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10 Sales Email Templates With 80% Open Rates

10 Sales Email Templates With 80% Open Rates - NeoDove

Ever sent out a sales email and wondered if anyone even glanced at it? 

You’re not alone! 

Writing the perfect sales email can be a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But don’t fret; we’ve got your back. 

In this article, get ready to discover 10 sales email templates for new clients that are like secret keys to your customers’ hearts, with an astonishing 80% open rate! 

So, if you’re tired of your sales emails going unopened, stay tuned, because we’re about to turn things around!


Top 10 Sales Email Templates For New Clients

When reaching out to new clients, having a set of effective sales email templates can make all the difference. 

Top 10 Sales Email Templates For New Clients - NeoDove


Here are the top 10 sales email templates for new clients you need to know:

1) Standard Sales Introduction Email  – Sales Email Template

This sales email template introduces your company and sets the stage for future communication.

Subject: Welcome to [Your Company] – Let’s Achieve Success Together!

Hi [Client's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to introduce myself and [Your Company]. We're excited to have the opportunity to work with you and help you achieve your goals.

At [Your Company], we specialize in [mention your core services or products], and we're committed to providing exceptional solutions tailored to your needs.

I'd love to learn more about your challenges and discuss how we can assist you. When's a good time for you to connect?

Looking forward to a productive partnership!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2) Trigger Event Email – Sales Email Template

This sales email template acknowledges a specific event or trigger, like a recent achievement or change at the client’s organization. 

Subject: Congratulations on Your Recent Achievement!

Hi [Client's Name],

I hope you're celebrating your recent success at [Client's Company]! We've been following your progress closely and wanted to extend our congratulations.

We're eager to explore how we can support you further. Whether it's leveraging your recent accomplishment or addressing new challenges, we're here to help.

Can we schedule a call to discuss potential strategies?

Looking forward to your continued success!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

3) Mutual Contact Reference Email – Sales Email Template

This sales email template leverages a mutual contact or connection to establish trust and rapport with a new client.

Subject: [Mutual Contact’s Name] Recommended We Connect

Hi [Client's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I recently had a conversation with [Mutual Contact's Name], and they spoke highly of you and your company.

I'm impressed by the work you do at [Client's Company] and would love the opportunity to connect. [Mutual Contact's Name] mentioned that our expertise in [mention common interest] aligns well with your goals.

Could we schedule a brief call to explore potential collaboration?

Looking forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

4) Useful Resource Email – Sales Email Template

This sales email template for new clients provides a valuable resource, such as an industry report or eBook. This then provides immediate value to the client and initiates a conversation.

Subject: Exclusive Industry Report – Your Guide to [Industry Topic]

Hi [Client's Name],

I trust you're doing well. I wanted to share an exclusive resource that I believe could be immensely beneficial to you and your team.

We've just released our latest industry report, "[Report Title]," which provides insights and strategies for navigating the ever-evolving [Industry] landscape.

I'd be happy to send you a copy and discuss any questions or insights you may have after reading it. What's the best way for me to share this valuable resource with you?

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Also Read: Top 5 Effective Sales Approaches You Need To Master


5) Website Visitor Email – Sales Email Template

This sales email acknowledges the client’s visit to your website, expressing interest and offering to assist with any questions or needs they may have.

Subject: Thank You for Visiting [Your Company] – How Can We Help?

Hi [Client's Name],

We noticed that you recently visited our website, and we're thrilled to have caught your interest. At [Your Company], we're dedicated to providing the best solutions for our clients.

If you have any questions, need more information, or want to explore how our services can benefit your business, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Your inquiry is important to us, and we're here to assist you in any way we can.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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    6) New Prospect Email – Sales Email Template

    This sales email is a follow-up to initial contact with a prospect who has shown interest but hasn’t committed yet. It aims to re-engage and move them closer to becoming a client.

    Subject: Exploring Opportunities with [Your Company]

    Hi [Client's Name],

    I hope you've been well since our last conversation. It was a pleasure discussing potential opportunities with you.

    I wanted to follow up and see if you've had a chance to consider our proposal or if you have any questions. Your insights and needs are important to us, and we're committed to tailoring our solutions to your requirements.

    Let's schedule a time to connect and continue our conversation.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

    7) Recent Voicemail Email – Sales Email Template

    This sales email serves as a follow-up to a voicemail you left for the client. It ensures that your message is received and provides them with an opportunity to respond.

    Subject: Follow-Up to My Recent Voicemail

    Hi [Client's Name],

    I hope this email finds you well. I left a voicemail earlier regarding [briefly mention the voicemail topic].

