Top 10 Request For Quotation Email Templates For SMBs

 👉🏼 Key Takeaway:

  • A formal process allows businesses to demand price quotes from multiple suppliers for goods or services they need.
  • Clear outlining of specific needs including quantity, quality, and delivery deadlines to set the foundation for the request for quotation process.
  • Research and shortlist potential suppliers capable of meeting requirements through market analysis or existing vendor relationships.

Are you running a small business and looking to impress potential clients? 

Well, you’re in the right place! 

In today’s digital age, sending a well-crafted quotation email can make all the difference. We’ve got you covered with our top 10 quotation email templates and tips for SMBs.

In this article, we’ll show you how to grab their attention and seal the deal with persuasive and professional request for quotation emails. Let’s dive right in and make your SMB shine through effective email communication! 

10 Request For Quotation Email Templates You Must Know

Tired of staring at a blank screen when it’s time to send a request for quotation email? No worries.

Let’s explore 10 effective requests for quotation email templates and simplify your communications today:

1) Request for a New Product or Service – Request For Quotation Email Template

When you want to inquire about the cost of a new product or service for your business, you use this quotation email template.

New Message


Subject: Request for Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

Dear [Customer's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. We are interested in exploring new products/services for our business. Specifically, we are keen to learn more about [Product/Service Name] and its associated costs. Therefore, we kindly request that you provide us with a detailed quotation, including pricing, delivery terms, and any additional relevant information.

Your prompt response would be highly appreciated as it will assist us in our evaluation process. If you require any further details or specifications, please do not hesitate to reach out.t.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

2) Request for Multiple Quotes – Request For Quotation Email Template

In scenarios where you need to compare costs from different suppliers for a product, you can use this quotation email format to request quotations from multiple sources.

New Message


Subject: Request for Multiple Quotations - [Product/Service Name]

Dear [Vendor/Supplier Name],

I trust this email finds you in good health. We are currently in the process of evaluating our options for [Product/Service Name]. In our pursuit of excellence, we believe in thorough due diligence. As such, we would like to kindly request quotations from multiple suppliers, including your esteemed company.

Your competitive pricing and terms are of utmost importance to us as we strive to make the best choice for our business. Please provide us with a detailed quotation, and any additional information you deem relevant, at your earliest convenience.

We genuinely appreciate your assistance in this process and look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

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    3) Request for an Updated Quote – Request For Quotation Email Template

    If your requirements have evolved, this quotation email template is used to request an updated quotation.

    New Message


    Subject: Request for Updated Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Dear [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    I hope you are doing well. I wanted to express our gratitude for your previous quotation regarding [Product/Service Name]. However, due to recent adjustments in our project's requirements, we find it necessary to request an updated quotation that aligns with our current specifications.

    We kindly ask that you provide us with a revised quotation, incorporating the changes we have outlined. Your swift response to this request would greatly assist us in our decision-making process.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation.

    Best Regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

    4) Follow-up Email – Request For Quotation Email Template

    When you’ve sent a request for a quotation, and haven’t received a response, this follow-up serves as a polite reminder.

    New Message


    Subject: Follow-up on Request for Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Dear [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    I trust this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on our previous communication regarding our request for a quotation on [Product/Service Name]. We are eager to move forward but have not yet received your response.s.

    We understand that circumstances may have caused a delay, but we would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Your quotation plays a crucial role in our decision-making process, and we value your partnership.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further information or clarification.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Best Regards
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

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    5) Quotation Offer Email – Request For Quotation Email Template

    This quotation email format allows you to provide the requested price quote to a potential customer. 

    New Message


    Subject: Quotation Offer - [Product/Service Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name]

    We appreciate your interest in [Product/Service Name], and we are pleased to provide you with a comprehensive quotation. Our proposal includes a breakdown of the pricing, delivery details, and any terms and conditions you should be aware of.

    [Insert Quotation Details]

    Please review the quotation at your convenience, and if you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We are eager to discuss the details further and hope to initiate a successful partnership.

    Best Regards
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

    6) Email to a Vendor for Quotation – Request For Quotation Email Template

    When you need to inquire about the cost of a product or service, send this quotation email to a company that sells it. This helps start a conversation about pricing.

    New Message


    Subject: Request for Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Dear [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    I trust this message finds you in good health. We are interested in procuring [Product/Service Name] for our business and would like to request a formal quotation from your company.

    As we aim to make informed decisions based on a competitive pricing analysis, your prompt response with pricing details, delivery terms, and any relevant information would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your time and attention to this request.

    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

    7) Email to Supplier for Quotation – Request For Quotation Email Template

    This quotation email format is used when you’re interested in buying something. Here, you’re asking the supplier to send you a price so you can decide if it’s worth it.

    New Message


    Subject: Request for Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Hello [Supplier Name],

    I hope this email finds you well. We are currently exploring options for [Product/Service Name] and would like to formally request a quotation from your company.

    To make the most informed decision for our needs, we kindly ask that you provide us with details of the pricing, delivery terms, and any pertinent information.

    Your timely response would greatly assist us in our evaluation process.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

    8) Revised Quotation Email – Request For Quotation Email Template

    Sometimes, you need to change your mind about what you want. This quotation email template tells the company you’ve changed your plans and need a new price.

