10 Sales Follow-up Email Templates To Boost Sales

Are you ready to supercharge your sales and turn those leads into loyal customers? 

We’ve all been there – you’ve sent out a bunch of proposals, made some sales calls, but the responses are slower than a snail on a coffee break. That’s where the magic of sales follow-up email templates comes in. 

In this article, we’re here to explore 10 of the best sales follow-up email templates that will boost your sales game. 

Whether you’re in B2B or B2C, these sales follow-up email templates are your secret weapon. Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to a pipeline bursting with potential!


10 Sales Follow-up Email Templates You Must Know

Many potential customers need a gentle nudge or a friendly reminder to make a decision. Crafting the perfect sales follow-up email can be the key to sealing the deal and boosting your sales.


Now, let’s take a look at some must-know sales follow-up email templates that are effective, engaging, and easy to use:

1) After the Initial Meeting Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

Use this sales follow-up email template to thank the prospect for the initial meeting and recap key points discussed. 

Subject: Recap of Our Meeting – Next Steps

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. It was a pleasure meeting you and discussing your [specific need]. I wanted to summarize our key points:

[Key Point 1]
[Key Point 2]
[Key Point 3]

I'm excited about the possibilities, and I'm here to answer any questions or provide additional information. Let's move forward together!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]

2) Following A Trigger Event Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

Send this sales follow-up email when a relevant trigger event occurs for the prospect’s business, like a new product launch. It shows your proactive approach.

Subject: Congratulations on Your [Trigger Event]!

Hello [Prospect's Name],

I noticed the exciting news about [Trigger Event] at [Prospect's Company]. Congratulations on this achievement! I believe our [Product/Service] can complement your success.

I'd love to discuss how we can support your goals. When can we connect for a conversation?

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]

3) After You Tweak An Email  – Sales Follow-up Email Template

When you make adjustments to a previous email or proposal, use this sales follow-up email template to share the updated information and re-engage the prospect.

Subject: Revised Proposal – Your Feedback Welcome

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you're doing well. After our recent discussion, I've made some updates to our proposal to better align with your needs. I'd appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the changes.

[Include Updated Proposal/Information]

Let's work together to find the best solution for you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]

4) After Sending a Quote Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

Use this sales follow-up email template to follow up after sending a price quote to inquire if the prospect has any questions or is ready to move forward.

Subject: Re: Your Custom Quote for [Product/Service]

Hello [Prospect's Name],

I trust you received the customized quote I sent for [Product/Service]. Do you have any questions or need further clarification on the pricing and terms?

I'm here to assist you throughout the decision-making process. Let's chat soon!

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]

5) After Leaving A Voicemail Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

When you’ve left a voicemail for the prospect, follow up with this sales follow-up email template. It reiterates your message and provides an alternative way to connect.

Subject: Follow-up to My Voicemail

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I recently left you a voicemail regarding [specific topic]. In case you missed it, I wanted to recap my message:

[Summarize Voicemail Message]

If you prefer email or have any questions, please feel free to reply to this message. I'm eager to connect and assist you further.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Company]

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    6) After A Trade Show, Conference, or Networking Event Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

    Use this sales follow-up email to reconnect with prospects you met at an event and continue the conversation.

    Subject: Great Meeting You at [Event Name]

    Hi [Prospect's Name],

    It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name]. I enjoyed our discussion about [Key Topic]. I'd like to explore how we can collaborate further.

    When are you available for a follow-up call or meeting? Let's build on the connections made at the event.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company]

    7) After a Demo Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

    Following a product demo, use this sales follow-up email template to gauge the prospect’s interest and address any questions or concerns.

    Subject: Feedback on the Demo – Your Thoughts?

    Hello [Prospect's Name],

    I hope you found our recent demo of [Product/Service] insightful. We're keen to hear your feedback and answer any questions that arose during the presentation.

    Please let us know your thoughts, and if you're ready, we can discuss the next steps to move forward.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company]

    8) After You Send A Follow-Up Email  – Sales Follow-up Email Template

    When you’ve sent a follow-up email and haven’t received a response, use this sales follow-up email to gently nudge the prospect for a reply.

    Subject: Re: My Previous Email

    Hi [Prospect's Name],

    I hope you're well. I wanted to check in on my previous email regarding [Topic]. If it got buried in your inbox, here's a friendly reminder.

    I'm eager to hear your thoughts and continue our conversation. Please let me know your availability.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company]

    9) The Final Try Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

    Send this sales follow-up email as a last attempt to re-engage a prospect who hasn’t responded to previous outreach.

    Subject: Final Attempt to Connect

    Hello [Prospect's Name],

    I hope this email finds you. I've reached out a few times without a response, and I understand that priorities can change.

    This will be my final attempt to connect. If you're still interested in exploring [Product/Service], please let me know, and I'll be here to assist you.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company]

    10) After Several Follow-Ups, Time To Send A Break Up Email – Sales Follow-up Email Template

    When all previous attempts to engage the prospect have been unsuccessful, send this email as a courteous way to conclude the communication.

    Subject: Parting Ways on a Positive Note

    Hi [Prospect's Name],

    I hope you're doing well. After several attempts to connect without success, I understand that our offering may not align with your current needs.

    I want to express our gratitude for considering [Your Company]. If your circumstances change or you have questions in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help when the time is right.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]
    [Your Company]

    Check Out: 10 Sales Email Templates With 80% Open Rates


    5 Things To Remember When Writing Sales Follow-up Email Templates

    Writing an effective sales follow-up email can be a game-changer in turning leads into customers. But what makes a sales follow-up email template stand out from the rest? 


    Let’s dive into these five essential tips for writing persuasive sales follow-up email templates:

    1) Know Your Audience

    Tailoring your message to the recipient is paramount. Consider their preferences, needs, and pain points. Understanding your audience ensures your follow-up email speaks directly to their interests.

    Tip – Use language that resonates with them. Are they looking for cost savings, convenience, or a specific solution?

    2) Timing Matters

    Sending follow-up emails at the right time is crucial. Don’t rush to follow up immediately after the initial contact. Timing can significantly impact response rates.

    Tip – Find the right balance between following up promptly and giving leads some space.

    3) Clear and Compelling Subject Lines

    Your subject line is the first thing recipients see. Make it concise, relevant, and enticing. A well-crafted subject line can pique curiosity and encourage recipients to open your email.

    Tip – Avoid generic subject lines and instead, highlight the value or benefit they’ll gain from reading your message.

    4) Provide Value

    Every follow-up email should offer something of value. Be sure to clearly communicate the benefit they’ll receive by engaging with your email. Demonstrating value is key to keeping your leads interested.

    Tip – Offer solutions, information, or exclusive benefits to engage your recipients.

    5) Call to Action (CTA)

    End your follow-up email with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it’s scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or making a purchase, guide the recipient on what to do next.

    Tip – Use action-oriented language and make it easy for them to take the desired step.

    Also Read: How To Build An Effective Sales Follow-up Strategy



    In the world of sales, effective sales follow-up email templates are your secret weapon to boost success. These sales follow-up email templates aren’t just words; they’re your ticket to higher sales and stronger connections. 

    Remember, communication is key, and with these sales follow-up email templates, you’ll be communicating with impact.

    So, don’t let potential opportunities slip away. Harness the power of these sales follow-up email templates, tailor them to your needs, and watch your sales soar. Whether it’s nurturing leads or rekindling old connections, these templates have got you covered.
