Top 10 Effective Email Templates For Job Application

Ever felt lost when applying for a job via email? 

It happens to the best of us. 

But fear not, we’ve got the solution for you. We’ve carefully researched and crafted the top 10 email templates for job applications. 

No more confusion or endless drafts; these cold email templates for job applications will make your life easier. 

So, let’s dive right in and master the art of landing your dream job with these job application email templates.


10 Effective Email Templates For Job Application

Getting that dream job starts with a strong job application email. We’ve got your back.


Here are 10 effective email templates for job applications that will help you stand out in the hiring process:

1) Applying for an Internship – Email Template For Job Application

This job application template is for individuals seeking internship opportunities. It is essential as it provides a structured and professional way to express interest in an internship position.

Subject Line: Eager to Kickstart My Career at [Company Name] – Internship Application

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Internship Position] at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Board/Company Website]. As a [Your Major/Field of Study] student at [Your University], I am excited about the opportunity to apply my academic knowledge in a practical setting.

My coursework has equipped me with [mention relevant skills or coursework], which I believe aligns perfectly with the requirements of the [Internship Position]. I am particularly drawn to [mention a project or aspect of the company] and am eager to contribute to your team's success.

Enclosed is my resume, which further outlines my academic achievements and experiences. I would welcome the chance to discuss how my skills and enthusiasm can benefit [Company Name]. Please find my attached resume for your reference.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to the success of your team.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

2) Inquiring about a Job Opening – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is for individuals inquiring about job opportunities in a company where they have not yet found a specific job listing.

Subject Line: Exploring Job Opportunities at [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my interest in exploring potential job opportunities at [Company Name]. I am impressed by the company's [mention a specific aspect of the company or values] and would like to learn more about the roles that align with my skills and career aspirations.

I have a strong background in [mention relevant skills or experiences] and believe that my qualifications can be an asset to your team. If there are any current or upcoming job openings that match my profile, I would appreciate the opportunity to apply and contribute to the success of [Company Name].

I have attached my resume for your reference. I am open to discussing how my skills can benefit your team. Please let me know if there is a convenient time for us to connect.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

3) Accepting a Job Offer – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is crucial for individuals who have received a job offer and need to formally accept it.

Subject Line: Acceptance of Job Offer – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally accept the job offer for the [Job Position] at [Company Name], which I am excited to become a part of.

I am grateful for the opportunity and am eager to contribute to the success of [Company Name]. I appreciate your confidence in my abilities and look forward to joining the team on [Start Date]. Please let me know if there are any additional details or paperwork I should complete before my start date.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, and I am excited to begin this new chapter at [Company Name].

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

4) Rejecting a Job Offer – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is vital for individuals who need to politely decline a job offer. It’s important as it maintains a professional and respectful relationship with the employer and leaves the door open for potential future opportunities.

Subject Line: Grateful for the Opportunity – Job Offer Decline

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my deep appreciation for the job offer for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. It was a tough decision, but after careful consideration, I have decided to explore another opportunity that closely aligns with my long-term career goals.

I value the positive interactions I've had with your team and hold [Company Name] in high regard. I am truly grateful for the time and effort invested in the interview process, and I hope we can potentially cross paths again in the future.

Thank you once more for the offer, and I wish [Company Name] continued success.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

5) Job Application Email for Referral from a Connection  – Email Template For Job Application

This job application template is for individuals seeking a job opportunity through a referral from a connection.

Subject Line: Referred Job Application – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Job Position] at [Company Name], as referred by [Referring Connection's Name]. I was thrilled to learn about the opening and believe that my skills and experiences align well with the requirements.

Having been acquainted with [Referring Connection's Name], I understand [Company Name]'s commitment to [mention a specific value or aspect of the company]. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to the team's success.

Please find my attached resume for your reference. I welcome the opportunity to discuss how my qualifications match the needs of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

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6) Follow-up after Submission of a Job Application – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is valuable for individuals who want to follow up on their job application. It demonstrates their continued interest in the position and keeps you on the hiring manager’s radar.

Subject Line: Application Follow-up – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my recent job application for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join your team and wanted to inquire about the status of my application.

I remain committed to [Company Name]'s mission and the potential to contribute effectively to the team. If there are any additional details or documents required, please let me know, and I will promptly provide them.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

7) Follow-up Email After a Job Interview – Email Template For Job Application

This job application template is crucial for applicants who want to express gratitude and reiterate their interest after a job interview.

