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What Is A SPIFF In Sales – An Ultimate Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • SPIFFs are short-term incentive programs that ignite a competitive fire under your sales team.
  • These temporary contests are proven to drive spikes in metrics like close rates and deal sizes.
  • Strategically designed SPIFFs focus representative efforts on exact behaviours aligned with your goals.
  • Offer exciting rewards tailored to motivate your representatives – cash alongside creative perks.
  • Execute well by setting realistic yet stretching targets, creating a sense of urgency, and overcommunicating.

Let’s be real – closing deals and hitting targets is no easy task in today’s cutthroat sales market. As a skilled sales representative, you’re always on the lookout for that secret sauce to motivate your team and improve their performance. Well, have you heard of the mighty sales spiff?

This tool is a game-changer when it comes to lighting a fire under your sales force. But what is spiff in sales exactly? Buckle up as we learn about the spiff meaning sales gurus live by. Whether you’re a spiff veteran or just getting your feet wet in the spiff sales world, this ultimate guide has you covered. 

We’ll break down the sales spiff meaning in a flash and show you how to wield this powerful motivational tool like a pro. Get ready to watch your team’s productivity (and commission checks!) go through the roof! 

What Are SPIFF In Sales? 

In plain English, a spiff (short for special performance incentive funds) is basically a short-term bonus or reward program used to motivate sales teams and boost performance. 

These spiff sales incentives can take many forms – cash prizes, gift cards, vacations, you name it. The core idea behind a spiff in sales is to get your representative hyped to crush their targets for a limited period. Whether it’s boosting sales of a new product line or simply giving them an extra kick in the pants, a well-designed spiff sales contest can work wonders.

Sales spiff meaning a straightforward way to light a fire under your team using temporary performance-based rewards. 

Why SPIFFS Are Important In Business? 

SPIFFs (or sales spiffs) have become an integral part of many successful sales organizations. Here are five key reasons why they are so important in business: 

1) Improve Short-Term Performance

A well-designed spiff sales contest can work wonders in driving your team’s focus and effort towards specific goals for a limited period. Whether launching a new product or pushing to meet quarterly targets, these short bursts of incentives from spiff in sales programs get people fired up.  

2) Improving Sales Metrics

From higher close rates to increased average order values, spiff meaning sales contests that incentivize the right behaviors can directly improve key performance metrics. Smart businesses leverage the power of sales spiff meaning to move the needle on priorities.  

3) Increased Employee Motivation

Let’s face it, even the best salespeople can get into motivation slumps sometimes. A timely spiff in sales promotion acts as that much-needed adrenaline shot to re-energize reps and get them pumped to earn.  

4) Aligning Behaviors with Goals

A strategic sales spiff program rewards exactly those actions you want your team to focus on. Need to boost cross-selling? Design a spiff around it. Looking to conquer a new market? Offer spiffs for those sales. 

5) Low-Cost, High-Impact Results

Compared to permanently increasing compensation, well-run spiff sales contests are a relatively low-cost way to drive significant jumps in performance when you need it most. 

How To Use Sales SPIFF? 

Running a successful spiff in sales program takes some strategic planning. Here are some best practices to follow when implementing spiff sales contests: 

1) Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Don’t just run a sales spiff campaign. Tie it directly to specific, measurable targets like increasing revenue from a new product line by X% or boosting average deal size. Having that clear spiff meaning sales goal motivates business development representatives to stretch themselves.  

Important Tip:  Involve your sales team in setting the spiff sales goals. Their buy-in and belief that the targets are realistic yet challenging is crucial.

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2) Make It Temporary

The power of a sales spiff program lies in its urgency. Set a defined, short time period (1-3 months max) so sales associates go all-in before the incentive expires. A limited-time offer creates that sense of scarcity and drives people into action.  

Important Tip:  Consider having multiple short spiffs in sales sprints through the year rather than one long contest to sustain momentum.

3) Offer Enticing, Relevant Rewards

The sales spiff prizes must actually excite your team. Cash is king, but get creative with desirable non-cash rewards too like experiences, gadgets, extra vacation days etc. Tailor rewards to what genuinely motivates your specific audience.  

Important Tip: Allow winners to choose from a catalogue of rewards to personalize their spiff sales prize.

4) Communicate Constantly

Don’t just announce the spiff in sales contest and then go silent. Continually promote it, share leaderboards, and send reminders about the end date to keep excitement levels high. Repetition and transparency build buzz.  

Important Tip: Get creative with communication – use gifs, memes, and videos for that extra engagement factor.

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    In short, SPIFFs are a potent tool in every sales manager’s motivational world. These short-term incentive programs pack a punch, aligning your team’s efforts towards key goals while driving impressive performance spikes. From new product launches to new market conquests, SPIFFs have proven highly effective time and again.

    When designed strategically with the right goals, exciting rewards, and a keen sense of urgency through overcommunication, SPIFFs unlock a high-impact yet low-cost pathway to elevated productivity. Implement the best practices diligently, whether you’re a veteran or new to SPIFFs. You’ll be amazed at how this humble tool can supercharge your sales force’s performance, leaving the competition behind. 

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