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Top 25 WhatsApp Business Greeting Messages

Top 25 WhatsApp Business Greeting Messages l NeoDove

👉🏼 Key Takeaway: A WhatsApp Business greeting is an automatic message that quickly improves customer experience and helps businesses attract leads.

These messages are short, personalized, and encourage customers to take action, making them useful for customer support and event notifications

In today’s fast-paced digital world, making a great first impression is key to building strong customer relationships. 

And what better way to kick off that virtual handshake than with the perfect WhatsApp Business greeting message? 

Whether you’re a small business owner or part of a big team, crafting the right WhatsApp greeting message can make your customers feel valued and informed right from the start. 

In our article, we’ll dive into creative and effective ways to welcome your customers, keep them engaged, and boost your business. 

Now, let’s get started! 

What is a WhatsApp Business Greeting Message?

WhatsApp Business greeting messages are the first messages sent to customers when they interact with your business through the app. 

These greeting messages for WhatsApp Business play a crucial role in setting the tone for the conversation and making a positive first impression. Not only this, they are also responsible for establishing a connection with your customers.

What is the difference between a greeting and an away message in WhatsApp?

In WhatsApp, greetings and away messages play distinct roles. A WhatsApp greeting message is like a friendly welcome handshake when someone starts a chat with your business. It’s warm and informative, sharing essential details about your services or contact info.

On the flip side, an away message is your digital ‘Out of Office’ sign. It kicks in when you’re not available to respond immediately.

To sum up, a WhatsApp greeting message welcomes customers, while an away message politely says, “I’ll be right back.” However, each has its unique role in keeping your WhatsApp interactions smooth and customer-friendly.

Why would you use a greeting message for WhatsApp Business?

A WhatsApp Business greeting message can work wonders for your customer interactions. 

Here’s why you should consider incorporating WhatsApp greeting messages into your strategy:

1) Provides Swift Responses

A WhatsApp Business greeting message reduces response time significantly. It instantly acknowledges the customer’s presence, ensuring they know you’re attentive. 

2) Enhances Customer Experience

By guiding customers towards the right information or providing basic details upfront, you’re simplifying their journey. Customers appreciate businesses that make their lives easier.

3) Increases Satisfaction

When you don’t leave customers hanging outside of business hours and instead offer a friendly WhatsApp greeting message, it demonstrates your commitment to their needs. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction as they feel supported even when you’re not available.

4) Allows for Customization

WhatsApp Business greeting messages can be tailored to suit different scenarios. You can have specific greetings for different times of the day or personalized messages for different customer segments. 

5) Helps in Lead Generation

WhatsApp Business greeting messages can be an excellent tool for lead generation. In fact, you can include prompts or links that encourage customers to provide their contact information or express their interests.

What does an effective WhatsApp Business greeting message look like?

One key aspect of using WhatsApp Business greeting messages effectively is crafting a compelling WhatsApp greeting message that sets the tone for the conversation. 

Here are 6 important practices to keep in mind when writing WhatsApp greeting messages:

1) Be Concise and Clear

Keep your WhatsApp Business greeting messages concise and focused. Customers appreciate clarity and quick access to relevant information. 

Tip – Keep your WhatsApp greeting message focused on key information to avoid overwhelming customers with unnecessary details.

2) Personalize your messages

Make them feel valued and show that you care about their individual needs within your WhatsApp Business greeting messages.

Tip – Take the extra step to address customers by their names, making them feel uniquely valued in your greetings.

3) Maintain a Friendly Tone

Adopt a conversational and friendly tone in your greeting messages for WhatsApp Business. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse or alienate customers. 

Tip – Create a welcoming atmosphere by using friendly and approachable language in your messages, ensuring customers feel comfortable engaging with you.

4) Highlight your uniqueness

Emphasize what sets your business apart from competitors, such as exclusive offers, personalized support, or industry expertise.

Tip – Showcase your business’s distinctive qualities, such as exceptional customer stories, innovative solutions, or eco-friendly practices.

5) Include a call-to-action

Encourage customers to take the next step by inviting them to ask questions, share feedback, or explore your products and services further.

Tip – Prompt customers to take specific actions like exploring your latest products, joining your loyalty program for exclusive perks, etc.

6) Test and Optimize

Regularly review the effectiveness of your WhatsApp Business greeting messages. Pay attention to customer responses, engagement metrics, and conversion rates. 

Tip – Continuously monitor the performance of your WhatsApp greeting messages, making adjustments based on customer responses and engagement metrics to enhance their effectiveness.

