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What is a SMS automation?

Text message automation is the process of sending automated messages to people based on certain criteria. This can include, but isn’t limited to, sending people a message if they’ve bought something, if they’ve visited a website, or if they’ve opened an email. It’s important to note that the messaging itself should be relevant to the recipient and should be personalized.

We offer a wide variety of services that include scheduling, recurring messaging, and event triggered messaging. Our clients can also opt to use our scheduling platform to manage their entire event from start to finish, or they can simply schedule an engagement, send it out and then forget about it.

Automation is the process of creating an automated program that automatically performs a series of actions on a regular basis. It’s a lot like a robot that can perform a certain set of tasks for you. Think about how a housekeeper vacuums your carpet and cleans your windows every week. That’s automation.

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