    I understand how busy things can get, so I wanted to ensure you received my message. If you have any questions or if there's anything I can assist you with, please feel free to reply to this email or call me directly at [Your Phone Number].

    Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

    8) Requested Demo Email – Sales Email Template

    This sales email template for new clients is sent in response to a client’s request for a product demo.

    Subject: Confirming Your Demo Appointment

    Hi [Client's Name],

    I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to confirm our upcoming demo appointment scheduled for [Date and Time].

    During the demo, we'll cover [briefly mention the key topics or features to be discussed]. Our goal is to provide you with valuable insights and solutions to meet your needs.

    If there's anything specific you'd like us to address during the demo, please let us know. We're here to tailor the session to your requirements.

    Looking forward to our productive discussion!

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

    9) No Response When Opened Email Template – Sales Email Template

    This sales email template for new clients is used when you’ve noticed that the client opened a previous email but didn’t respond. It gently reminds them of the previous communication and encourages further interaction.

    Subject: Revisiting Our Previous Conversation

    Hi [Client's Name],

    I hope this email finds you well. I noticed that you had the chance to review my previous message but haven't had the opportunity to respond.

    I understand that things can get busy, and your time is valuable. If you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to discuss further, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your input is important to us, and we're here to assist you in any way we can.

    Looking forward to your response when convenient for you.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

    10) Taking Action Email – Sales Email Template

    This sales email template directly addresses the prospect’s lack of response. Moreover, it seeks a clear indication of their interest in pursuing the opportunity further. 

    Subject: Your Decision: Moving Forward or Not?

    Hi [Client's Name],

    I hope you're doing well. I've reached out a few times, but it seems we haven't connected as planned. I understand that circumstances can change, and your time is valuable.

    To ensure we're on the same page, I want to ask directly: Are you still interested in exploring [mention the specific opportunity or proposal]? Your response will help us determine the next steps.

    If you're ready to move forward, please let me know, and we can discuss the details. On the other hand, if you've decided to pursue a different path, we appreciate your honesty.

    Your decision will guide our actions, and we're here to support you in any way you choose.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

    Also Read: Top 10 Effective Email Templates For Bike Sales


    5 Tips To Remember When Writing Sales Email Templates

    Writing compelling sales email templates tailored to new clients can significantly boost your outreach efforts. 

    5 Tips To Remember When Writing Sales Email Templates - NeoDove


    To help you craft sales emails that stand out, here are five practical tips:

    1) Understand Your Client’s Needs

    Before you start writing, take the time to thoroughly research and understand your new client’s specific needs, challenges, and goals. Your sales email should address these points directly, demonstrating that you’ve done your homework and that your solution is tailored to them.

    Tip – Segment your prospects and create tailored email templates for each segment based on their industry, pain points, and objectives

    2) Start with a Captivating Story

    Engage your new client right from the beginning by sharing a success story or a real-world example related to their industry or pain points. Stories resonate with people, and they can help your client connect with your message on a personal level.

    Tip – Craft a story that directly relates to the prospect’s challenges and how your solution can be their ‘hero’ in solving them.

    3) Highlight the Benefits, Not Just Features

    While it’s essential to showcase what your product or service offers in your sales email, focus on how it will benefit the client. Explain how it can solve their specific problems, save them time or money, or improve their processes. Benefits-oriented language is more persuasive.

    Tip – Instead of listing features, explain how these features will save the prospect time, money, or effort in their specific context.

    4) Use Social Proof Wisely

    Incorporate social proof into your sales email by mentioning relevant success stories, testimonials, or case studies. New clients often feel more confident in their decision when they see that others have benefited from your offering.

    Tip – Include a short video testimonial from a satisfied customer that showcases tangible results achieved with your product or service.

    5) Create a Sense of Urgency

    Encourage your new clients to take action by incorporating a subtle sense of urgency into your sales email. You can do this by mentioning limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or upcoming industry trends that they need to address promptly.

    Tip – Incorporate a countdown timer or mention a limited number of available slots for a demo or special offer to create a genuine sense of urgency.

    Do check out: 8 Cold Email Templates to Boost B2B Sales



    In closing, we hope you’ve found these sales email templates for new clients to be your golden ticket to email marketing success. 

    Remember, crafting the perfect sales email doesn’t have to be a mystery anymore. With the right tools in your arsenal, like these sales email templates, you can boost your open rates to a whopping 80%. 

    So, whether you’re just starting your sales journey or looking for fresh ideas, these sales email templates for new clients are your trusty sidekick. Don’t be shy to put them to good use, and watch your sales emails shine bright in your clients’ inboxes!

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