Top 25 Effective WhatsApp Business Greeting Message Examples

In today’s digital age, effective communication is crucial for businesses to connect with their customers. Many businesses have begun to use WhatsApp marketing to connect with their customers. 

Here are some examples of WhatsApp Business greeting messages that will charm your customers: 

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1) General WhatsApp Business greeting messages

  • Warm and Welcoming Introduction

This type of greeting message for WhatsApp Business creates a friendly and inviting atmosphere, making customers feel valued and encouraged to reach out for assistance.

Hello and welcome to [Your Business Name] on WhatsApp!

We're thrilled to have you here. How can we assist you today?
  • Personalized Greetings

Addressing your customers by their names demonstrates that your business values their individuality. In this way, this WhatsApp Business greeting message builds a more personalized interaction.

Hi [Customer's Name],

Thank you for connecting with [Your Business Name].

We appreciate your interest in our products/services. How can we help you today?
  • Business Introduction and Purpose

    This concise and straightforward WhatsApp greeting message gets straight to the point. It assures customers that your business is readily available to address their queries or concerns promptly.

Welcome to [Your Business Name]'s WhatsApp Business account.

We're here to provide you with quick and reliable support. Let us know how we can assist you.

How can we help you today?
  • Informative Greeting

    By positioning your business as a valuable resource, this WhatsApp greeting message encourages customers to engage with your brand beyond transactional interactions. 

Welcome to [Your Business Name] on WhatsApp!

We're delighted to be your go-to source for industry news, expert tips, and exclusive updates. Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts with us!
  • Product Recommendations

    Use a WhatsApp greeting message to provide personalized product recommendations based on a customer’s previous purchases or browsing history.

Welcome to [Your Business Name]!

Looking for something special today? Check out our latest arrivals and discover amazing products tailored just for you. Happy shopping!

2) Customer support WhatsApp greeting message examples

  • Problem-Solving Approach

This WhatsApp Business greeting message example showcases your willingness to help customers with any problems they may encounter.

Hi there!

Facing any challenges? Our team is here to help. Let us know the issue, and we'll work together to find the best solution for you.
  • Quick Response Assurance

    This WhatsApp greeting message reassures customers that your business values their time. Moreover, it shows you are dedicated to addressing their inquiries or concerns promptly.

Hi [Name]!

Thanks for contacting [Your Business Name]. Our team is committed to providing speedy assistance. Expect a prompt response within minutes.
  • Feedback Invitation

    This type of WhatsApp greeting message encourages your customers to provide feedback. Thus, emphasizing that their opinions are important and valued by your business.

Hi [Name]!

We value your opinion. Share your thoughts and suggestions with us, and help us enhance our products/services to better serve you!
  • Appointment Scheduling

    With this WhatsApp greeting message, allow customers to schedule appointments or consultations with customer support representatives.

Welcome to [Your Company Name] Appointment Scheduling!

Would you like to schedule an appointment or consultation with our team? Let us know your preferred date and time.
  • Appointment Reminders

    If your business offers appointments or bookings, a WhatsApp greeting message can serve as a reminder.

Hi there!

Just a friendly reminder about your upcoming appointment with us on [Date] at [Time]. We can't wait to see you at [Location].

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. See you soon!
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3) Event-based WhatsApp greeting messages

  • Event Registration Confirmation

Send a greeting message to confirm a customer’s registration for an upcoming event, providing event details and a warm welcome.

Hello [Name]!

Thank you for registering for our upcoming event, [Event Name]!

We're excited to have you join us. Mark your calendar for [Event Date] at [Event Venue]. Stay tuned for more event updates!
  • Exclusive Event Offers

    Use WhatsApp greeting messages to share exclusive offers, discounts, or promotions related to the event, encouraging further engagement.

Hi [Name]!

As a token of our appreciation for attending [Event Name], here's an exclusive offer for you: [Offer Details]. Don't miss out on this special deal!
  • Event Updates and Announcements

    Send greetings to inform attendees about any last-minute changes, special guests, or exciting announcements related to the event.

Exciting news!

We have a surprise guest speaker at [Event Name].

Get ready for an inspiring talk that you won't want to miss. Stay tuned for more updates!

🤔 Do you want to know? Top 10 WhatsApp Follow-Up Messages You Must Know

  • Exclusive Content Teaser

    This greeting message for WhatsApp Business entices customers to engage with your business on WhatsApp. It does so by highlighting the exclusive content and valuable information they can expect to receive.

Hello there [Name]!

By connecting with us on WhatsApp, you'll gain access to exclusive content, insider tips, and sneak peeks.

Stay tuned for exciting updates!
  • Seasonal Greetings

    This greeting message for WhatsApp Business adds a personal touch by extending holiday wishes to customers. 

