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What is mobile CRM and why is it important?

what is mobile crm

Mobile phones have become a necessity in today’s age and an extremely important commodity in our day-to-day lives. With such increased use of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, a new concept in sales and marketing has emerged called mobile CRM.


What is mobile CRM, and What does it help you obtain?

The main aim of mobile CRM is to make it possible for employees to do all that they can do with a laptop on mobile from anywhere. Nowadays, mobile CRM is a more streamlined menu and involves fewer clicks and swipes. A mobile CRM system is designed with intuitive navigation and user efficiency without compromising on features. 


How will your sales team benefit from a mobile CRM?

Mobile CRM has immense benefits for certain departments like sales as it enables sales reps to attend client meetings with CRM data of the client available in real-time. This is especially beneficial when the sales reps are disconnected from desktop CRM while on the field. Apart from autonomy and flexibility, a mobile CRM can give businesses hoards of benefits as described below:

Increase in sales:

Since a mobile CRM system is not tied to desktops, it gives sales reps immediate access to their account history, pricing, product information, and other promotional materials while on the go. This helps in closing more deals and an overall increase in deal value since now the sales reps do not need to waste time looking up contact details or sifting through their notes to recall their conversation with the client in their last meeting.

Better data collection:

Mobile CRM benefits sales reps and managers by giving them better insight into data and observing what is happening in the field. This enables managers to allocate resources in the best possible manner. With the sales rep updating contact information and inputting notes or submitting proposals, management has access to the latest customer data. This in turn results in increased ROI in CRM investment.

Increased productivity:

A mobile CRM opens floodgates for improving productivity. Since the calendar and contact applications can now be integrated with mobile CRM, it saves a lot of time for the sales reps. For any upcoming meeting, the sales rep can get an alert with all the contact details and notes from previous meetings without having to go through separate applications.


What are the advantages of using CRM mobile devices

A mobile CRM comes with many benefits for all parties, i.e., sales reps, management, and customers.

Flexibility to use any device:

Most mobile CRM work on mobile devices and smartphones, including tablets. This enables an easy transition and flexibility for the sales rep to use their own devices.

Mobile CRM caters to customers’ needs at all times:

You can give real-time solutions to customers. Customers prefer doing business with those who can be available even at short notice, which mobile CRM aids in.

Makes it easy to push notifications:

All communications can be easily pushed to a large team with mobile CRM.

Location tracking:

You can register your presence at your current location and start your day directly from the customer’s location without the need to come to the office.

Opens business to workers apart from full-time employees:

Contractors and company partners can access information through mobile CRM without the need to log in with passwords. Mobile CRM and other collaboration tools work hand in hand to widen the business scope to a larger array of stakeholders.

Performance appraisal:

All the data entered, and visits taken by the sales rep are tracked in the mobile CRM. This helps management review the performance of employees.


Mobile CRM Examples

Some of the well-known mobile CRM systems in use are:

Zoho CRM

The cloud-based Zoho CRM is an apt fit if you own a small to medium-sized business. The software offers multichannel support enabling users to track all their client interactions (over the phone, online, or in-person) in a single place.


An AI-powered CRM system, Spiro caters to mid-enterprise B2B companies. Some of the key features of this tool include automatic creation of contacts, organizing and prioritizing opportunities, and proactively suggesting the next steps in moving the deals forward.

Zendesk Sells

This is a sales-focussed mobile CRM tool designed for all kinds of businesses who are looking for a single platform to manage all sales-related processes. You can customize this system for multiple levels of requirements and specializations based on the needs of your business.


Mobile CRM Features

The top features of a mobile CRM can be summarized as outlined below:

All the data on the dashboard:

A good CRM system will have a customizable dashboard that caters to the user’s specific needs. It could show you real-time progress on your leads, display alerts, track deadlines, etc.

On-demand reporting:

A mobile CRM can produce reports and analytics on the fly, which immensely helps in a company’s decision-making process. Your team can use the tool to look at trends and also predict outcomes of ongoing deals based on historical data.

Automated marketing:

If you have time-sensitive marketing campaigns, mobile CRM lets you leverage ongoing trends. An impressive feature of a mobile CRM system is that it delivers analytical reports focused on marketing. With automated email marketing, you can carry your marketing campaign through automation.

Streamline information:

You can store important documents in the CRM platform and your team does not need to open multiple applications to retrieve crucial information.



Using mobile CRM is no longer an option for businesses if they want to remain competitive. A mobile CRM helps your business in being more connected and your sales team to be more effective. It also helps the management get crucial reports on the fly, helping them manage resources better. In other words, a mobile CRM keeps you, your employees, and customers happy with an increase in sales productivity and revenue. With mobile CRM, your employees can now be out there closing deals rather than wasting time in the office.

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