What is WhatsApp Cloud API? A Complete Guide

Do you know how you can stream Netflix on over 200 devices? This is possible because of Netflix’s API. 

Moreover, 60% of eBay listings are through their API. Plus, 50% of Salesforce transactions happen through APIs. 

In modern times, APIs have become extremely valuable and they comprise a major part of a company’s revenue. Big companies like Amazon, Google and eBay are a few examples of companies who create revenue from their APIs.  

In this article, you will learn more about WhatsApp Cloud API and how it works alongside its importance.


What is WhatsApp Cloud API?

WhatsApp Cloud API is the cloud version of the WhatsApp Business API. WhatsApp Business API enables developers and users to build their business through WhatsApp. Moreover, it allows you to customize customer experience and provide better customer support.

The WhatsApp Business API is very quick and easy-to-use because businesses can get direct approval from Facebook. Here are the benefits your business can enjoy using WhatsApp Cloud API:

1) Build their business on top of WhatsApp

2) Have better engagement with their customers

3) Easily access provided services

Earlier, only BSPs and WhatsApp partners could build on top of WhatsApp using its APIs. Now, Facebook has gotten rid of such restrictions. Thus, your business can now get your Cloud API account approved from Facebook directly. 

The best part is it is very easy to make an account for WhatsApp Cloud API. It hardly takes ten minutes.

Also Read: WhatsApp Business vs WhatsApp API: Which is Best?


How does WhatsApp Cloud API work?

Have you seen the word “Meta” when you open Facebook or WhatsApp? It is pretty noticeable. 

Similar to cloud service companies, Meta acts as a hosting service. Meta takes the responsibility for storage, computation, maintenance, network and other costs associated with the WhatsApp Cloud API.

The WhatsApp cloud API service allows businesses to send and receive around 80 messages every second to several numbers. Additionally, the service also allows you to register multiple phone numbers on the Cloud API. 

In case you have issues with scaling, the Cloud API handles that as well. It manages your workload quite easily. Moreover, you will have security updates available on the Cloud API automatically.

With Facebook making WhatsApp cloud API available to businesses, two major things have changed. On one hand, it is the way that your request to access WhatsApp Business API is processed. On the other hand, the whole process has become much faster and more accessible for businesses.

Also Read: 9 WhatsApp Business Statistics You Must Know

The Difference Between On-premise and WhatsApp Cloud API

Here are the basic differences between on-premise, i.e. WhatsApp Business API and WhatsApp Cloud API:

1) Quick and direct access from Facebook

In on-premise or WhatsApp Business API, Business Solution Providers (BSPs) serve as intermediaries to obtain approval for your business. However, with WhatsApp Cloud API, Facebook will provide access to business in a matter of minutes

2) No need to pay hosting charges

BSPs charged businesses additional costs for hosting and providing access in WhatsApp Business API. With WhatsApp Cloud API, Facebook bears all hosting charges.

3) No maintenance or upgrade costs

Following up on the previous point, all the maintenance costs spent on WhatsApp Cloud API would be borne by Facebook. This is different to what happened in the past. In WhatsApp Business API, BSPs would previously roll out manual updates.


How NeoDove’s WhatsApp API Can Empower Your Business

NeoDove Telecalling CRM comes equipped with a feature-filled WhatsApp API. With NeoDove’s WhatsApp API, you can effectively connect with multiple users all from a single account. Instantly send 1000s of messages, all with a single click.

Through NeoDove’s WhatsApp API, you can easily create leads on NeoDove, automatically schedule WhatsApp messages and drive 3x more conversions.

NeoDove’s WhatsApp API is the key to unlocking efficient and impactful business communication. Thus, ensuring your outreach is both powerful and effortlessly managed.


The Features Of WhatsApp API With NeoDove

WhatsApp API comes equipped with a range of useful features that can help your business communicate effectively. 


Let’s take a closer look at some of the features of NeoDove’s WhatsApp API:

1) Bulk WhatsApp messages

Connect with a wide variety of leads and potential customers with bulk messaging. Send promotional messages, discount offers and product launch messages to boost conversion rates!

2) Automations

Automate marketing campaigns and effectively communicate with your target audience. Use automated notifications for order and delivery updates, payments, reminders, and more! 

3) WhatsApp Chatbots

Use chatbots to quickly respond to customer queries, FAQs and complete sales. Be available 24/7 and build stronger relationships with customers. 

4) Centralized messaging account

Manage all your WhatsApp messages all in one place! Connect with multiple users using a single phone number.

5) Integration Capabilities

Integrate and connect WhatsApp API with your CRM, software, or other tools for streamlined operations and efficient data exchange.

6) Dedicated support

Use multi-agent access to increase customer engagement and satisfaction. Effectively manage customer support, boost conversions and watch your business grow.

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The Benefits of using WhatsApp Cloud API

WhatsApp Cloud API can be a very useful tool for your business, depending on how you use it. These following points will help you decide whether you should integrate it into your business or not.

Here are some of the benefits of using WhatsApp Cloud API:

1) Faster process for approval

In the past, businesses had to depend on Business Solution Providers (BSPs) to approve their business. Only then would they get access to WhatsApp Business API. WhatsApp Cloud API removes the intermediary BSPs. This allows businesses worldwide to get access to the WhatsApp Business API.

