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What is Click to Chat?

Click to Chat is a live chat feature, typically a button or snippet of code, that enables you to begin a conversation with someone without having to save any contact information.


What are the benefits of Click to Chat?

Improved lead generation

Embedding the click-to-chat link is a great way to simplify the customer’s path to contact you. As a matter of fact, instant interaction with prospects can boost conversions by as much as 200%.


Prompt customer support

Agents can get in touch with customers at the click of a button and can engage them in real-time.


Enhanced customer experience

The shorter the response time, the happier the customer. Moreover, customer loyalty goes hand-in-hand with a great customer experience. Your promptness and effectiveness will make them loyal to your company.

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These outcomes and beyond can be yours.


Lead Leakage


Increase in call attempts


More Engagement






4.6 Rating


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