5 Best VoIP Dialer Software of 2024

Did you know that  it is estimated that about 3 billion people around the world use mobile VOIP services?

In fact, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)  is one of the fastest growing ways of optimizing your business communications.

But, why is this so?

VOIP phone systems allow you to quickly and effectively connect with customers and clients located all over the world. Moreover, with the introduction of VOIP dialers, the outbound calling process became much more efficient.

With constantly evolving technology, VOIP dialers brought about quite a revolutionary change in the world of calling. In this article, you will learn about what VOIP dialers are and the different types of VOIP dialer for call centers.


What is a VoIP dialer?

A VOIP dialer is defined as a type of dialer software that uses VOIP technology to place outbound calls. 

With VOIP, VOIP phone dialers use the internet along with a VOIP service provider to make calls. In this way, there is no need for a physical phone line.


How does a VoIP dialer work?

A VoIP dialer operates by using internet connectivity to make phone calls. Acting like a digital assistant, a VoIP dialer, or VoIP auto dialer, eliminates the need for traditional phone lines. Moreover, it efficiently dials numbers, saving time and effort. 

The VoIP predictive dialer can even analyze call data to predict agent availability, enhancing call efficiency. VoIP dialer software seamlessly integrates with business systems. Thus, making it a powerful tool for call centers and businesses. 


Who should use VoIP dialer software?

VoIP dialer software is a saviour for businesses and call centers seeking efficient and streamlined communication. 

Ideal for organizations of all sizes, the VoIP dialer caters to those who prioritize productivity in their phone-based operations. Call centers handling high call volumes benefit from the VoIP auto dialer, which automates the dialing process. Thus, saving time and increasing agent efficiency.

Furthermore, businesses looking to optimize their outreach and boost customer engagement should consider the VoIP predictive dialer. This intelligent tool analyzes call data to predict the best time for calls, ensuring agents connect with leads effectively. 

VoIP dialer software is the go-to solution if you want to enhance communication and embrace digital connectivity in the modern business world.

Do Check Out: How To Set Up A VoIP Phone System in 10 Easy Steps


Why does your organization need a VoIP dialer?

VOIP auto dialers allow sales agents and representatives to automate the dialing process and connect with prospects, leads and customers. 

Alongside this, these dialers also allow for mass outbound calls to be made to any destination. With VOIP dialers, you are only limited by the speed and quality of your internet connection. 

In these times, many outbound call centers have begun to actively use VOIP dialers. Moreover, sales teams are able to completely eliminate manual dialing with VOIP auto dialers, allowing for more efficient customer support. 

As a whole VOIP calling is considered to be quite reliable. VOIP phone dialers especially have contributed a lot to helping with more effective customer engagement. For these reasons, VOIP along with VOIP dialers have only continued to grow in popularity.

Also Read: Top 4 Advantages And Disadvantages Of VoIP


Types of VOIP Dialers

VOIP auto dialers allow sales agents to quickly make large volumes of cost-effective outgoing calls. Each type of VOIP dialer has its own unique features and is beneficial in its own way.

Here are the 5 main types of VOIP auto dialers you need to know:

1) VOIP Predictive Dialer

A VoIP Predictive Dialer is like your smart call planner. It goes beyond regular VoIP dialers, predicting the best times to make calls based on past patterns. It’s not just a dialer; it’s a time-saver, making every call count.

Quite often, the most popular VOIP auto dialer software chosen by call centers are predictive dialers, like NeoDove.

Important Note

VOIP predictive dialers are able to skip over busy signals, disconnected numbers and voicemails. This kind of auto dialer is mainly used for conducting market research, telemarketing and customer service.

Also Read: Top 10 Benefits Of Predictive Dialers For Your Business


2) VOIP Power Dialer

The next type of VOIP phone dialer are power dialers. Also known as rapid dialers, VOIP power dialers operate by making sequential calls from a given list of prospects. 

Important Note

This VOIP dialer first calls up one number per agent. After this, the connection is made and the call is established only when an agent is ready to speak. If a number is disconnected, unattended or shown as busy, this VOIP auto dialer moves to the next prospect number on the list.


