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Top 10 Telecalling Scripts For Insurance Sales

Did you know sales representatives make an average of 33 calls a day? Moreover, an average of 8 calls is needed to reach a single prospect.

Thats where telecalling scripts for insurance sales come in handy!

Telecalling scripts play an important role in insurance sales. However, more often than not sales representatives shy away from it.

Therefore, it is important for your salespeople to follow certain practices. These include using insurance sales scripts, having an improvisation session to see where they are going wrong, and so on.

In this article, we will explore some of the best tips and telecalling scripts for insurance sales. 

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    Blog - CTA l Telecalling Team l May 2024

    10 Effective Telecalling Scripts For Insurance Sales

    Writing effective telecalling scripts for insurance sales is crucial for insurance sales success.


    Here are some helpful telecalling scripts for insurance sales to help you get started:

    1)  Elevator Sales Pitch – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    This insurances sales call script is designed for capturing a prospect’s attention quickly. It’s perfect for initial calls or when you have a limited time frame. It outlines the key benefits concisely to entice interest.

    Caller: Hello [Prospect's Name],

    I'm [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. I'll keep this brief.

    We offer insurance plans that can save you money while providing excellent coverage. With our policies, you'll have peace of mind knowing your family and assets are protected.

    Would you be interested in learning more?

    Caller: Thank you! First, can you please confirm your name and contact number?

    2) Offering a free quote – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    Offering a free quote is an excellent way to engage prospects. This telecalling script for insurance sales provides a clear and persuasive approach to gather information for a tailored quote.

    Caller: Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Insurance Company]. We're currently offering free insurance quotes. These are personalized to suit your needs and could potentially save you money. To get started, I just need to ask a few quick questions. Is now a good time?

    Prospect: Sure, go ahead.

    Caller: Thank you! First, can you please confirm your name and contact number?

    3) Insurance sales call script for cross-selling – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    Cross-selling is about presenting additional value to existing customers. This insurance sales call script is designed to strengthen your relationship with them while offering relevant insurance products.

    Caller: Hello [Customer's Name], it's [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk to you about a new insurance option we have. It complements your current policy and provides extra coverage in [mention specific area]. Given your history with us, we can offer this at a special rate.

    Prospect: Interesting. Can you tell me more?

    Caller: Certainly! First, let me explain how this additional policy works...

    4) Value Pitch – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    The value pitch focuses on demonstrating the unique value and benefits of your insurance products. It aims to persuade prospects by highlighting how your insurance can make their lives better.

    Caller: Good day, [Prospect's Name], I'm [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. I hope you're doing well. The reason for my call today is to share something remarkable with you. We have a range of insurance policies that not only protect your family and assets but also offer exceptional value.

    Our clients often tell us how our coverage has made a real difference in their lives. I'd like to discuss how we can tailor a plan that suits your unique needs and offers you this same value. Would you be interested in exploring this further?

    Prospect: I'm curious. What kind of value are we talking about here?

    Caller: Great question! Let me share some stories about how our clients have benefited....

    5) Objection Handling – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    This telecalling script for insurance sales is used to address common objections that prospects might raise during an insurance sales call.

    Caller: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. How are you today?

    Prospect: I'm not really interested in insurance.

    Caller: I understand your hesitation. Many people feel that way initially. But what if I could show you how our insurance can provide peace of mind and protect what matters most to you without breaking the bank? Would you be open to a brief conversation to explore your options?

    Prospect: Well, I suppose a quick conversation couldn't hurt.

    Caller: Thank you for your openness. Let's start by discussing your specific needs and concerns. May I ask what type of coverage you're currently considering?

    Prospect: I'm interested in life insurance.

    Caller: Great choice! Life insurance can offer valuable protection. Let's explore our options together.

    6) Script for Business Insurance – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    This insurance sales call script is designed for selling insurance products tailored to businesses, addressing the specific needs and concerns of business owners

    Caller: Good day, I'm [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. May I speak with the business owner, please?

    Prospect: I'm the owner. What's this about?

    Caller: Fantastic! I'd like to discuss how our business insurance solutions can safeguard your company's assets and ensure continuity in case of unexpected events. Could we schedule a time for a more in-depth conversation?