    New Message


    Subject: Revised Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Hello [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    I trust this email finds you well. We appreciate your previous quotation for [Product/Service Name]. However, due to some adjustments in our requirements, we find it necessary to request a revised quotation that aligns with our updated specifications.

    We kindly ask that you provide us with an updated quotation, taking into account the changes we have outlined. Your prompt response to this request is highly valued.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

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    9) Acceptance of Quotation Email – Request For Quotation Email Template

    Use this quotation email format to convey your acceptance of the quoted price and terms.

    New Message


    Subject: Acceptance of Quotation – [Product/Service Name]

    Hello [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    We hope this message finds you in good spirits. After careful consideration of your quotation for [Product/Service Name], we are pleased to inform you that we have accepted your offer.

    We look forward to moving ahead with the agreed-upon terms and conditions and kindly request guidance on the next steps to initiate our partnership successfully.

    Thank you for your competitive pricing and your prompt attention to our request.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

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    10) Rejection of Quotation Email Template – Request For Quotation Email Template

    This quotation email template is used to inform the supplier that their quotation has not been accepted. Your rejection should be polite and professional.

    New Message


    Subject: Rejection of Quotation - [Product/Service Name]

    Hello [Vendor/Supplier Name],

    I trust this email finds you well. We would like to extend our appreciation for your efforts in providing us with a quotation for [Product/Service Name]. However, after careful evaluation and consideration of our options, we have decided to move forward with another supplier.

    We genuinely appreciate your time and effort in this process, and we hope for potential opportunities to collaborate in the future.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    [Your Name]
    [Your Company Name]

    Do Check Out: 10 Sales Email Templates With 80% Open Rates

    5 Tips To Remember When Writing Request For Quotation Emails

    Are you looking to improve your request for quotation emails to increase your chances of getting the best quotes?


    Here are five key tips to keep in mind when writing request for quotation emails:

    1) Clear and Detailed Specifications

    Ensure your request for quotation email template provides clear and detailed specifications of the products or services you require. 

    💡Tip – Include quantities, quality standards, and any special requirements. The clearer your specifications, the more accurate the quotes you’ll receive.

    2) Deadline and Response Expectations

    Clearly state the deadline for quote submissions and your expectations for response times. This helps suppliers prioritize your request and ensures a timely and efficient procurement process.

    💡TipSpecify delivery preferences for accurate cost estimates.

    3) Attach Relevant Documents

    If you have supporting documents, such as drawings, technical specifications, or terms and conditions, attach them to the request for quotation email. This provides suppliers with essential information and reduces the need for back-and-forth communication.

    💡Tip – Attach CAD drawings or schematics for precise quoting.

    4) Request for Pricing Breakdown

    Ask suppliers to provide a detailed pricing breakdown, including unit prices, taxes, shipping costs, and any additional fees. This transparency helps you compare quotes accurately.

    💡Tip – Request separate pricing for bulk and individual items.

    5) Provide Contact Information

    Include your contact information and encourage suppliers to reach out if they have any questions or need further clarification. Building open communication channels can lead to more accurate and tailored quotes.

    💡Tip – Provide a backup contact in case of urgent queries.

    Request For Quotation Process In 7 Simple Steps (RFQ Process)

    The request for quotation (RFQ) process allows businesses to seek price quotes and proposals from multiple suppliers for goods or services they need to acquire. It is a formal process that helps ensure competitive pricing and selects the best vendor fit.

    The typical request for quotation process follows these steps:

    1) Understanding Requirements

    In this initial phase, the buying organization clearly outlines what they need in terms of goods or services. This includes specifics like quantity, quality, delivery deadlines, and any other relevant details. This step lays the groundwork for the request for quotation process.

    2) Identifying Potential Suppliers

    After determining the requirements, the organization researches and identifies suppliers who have the capability to meet those needs. This can involve leveraging market research, existing vendor relationships, or seeking recommendations. Typically, a shortlist of 3-5 potential suppliers is created.

    3) Issuing the RFQ

    Once the potential suppliers are identified, the formal request for quotation document is prepared and sent out to them. This document contains all the necessary information about the requirements, terms, and conditions, and specifies a due date for the submission of quotations.

    4) Submission of Quotations

    Suppliers review the entire request for quotation process carefully and provide their quotations within the specified timeframe. These quotations include pricing details, proposed lead times, any terms or conditions, and any comments or exceptions they may have.

    5) Evaluation of Quotations

    The buying organisation deeply evaluates all received quotations. They compare pricing, assess supplier capabilities, and review proposed terms and conditions. The goal is to select the most competitive and suitable quote that meets their needs.

    6) Negotiation (if necessary)

    In some cases, negotiations with the lowest-cost supplier may be necessary to finalize pricing or contractual terms. This step ensures that both parties are in agreement before moving forward with the order.

    7)Awarding the Contract

    Finally, the winning supplier is awarded the contract, and a purchase order is issued to formalize the agreement. This marks the completion of the request for quotation process, with the chosen supplier ready to fulfil the organisation’s needs.

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    Also Read: 10 Effective Proposal Email Templates You Must Know


    So there you have it! You’ve now got the tools to craft the perfect quotation email that will leave a lasting impression. 

    With our request for quotation email templates and expert tips, you can confidently seal the deal and watch your business thrive.

    Remember, the key is to keep your quotation email format professional and persuasive, and you’ll be well on your way to success. 

    Don’t hesitate – give it a try and watch your SMB reach new heights!