Subject Line: Gratitude and Enthusiasm – Follow-up on Job Interview

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I am genuinely excited about the role and the possibility of joining your team.

Our discussion reinforced my enthusiasm, and I am even more convinced that my skills and experiences are an ideal match for [Company Name]. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any further information from me.

I appreciate the chance to meet your team and look forward to a potential collaboration.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

8) Response to a Job Rejection – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is for individuals who want to gracefully respond to a job rejection. It leaves a positive impression and keeps the lines of communication open for potential future opportunities.

Subject Line: Appreciation for the Consideration – Response to Job Rejection

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I want to thank you for considering my application for the [Job Position] at [Company Name] and for the opportunity to meet your team.

While I am disappointed to learn about the decision, I genuinely appreciate your time and the insights I gained during the interview process. I am eager to remain connected and would welcome the chance to be considered for future opportunities that align with my qualifications.

Thank you again, and I look forward to the possibility of crossing paths in the future.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]
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9) Withdrawal of Job Application – Email Template For Job Application

This job application template is significant for individuals who need to formally withdraw their job application due to a change in circumstances. 

Subject Line: Application Withdrawal – [Your Full Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally withdraw my application for the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. I want to express my deep appreciation for considering my application.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I must adjust my current career path. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate the understanding of your team.

Thank you once more, and I hope that our paths may cross again in the future.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

10) Asking for a Letter of Recommendation – Email Template For Job Application

This job application email template is vital for individuals requesting a letter of recommendation from a former colleague or supervisor.

Subject Line: Request for Letter of Recommendation

Dear [Referrer's Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I hope you are doing great. I am reaching out to you to kindly request a letter of recommendation for my [mention the purpose, e.g., job application, graduate school application].

Having had the privilege to work alongside you at [Company/Institution], I greatly admire your expertise and the insights you can offer about my [mention qualities, skills, or work]. I believe your recommendation will be of significant value to my pursuit.

If you are able to assist, please let me know the preferred process and any specific details you may require from me. I am profoundly thankful for your consideration.

Warm regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Contact Information]

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5 Best Practices For Writing Email Templates for Job Application

Crafting a compelling job application email is a key step in landing your dream job. 


Here are five best practices that will help your job application email template stand out:

1) Writing a creative and captivating subject

Your email subject is your first chance to make a great impression. A creative and captivating subject line grabs the reader’s attention immediately. 

Instead of using a generic subject like “Job Application,” consider something more engaging, like “Passionate Marketing Pro Eager to Join Your Team.”

Important Tip – Your subject line should be a sneak peek of your best qualities, like a movie trailer. It’s your chance to make them curious.

2) Always introduce yourself in the first sentence

Start your email template for job application by introducing yourself right away. Mention your name and the specific position you’re applying for. 

Make it clear how you came across the job opportunity. This straightforward introduction sets the tone for your professionalism.

Important Tip – In your first sentence, dive right in and tell them who you are and what you want. No need for long intros; get to the point.

3) Write a crisp and clear cover letter

In the body of your job application email, include a concise and well-structured cover letter. Highlight your relevant qualifications, experiences, and what you bring to the role. 

Keep it crisp and clear, ensuring the reader can quickly understand your potential contributions.

Important Tip – Your cover letter should read like a short story. Each paragraph should build up your character, showcasing your skills and experiences.

4) Conclude the email effectively

Wrap up your job application email with a strong conclusion. Express your enthusiasm for the role and your eagerness to discuss it further. 

A polite and appreciative tone is crucial. Thank the recipient for considering your application and leave the door open for future interactions.

Important Tip – Think of your email like a fantastic book. End it in a way that leaves them wanting to know more, like a cliffhanger in a novel.

5) Mention referrals

If you’re fortunate enough to have a referral, mention it in your job application email. Referrals can carry significant weight and demonstrate your network’s confidence in your abilities. 

Be sure to include the name of the person who referred you and highlight your connection.

Important Tip – If you’ve got a referral, let it sparkle. It’s like a secret ingredient that adds extra flavor to your recipe.

Read: How To Write A Perfect Gentle Reminder Email

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    So, there you have it – our top 10 email templates for job applications. With these email templates for job applications, you’ve got the tools to make a lasting impression. 

    Don’t let the job hunt overwhelm you. Remember, a well-crafted job application email can be your key to success. Use these templates, personalize them to fit your needs, and hit ‘send’ with confidence. Your dream job might just be one email away! 

    Start using these job application email templates, and get ready to embark on a new career journey with style and ease. Best of luck in your job search!
