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What is Quality monitoring?

There are many different ways to measure call quality, but one of the most effective is to listen to the phone conversations being recorded. This gives you a chance to hear exactly what is said and what was not said. You can then use this information to improve customer service and ultimately, increase your revenue.

If you’re in an organisation without a call recording system, your staff may not know how to do a good job on the phone. So, when a caller calls into the centre, they may not be able to provide the best service. That’s why it’s important for the organisation to have a recording system in place.

When you need to record a phone call, there are a lot of steps involved. You need to record the call, edit the recording, and then transcribe the audio for transcription purposes. The more time you spend doing these steps manually, the more time it takes to complete the task. If you have a call recording system, however, you can automate many of the steps, saving you time and reducing errors.

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