?

                    “WhatsApp automation smoothly handles complex queries with a bot-to-human transition. Customizable chatbots manage FAQs, freeing reps for personalized interactions.”


                    Businesses today understand the importance of WhatsApp marketing automation and reaching out to customers in new and innovative ways. 

                    The greatest advantage of WhatsApp automation is perhaps the opportunities it offers for your business. Through WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business chatbots, you can build a stronger and more stable relationship with your customers. 

                    Furthermore, your business can gain an increasingly loyal customer base alongside higher engagement rates on WhatsApp. Thus, if you can effectively automate WhatsApp messages, your customer care operations can be completely streamlined. 

                    As a result, your customers will enjoy a more responsive experience, and your business will reap all the benefits.

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