VOIP vs Landline: Which is the best choice for you?

VOIP phone services can help you improve productivity by 67% by allowing your employees to work from home. Isn’t that amazing?

VOIP is a technology that has proven to help many businesses optimize their communication. VOIP provides a cost-effective and remotely accessible tool to better connect with your customers.

But, how does VOIP compare to traditional landline phone systems?

In this article, we will explore VOIP vs landline phone systems, how both of them work and the benefits and drawbacks of switching to VOIP.

How does VOIP work?

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is a modern way of communication that allows you to make calls using an internet connection. VOIP calls can be made from any device from computers, to tablets, to smartphones, etc. 

In VOIP phone systems, your voice is converted into a digital signal. After this, this signal then travels through the internet to the person you are calling. At the receiver’s end, their phone then converts this digital signal back to analog and conveys it to your call recipient. 

How does a traditional phone system work?

Traditional landline phone systems have existed for over hundreds of years. However, the way they operate has essentially stayed the same.

A landline phone functions by converting sound into an electric signal. This signal then travels through copper wires to your telephone company’s central office. Here, the signal is then converted back into sound and sent to your call recipient. 

VOIP vs. Landline Phone Systems

When it comes to VOIP vs landline phone systems, there are quite a few key differences. 

1) Portability

The main difference is that VOIP systems rely on the internet to make calls. In contrast, landline systems use copper wires. What this means is that VOIP calls can be made from anywhere as long as there’s internet. Meanwhile, landline calls are restricted to certain geographical areas. 

2) Cables Used

Moreover, copper wires are not really as efficient as fiber-optic cables. Fiber-optic cables allow for data to be transferred more quickly and with minimum interruptions. In comparison, copper wires have a limited amount of data they can transfer before needing to be reset.

3) Cost of System

Not only this, but another significant difference is the cost of VOIP vs landline phone systems. Landlines are considered quite expensive to set up while VOIP is much more cost-effective. Moreover, VOIP services are much more flexible as well and allow you to place calls from any device. 


5 Benefits of Switching from Landline to VOIP phone

VOIP allows you to take your business communication online and provides greater accessibility to all employees. It is one of the best ways for employees globally to effectively connect with customers as well as clients. 

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of switching from landline to VOIP:

1) Reduced Costs

Traditional landline phone systems can be quite costly. To maintain communications, you’ll need to pay for equipment, multiple lines, software and maintenance. 

In comparison, VOIP provides a cost-effective solution for all your business communication needs. Minimal hardware is needed, setup is easy and no need to pay for additional features or multiple lines. 

2) Mobility and Flexibility

Landline phones come with a bulky on-site PBX system. They’re not very flexible and you cannot easily add extra lines or headsets.

However, with VOIP, your employees are able to work from anywhere from whichever device they want. You can have a flexible workforce and easily add more users. All you need is a strong internet connection.

3) Additional features

VOIP services come equipped with various additional features alongside regular telephony. In addition to being flexible, these features include call recording, call forwarding, video conferencing, voicemail and even email services. 

Moreover, VOIP systems also allow for easy upgrades whenever you need. With VOIP, you have the opportunity to use a unified communications system and boost your team productivity.

4) Scalability

A traditional landline system operates using physical phone lines. As such, if your business grew, it would be costly and inconvenient to add more telephone lines. 

However, a VOIP system is much more scalable than a traditional landline. VOIP systems can grow alongside your business. Additionally, it’s easy to remove or add users and you’ll be paying for only what you’re using. Thus, minimizing costs. 

5) Easy to integrate with other software

VOIP systems offer more flexibility than traditional landlines as they can easily integrate with new technology. As your company grows and changes, your VOIP system can adapt accordingly.

For example, it’s easy to integrate VOIP phone systems with CRM systems or any other kind of software. This helps you both save valuable time as well as boost business efficiency. 

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    Drawbacks of switching from Landline to VOIP phone

    VOIP systems can help optimize calling in many ways especially when compared to traditional landlines. Now that you’ve seen all the benefits of switching to a VOIP phone system, let’s examine some of the drawbacks: 

    1) Needs a reliable internet connection

    One of the main disadvantages of VOIP systems is that they are dependent on a stable internet connection. If your bandwidth connection is weak then, your service is likely to suffer. 

    2) Impacted by power outages

    With VOIP, you need a constant power supply to use your phone system. So, if a power outage were to occur, you would lose your internet connection. IN such cases, you would need to reroute calls to your cell phones until power returns.

    3) Decreased call quality

    Another disadvantage of VOIP phone systems is that they can at times have a decreased call quality due to low bandwidth. This can lead to network connectivity issues such as latency and jitter.



    Overall, VOIP systems have brought about a revolutionary change in the way businesses communicate. Now, employees are able to call and connect with customers from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

    Although traditional landlines seem to be becoming a thing of the past, there are still some areas where they are useful. With the above comparison, you now hopefully have a better understanding of VOIP vs landline phone systems.

    While comparing the two, it’s worth noting that they both have their own sets of pros and cons. As such, when it comes to VOIP vs traditional phone systems, you should evaluate your needs and then make your choice!


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Why, of course! VOIP solutions are suitable for businesses of all sizes. Not just this, but due to their easy-to-use, reliable and scalable nature, they’re the perfect phone system choice for businesses looking to remain connected with their employees, clients and customers.

    Generally, VOIP phones are more affordable when compared to landline phone systems.  This is because due to their online nature, you do not need to purchase as much hardware for the infrastructure of VOIP. 

    Moreover, VOIP also offers additional features and functions. Thus, giving you more value for your money.

    Yes, you can. Typically, VOIP providers offer systems that are compatible with your current internet connection. However, do ensure you contact your VOIP service provider to check if your current internet connection is suitable for VOIP.