    Prospect: I'm interested but busy right now. Can you call back later?

    Caller: Of course, I understand you have a busy schedule. When would be a convenient time for me to reach you??

    7) Calling a Lead Generated from the Website – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    This telecalling script for insurance sales is used when reaching out to leads generated through your website, aiming to engage them and convert them into potential customers.

    Caller: Hello, I'm [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. I noticed you visited our website recently. Thank you for your interest. Is there something specific about our insurance services that caught your attention?

    Prospect: I was looking for information on life insurance.

    Caller: Great! We have a range of life insurance options. What questions can I answer for you, or would you like to discuss which policy might be the best fit for your needs?
    Prospect: I'm considering life insurance for my family. Can you provide some details?

    8) Promotional Sales Script for Insurance Agents – Telecalling script for Insurance Sales

    This insurance sales call script is designed for insurance agents to promote a special offer or promotion to potential customers.

    Caller: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. We're currently running a special promotion for [specific insurance product]. This offer is exclusive and provides additional benefits. Would you like to hear more about it and see how it can benefit you?

    Prospect: I'm interested. Tell me more.

    Caller: Certainly! This promotion includes [details of the promotion]. It's an excellent opportunity to secure coverage with extra benefits. Would you like to get started?

    9) Raising Curiosity – Telecalling Script for Insurance Sales

    This telecalling script for insurance sales is designed to pique the prospect’s curiosity and generate interest in your insurance products or services.

    Caller: Hello, this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Insurance Company]. I have some exciting news that could potentially save you money and offer you valuable protection. Can I share a quick tip that many people are finding incredibly beneficial?

    Prospect: Sure, go ahead.

    Caller: Did you know that with the right insurance, you can protect your family's financial future while enjoying peace of mind? This is particularly important in uncertain times. I'd love to share more details with you. Would you be open to a brief conversation?

    Prospect: I'm intrigued. Tell me more.

    10) Call Script for Auto Insurance – Telecalling Script for Insurance Sales

    This telecalling script for insurance sales is tailored to prospects interested in auto insurance, focusing on their specific needs.

    Caller: Hi, I'm [Your Name] from [Your Insurance Company]. I noticed you might be in the market for auto insurance. Is that correct?

    Prospect: Yes, I've been looking for a new policy.

    Caller: Excellent! We understand that auto insurance can be a significant decision. Our policies not only provide you with coverage but also peace of mind on the road. Could you share a bit about your specific requirements so that I can find the best options for you?

    Prospect: I'm looking for comprehensive coverage. What can you offer?

    Caller: Certainly! Comprehensive coverage is a smart choice. Let's explore your preferences further. May I know the make and model of your vehicle, as well as your preferred coverage limits?

    Prospect: [Provides vehicle details and coverage preferences]

    Caller: Thank you for sharing, [Prospect's Name]. Based on your input, I'll prepare a personalized quote for you. I'll send it to your email shortly. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out. Have a fantastic day!
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    📙 Read More – Top 10 Effective Telecalling Scripts For Software Sales

    5 Best Telecalling Tips For Writing Telecalling Scripts for Insurance Sales

    Crafting compelling telecalling scripts for insurance sales requires finesse and strategy.


    Here are five helpful tips will help you create telecalling scripts for insurance sales:

    1) Know When to Call

    Make sure you call your customers only during business hours (9 AM – 5 PM). If you want customers to renew their insurance using your insurance agency, then you need to be professional.

    Do not give them early morning or late night calls. These are considered highly unethical and a breach of their privacy. Pre-plan a time after speaking to your customer when he is comfortable speaking and so on.

    2) Begin with a Strong Hook

    The opening lines of your insurance sales call script are crucial. Create a hook that grabs the prospect’s interest immediately. Mention a benefit or solution that your insurance product offers

    “Did you know you can secure your family’s future with our life insurance policies?”

    3)Create a Conversational Flow

    Avoid sounding scripted or robotic in your insurance sales call script. Instead, aim for a natural, conversational tone.
    Encourage interaction by asking open-ended questions and actively listening to the prospect’s responses. This will make the call feel like a genuine conversation rather than a sales pitch.

