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Making your team smarter, more productive and organized!

With NeoDove, better track and organize your team’s tasks and build that efficient team you always wanted.
“Each and every requirement related to CRM and dialer gets fulfilled through this software.”

Durwang Sawant, SwitchMyLoan

Nurture not just your leads, but also your team!

All you need to manage your team’s performance and increase their efficiency.

Customizable Scripts

Make sure your telecallers never miss a detail or divert from a call. Create call scripts and include a variety of questions - such as MCQs, date and times, short answers, etc. View all the responses in real-time or download CSV files later.

Performance Analytics

Whether it's hourly reports, weekly or monthly reports, know how your telecalling team is doing in real time. Know how many calls were attempted, how many were connected, the average duration of every call, and other KPIs. Telecallers, too, can view their individual performance metrics on the mobile app.

Lead Assignment

Leads can be assigned manually or automatically based on criteria like age, state, language, etc. Your chances of conversion will increase greatly if leads are assigned to the right person and at the right time.

Break Notifications

Make sure your telecalling team utilizes its time in a productive and efficient manner. Know how many breaks each of your telecallers took, and why they took them. If the break-time is exceeded, you will be notified.


The Perks of Using NeoDove


NeoDove is used across multiple industries and brings every telecaller the flexibility to work from anywhere and at any time.


We bring you comprehensive features on one platform, hands-on training and 100% support - all this at a competitive price!

Save Time

By eliminating manual tasks, NeoDove reduces the workload of users and increases their efficiency by up to 93%.


NeoDove is used across multiple industries and brings every telecaller the flexibility to work from anywhere and at any time.


We bring you comprehensive features on one platform, hands-on training and 100% support – all this at a competitive price!

Save Time

By eliminating manual tasks, NeoDove reduces the workload of users and increases their efficiency by up to 93%.

Increase your telecalling team’s efficiency by 93%

Take your telecallers’ efficiency to the next level, get started with NeoDove today!

Calling Methods

Get multiple options for calling


A SIM is all one needs to get started with calling and to manage everything in one place.

Cloud Telephony

Benefit from cloud telephony features such as number masking, reduced idle time, etc.


Get the flexibility and convenience of making calls directly through your desktop or laptop.


A SIM is all one needs to get started with calling and to manage everything in one place.

Cloud Telephony

Benefit from cloud telephony features such as number masking, reduced idle time, etc.


Get the flexibility and convenience of making calls directly through your desktop or laptop.

Use Cases

Who can use NeoDove?

Sales and Marketing

Get clarity on your teams’ efforts - know the number of calls attempted, connected, etc. Filter and analyze individual performance.

Call Center

From total calls attempted to their average duration, analyze and manage your telecallers’ performance easily in real-time.

Feedback and Survey

Keep track of your leads’ responses noted by your team, analyze the efficiency of your telecallers’ interactions with leads.

Sales and Marketing

Get clarity on your teams’ efforts – know the number of calls attempted, connected, etc. Filter and analyze individual performance.

Call Center

From total calls attempted to their average duration, analyze and manage your telecallers’ performance easily in real-time.

Feedback and Survey

Keep track of your leads’ responses noted by your team, analyze the efficiency of your telecallers’ interactions with leads.


What makes NeoDove a convenient choice for you?

Increased team productivity

Actionable and real-time team insights

Quick setup, quick adoption

100% support from our end

“It’s very flexible; it has accommodated our process elements very smoothly. The SMS and WA integration on the platform has increased our efficiency manifold.”

Sumant Chinchwadkar, Expessions Learning

Why they love us

hear it from them!

Increase team efficiency by 93%.

Don’t wait any longer to increase the efficiency of your telecalling team. Sign up now and get started right away!⁣

Why NeoDove

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Increased Efficiency
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Increased Engagement
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Increased Conversions
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Customer Support
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Increased Efficiency
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Increased Engagement
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Increased Conversions
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Customer Support
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Now no more spending hours managing leads manually!
Step 1: Add Users
Step 2: Assign Leads.
Step 3: Assess their performance in real-time!
Step 1: Add Users
Step 2: Assign Leads.
Step 3: Assess their performance in real-time!


There is no risk to your data!

AWS Encrypted

Secure Cloud-based

No Backup Required

No Data Sharing

Help your telecalling team sell smarter!

Get to know how NeoDove can help you manage your team more efficiently, and help them sell smarter and faster.

    Request Demo l Feature Pages l May 2024

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    Team management involves the coordination and management of a group of individuals for the purpose of achieving a specific goal.
    Using a team monitoring tool, you can measure your team’s productivity, track working hours and breaks, assess performance, etc. Such a tool helps you keep your team on track.
    With NeoDove, you can easily manage your telecallers no matter where they work from. You can view their performance metrics in real-time.
    Every telecaller can view their individual performance metrics through the mobile app, and also track the number of breaks they have taken.

    Still using Excel sheets Switch to NeoDove

    95% business who use NeoDove report 3x more profits!

    50,000 +

    Happy Customers


    107k reviews

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    Are you Still using Excel sheets for Manual Telecalling?

    These outcomes and beyond can be yours.


    Lead Leakage


    Increase in call attempts


    More Engagement






    4.6 Rating


    Request Demo

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      Request Demo

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      Popup - Request Demo l Home Page Auto Load Form l May 2024

      By submitting this form, I give my consent to receive message/email/whatsapp and updates to my number or email address