3) VOIP Preview Dialer

A VOIP preview dialer allows sales agents and representatives to see detailed contact profiles of prospects. Then, based on this information, this VOIP dialer decides if a call should be initiated or not. 

Important Note

VOIP auto dialer allows for more content-based and personalized interactions with prospects and customers alike.


4) VOIP Robo Dialer

Robo dialers are an ideal form of VOIP phone dialers for call centers. This is because with robo dialers, you can make calls to thousands of people simultaneously. With this VOIP dialer, you won’t have to wait for free phone lines.

Important Note

Once your prospect picks the call, your VOIP dialer then plays a pre-recorded message or connects them with a live agent. As such, robo dialers are mainly used for the purpose of mass messaging campaigns.


5) VOIP Progressive Dialer

With progressive dialers, your VOIP auto dialer software first runs through your given calling lists. Then, they make the call based on when an agent gets done with their current call and becomes available.

Important Note

This VOIP phone dialer only connects your sales agents with calls answered by actual live prospects. Progressive dialers also only dial a single number per agent.

Also Read: 9 Best Auto Dialer Software For Your Business


Why Choose NeoDove’s VoIP Dialer For Your Predictive Dialer Needs

NeoDove’s VoIP dialer stands out as a reliable choice for predictive dialing needs. 

Our advanced VoIP auto dialer eliminates manual dialing efforts by predicting optimal call times. Thus, enhancing the efficiency of your team’s interactions. 

Functioning seamlessly as part of NeoDove’s VoIP dialer software, it streamlines the calling process, ensuring a more organized and productive approach. 

With NeoDove, you gain a VoIP dialer that goes beyond the basics, without compromising on simplicity and effectiveness. Choose NeoDove’s VoIP Dialer to bring a practical and efficient edge to your predictive dialing requirements.

Take your telecalling team to the next level

Empower your telecallers with NeoDove, download our handy guide today!

    Features of NeoDove’s VoIP Dialer

    Let’s take a closer look at some of the amazing features NeoDove’s VoIP auto dialer has to offer:

    1) Advanced Call Management

    Prioritize, hold or block incoming calls with advanced call management. Effortlessly reduce customer frustration, improve VoIP call quality and maximize the impact of your calls.

    2) Call Routing

    Ensure efficient and systematic routing of incoming calls. Route inbound calls to the correct agents based on type of customer, purpose of call, agent performance, issue ownership and available agents.

    3) CRM Integration

    Boost productivity by integrating CRM with your VoIP phone system. Create an integrated workflow, facilitate better communication and improve customer retention rates.

    4) Call Analytics

    Record and analyze call data in real time and completely transform your business. Track call session metrics, monitor agent performance and optimize team productivity.

    Do Check Out: 8 Amazing Auto Dialer Features You Should Know



    Overall, VOIP dialers are quite any asset for any business to have. This could be because of their cost-effectiveness, easy installation process or cutting edge features.

    Moreover, there are several different types of VOIP dialers you can choose from for your business. Truly, choosing the right VOIP dialer could be the key to boosting your business productivity and empowering your sales team. 

    Just do your research, choose the VOIP dialer that’s right for you and empower your telecallers today!


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a type of technology that enables you to make calls using your internet connection, instead of a mobile network or landline. It converts analog voice signals into digital signals over a broadband connection.

    With a VOIP dialer, VOIP services are used to handle multiple outbound calls within your call centers. VOIP dialers allow you to automate the entire dialing process. Thus, eliminating manual effort. 

    They are also able to filter out disconnected numbers or busy signals. Furthermore, they only connect agents when a call is actually answered by your live prospect.

    VOIP dialers allow you to significantly increase your number of live connections. This is a result of VOIP dialers filtering out calls that do not actually get connected (voicemails, busy signals, disconnected numbers, etc.).

    With VOIP dialers, you can reduce waiting time between calls as well as the time your agents remain idle. In this way, you are boosting productivity and ensuring that more prospects can be reached in minimum time. Overall, this leads to a boost in efficiency as well as improved agent performance.
