5 Times You Should Send A Gentle Reminder Email

Late Payments

Fulfilling a payment on time is just standard business etiquette. Things may happen, but you still have a right to your owed dues. Don’t feel guilty about sending a reminder if a deadline has passed and you haven’t received promised funds.


Vendor Issues

At times, you’re the one who must pay but a vendor may have forgotten to send over an invoice. Alternatively, perhaps you’ve ordered something and it hasn’t arrived. Your business could depend on those invoices or products. As such, it is completely fine to get in touch and check in with the person concerned.


Pending Interviews

If you’re actively in the running for a job, a follow-up email could increase your chances of success. However, do be careful to not flood the hiring manager with messages. But, a well-timed email could definitely help you stand out.


Missed Work Deadlines

In today’s business world, no worker is an island. If a single worker fails to complete a task in a promised set of time, entire projects can fall behind. Keeping this in mind, it’s much better to send a reminder email before too much time passes.


Upcoming Events

Certain events or deadlines are too important to risk missing. So, you can send a gentle reminder email in advance to ensure everyone stays on track.