    4) Highlight Benefits, Not Just Features

    While it’s important to mention the features of your insurance product, focus on the benefits it brings to the prospect’s life. In your telecalling script for insurance sales, explain how your product can provide security, peace of mind, or financial protection.

    “Our auto insurance not only covers damages but also ensures you can get back on the road quickly, reducing the inconvenience.”

    📙 Read More – How To Write Telecalling Scripts For Credit Card Sales

    5) Address Objections Proactively

    Anticipate common objections like cost or coverage limitations and address them in your telecalling scripts for insurance sales. Offer solutions or explanations to alleviate concerns and keep the conversation positive.

    Do’s and Don’ts of Telecalling Scripts for Insurance Sales

    Creating effective telecalling scripts for insurance sales is essential to engage potential customers and drive conversions.


    Here are certain do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind to maximize your success:

    Do’s of Insurance Sales Call Scripts

    1) Do Your Homework on Policy Terms

    Make sure you are well versed in all the insurance renewal policy terms before telling your customer about it. Do thorough research at your end about the same and then speak to the customer.

    2) Do Personalize Your Telecalling Script

    Keep customizing your telecalling script for insurance sales on the basis of the ideas you get while practising it. Do not simply read it. Understand it and apply it accordingly when speaking to the customer.

    3)Do Your Research on Customer History

    Gather knowledge about your customer’s history of previous insurance, and everything related to it. It will help you to understand what their preferences are when it comes to choosing or renewing insurance policies.

    Don’ts of Insurance Sales Call Scripts

    1) Don’t call your customer repeatedly

    There is no point in calling your customer repeatedly. It will only hamper your image as an insurance agent. Make sure you only gather insurance-related information about your customer with your insurance sales call script.

    2) Don’t Overstep Ethical Boundaries

    Don’t cross the ethical boundary of interfering in your customer’s personal purchasing decisions.

    3) Don’t Rush and Be Desperate

    Do not call them during unethical times and be desperate to get done with the job. You are showing that you care for them and therefore they should renew their insurance.

    4)Don’t Flood Them with Reminders

    Do not keep on sending them reminders. Rather, use a telecalling CRM like NeoDove to keep a track of follow-up reminders.

    How To Know Your Telecalling Script For Insurance Sales Is Working
    Even if you have the best possible telecalling sales scripts for insurance sales, salespeople will still face rejection. However, your sales representatives should use these experiences to improve themselves as well as their insurance sales call scripts.


    To ensure your telemarketing script for insurance sales is effective, constantly monitor agent performance. You can easily do so by using and analyzing in-depth reports.

    Another way to know if your telecalling script for insurance sales is effective is by keeping track of referrals. Despite not connecting initially, receiving a referral from an uninterested prospect can still benefit you.

    Lastly, keep a close eye on your sales numbers. A good insurance sales call script will definitely affect your sales in a visible way. If it does not, then it’s time you review and revise your telecalling scripts for insurance sales.


    A great insurance sales call script can be one of the most effective tools in your sales and marketing arsenal.

    As such, having sales representatives practice the right telemarketing scripts for insurance sales can really help you boost sales.

    An hour or two of telecalling can lead to many closed leads. These are definitely more than you ever would have gotten had your approach been rigid.

    In fact, calls result in quick responses and better conversations than emailing or online messaging alone. Perfecting your telecalling scripts for insurance sales is the key to improving your sales conversions.

    Stay on top of your insurance sales call script game by following our do’s and don’ts and watch your business thrive!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Starting a conversation when selling insurance requires a delicate balance of professionalism and warmth. Begin by introducing yourself and your role in a friendly yet professional manner. To truly engage the potential client, ask open-ended questions about their insurance needs, concerns, and goals

    Creating an effective script for a telecaller involves striking a balance between structure and flexibility to engage potential customers and address their needs persuasively. Begin with a warm greeting and introduction, establishing the purpose of the call succinctly. Building rapport is crucial, so ask open-ended questions to understand the caller’s situation and needs.

    When informing individuals about insurance, it’s essential to articulate its significance and advantages clearly. Start by explaining insurance’s fundamental purpose: to provide financial protection against unexpected events. Highlight its role in mitigating risks and facilitating recovery from losses, thereby offering peace of mind and stability.

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