Important Tip 

To expedite approval, ensure that all required business information is accurate and up-to-date. WhatsApp Cloud API streamlines the approval process, but having precise details readily available will further speed up the verification of your business.

2) Instant updates

Since you will have direct access to the WhatsApp Business API, security updates will be available instantly.

Important Tip 

Stay proactive by regularly checking for and applying security updates. Since you have direct access to the WhatsApp Business API, keeping your system up-to-date ensures access to the latest features and improvements.

3) Reduced costs

BSPs charged an additional fee for approving your business and getting you access to the WhatsApp Business API. Now you can have direct access to it. So, you don’t have to spend a single dime.

Important Tip 

With the elimination of BSPs, allocate the budget saved on additional fees towards enhancing your overall WhatsApp Business API experience. Invest in training your team or exploring other features that can optimize your business communication.

Also Read: 8 Best Use Cases of WhatsApp API You Should Know


How To Get WhatsApp Cloud API

Here’s everything you need to know about setting up WhatsApp Cloud API for your business. The steps are as follows.

Step 1 – Log in to your Facebook developer account

Initially, you need to visit the website ‘developers.facebook.com’ and login with your Facebook credentials. This is the first step to setting up your WhatsApp Cloud API. You will then have to click the option saying “Create App”

Step 2 – Select the app type

Here, you must select “Business” as your App type.

Step 3 – Provide basic information

In this step, you will need to provide information about your business. You will need to provide information like the name of your organization, the address, phone number, email id etc. 

Note that at present, you won’t need a verified Facebook Business Manager account to get your API account set up. However, it would still be good for you to have a verified account.

You can just select the option saying “No Business Manager account selected”. You can then proceed on to the “Create App” option.

Step 4 – Set up your WhatsApp from the Dashboard

After you’ve logged into your Meta dashboard, scroll to the option “Set up”.

Step 5 – Accept conditions of the WhatsApp Business API

You will be led to a screen showing the Terms and Conditions before setting up WhatsApp Cloud API. All you need to do now is hit the “Continue” option.

Step 6 – Send a test message to a number that has WhatsApp

The final screen will give you a unique WhatsApp Business Account ID and a unique phone number ID. 

The number under “From” is the test number from which you can send messages to customers. The number under “To” is the number to which you will send the first message.

Step 7 – Enter the verification code that you receive

At this point, you will receive a message on your phone from Facebook Business. This message will contain a Verification Code. You will have to enter this code for verification into the required box.

Step 8 – Send your first message over WhatsApp Cloud API

This is the final step of setting up your WhatsApp Cloud API. You will now check if the integration of customer numbers has been successful. 

Select the message that you verified and click on “Send message”. Voila! You will have sent the first text message from your unique business number to a verified WhatsApp number. 

And, you will have done this via WhatsApp Cloud API.


How will using WhatsApp Cloud API impact Businesses already using WhatsApp Business API?

If you’ve already got the green light with an approved WhatsApp Business API Account, the WhatsApp Cloud API might not alter your course significantly. 

While you can explore the switch, it’s not a game-changer if you’re content with your current WhatsApp Business API setup. WhatsApp Cloud API is more about simplifying access for businesses globally who haven’t adopted the WhatsApp Business API yet. 

If you’re running your WhatsApp Business API on NeoDove or a similar platform, rest assured – there’s no need to worry; it’s business as usual for you!


How will WhatsApp Cloud API help new people who want to apply?

If you’re new to WhatsApp Business API and keen on getting your account approved, here’s some great news. 

With WhatsApp Cloud API, you can secure approval within minutes, and the best part? It’s free! 


Unlike before, you don’t need an already approved Facebook Business Manager Account to apply for WhatsApp Business API. However, keep in mind that without Facebook Business Verification, your access to WhatsApp API may be limited. 

To make the most of it, we recommend getting your Facebook Business Manager verified alongside your WhatsApp API approval process.

Check Out: How to verify Facebook Business Manager Account?


The Limitation of WhatsApp Cloud API

The benefits of using WhatsApp Cloud API far outweigh any disadvantages. However, there are a few limitations to using WhatsApp Cloud API. 

The primary constraint is the absence of a dedicated platform from Facebook for utilizing the WhatsApp Cloud API. To harness its full potential, integration with platforms like NeoDove is necessary. 

Another limitation surfaces regarding the use of the same WhatsApp number for both on-premise WhatsApp Business API and Cloud WhatsApp API. However, flexibility exists to transfer your number from on-premise to the cloud. You can use a phone number for either on-premise or Cloud WhatsApp API.

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    So, that’s about everything you need to know about the WhatsApp Cloud API. If you own a small business and have been considering creating a WhatsApp Cloud API account, your timing is perfect. 

    Facebook has recently lifted the restriction and constraints surrounding the creating a Cloud API account. So, you can easily create and access WhatsApp Cloud API in a matter of minutes. 

    Since you won’t need a BSP to provide access to the API, you’ll save up on additional costs too. This is because most providers used to charge a specific additional fee for giving you access to the API.

    With the help of WhatsApp Cloud API, you can enhance your business and drive more sales conversions!