Happy holidays from [Your Business Name]!

May your season be filled with joy, love, and special moments.

Let us know how we can assist you during this festive time!

4) Business update WhatsApp greeting messages

  • Order Confirmation

    This WhatsApp Business greeting message confirms a customer’s order and assures them that they will receive timely updates. Thus, building trust and excitement around their purchase.

Hey [Customer's Name]!

Thank you for your order. We'll keep you posted on its progress every step of the way.

Get ready for an amazing shopping experience!
  • Product Launch Updates

    Send WhatsApp greeting messages to inform customers about new product launches, including details, features, and availability.

Exciting news!

We've just launched our latest product, [Product Name]! Explore its amazing features and get yours today.

Click here for more details: [Product Link]
  • Price Changes and Discounts

    Send a WhatsApp greeting message to notify customers about price changes, discounts, or special promotions on your products or services.

💰Good news!

We've introduced new discounts on select products. Enjoy great savings on your favorite items. Grab your deals here: [Discount Link].
  • Business Milestones

    Share WhatsApp greeting messages to celebrate important business milestones, such as anniversaries, achievements, or awards.

🎉 It's a celebration!

We're thrilled to announce that [Company Name] has reached a significant milestone.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!
  • Policy Updates

    You can always use WhatsApp Business greeting messages to inform customers about changes in business policies, terms, or conditions that may affect them.

📜 Dear Customer,

We've updated our policies to better serve you. Please take a moment to review our changes [Policy Link].

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
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    5) WhatsApp Greeting messages for out-of-office usage

    • After-hours Support

    If your business operates within specific working hours or you anticipate delays in response, this WhatsApp Business greeting message manages customer expectations.

    Good morning/afternoon/evening!

    Our team is currently unavailable, but we'll be back to assist you within [X hours].

    We appreciate your patience and look forward to helping you soon!
    • Holiday Closures

    Use a greeting message to notify customers when your business will be closed for holidays or special occasions, ensuring they are aware of the temporary closure.

    🎄 Happy holidays from [Your Company Name]!

    Please note that our office will be closed from [Holiday Start Date] to [Holiday End Date]. We'll be back and ready to assist you on [Return Date].

    For urgent matters, please contact [Alternate Contact] at [Alternate Contact Number].
    • Weekend Response

      If your business has limited weekend hours, set a weekend-specific greeting message to manage customer expectations and offer alternative contact options.

    Thank you for reaching out to [Your Company Name]!

    Our weekend hours are [Weekend Hours]. If you have any inquiries during this time, we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

    For immediate assistance, please call [Alternate Contact Number].
    • Conference or Training

      When attending conferences or training sessions, use an out-of-office greeting message to inform customers of your unavailability and when you’ll be back.

    Thank you for contacting [Your Company Name]!

    I'm currently attending [Conference/Training Name] and may have limited access to messages. I'll be back in action on [Return Date].

    For immediate assistance, please contact [Alternate Contact] at [Alternate Contact Number].
    • Business Meetings

      When attending important business meetings, set an out-of-office message to manage customer expectations and offer alternative contact methods if 

    Thank you for contacting [Your Company Name]!

    I'm in an important meeting right now and will be unavailable until [Return Time].

    If you have any immediate needs, please contact [Alternate Contact] at [Alternate Contact Number]. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


    WhatsApp Business greeting messages have become indispensable for businesses seeking to establish strong customer relationships and drive engagement. 

    By crafting personalized, informative, and engaging greeting messages for WhatsApp Business, you can create a positive first impression. Not just this, you can also enhance your brand image and improve customer satisfaction. 

    Remember to be concise, friendly, and consistently test and optimize your WhatsApp Business greeting messages. This ensures that they resonate with your target audience. 

    Unlock the power of WhatsApp greeting messages and open doors to meaningful interactions with your customers!


    A business greeting message should be warm, professional, and reflect your brand’s personality. Start with a friendly salutation, express gratitude for the customer’s interest, and offer assistance. Keep it concise and genuine to create a positive first impression.

    Introduce your business on WhatsApp by crafting a compelling greeting message. Begin with a friendly hello, mention your business name, and briefly explain what you offer.

    Show enthusiasm and highlight any unique benefits or promotions. Encourage customers to engage further and provide contact details for assistance.

    The best business welcoming message is one that showcases your brand’s values and makes customers feel valued.

    Start with a warm greeting, express appreciation for their interest, and assure them of your commitment to exceptional service. Personalize the message, provide a glimpse of what makes your business special, and invite customers to explore your offerings.

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