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What is a Performance improvement plan?

A performance improvement plan is a formal document stating any recurring performance issues along with goals that an employee needs to achieve in order to regain good standing at the company (usually with a specific timeline to complete the plan). If you’re being put on a PIP, your manager and HR will most likely meet with you to go over it and answer any questions you may have.

A PIP is a Performance Improvement Plan. It is a tool that can help you gain control over your life and the way you interact with others. A PIP is an agreement between you and your employer about how you can improve your performance and ultimately your productivity. When you’re struggling to meet your goals and working with a PIP, you are under a probationary period, which means you are being watched closely during this time.

It’s not a prison sentence, but it’s similar to being on probation. The probationary period is meant to show you how serious the company is about their business and their expectations for you. If you fail to meet the expectations, the company may terminate your employment.

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