What is Remote sales and how does it work?

Informing an old-school salesperson that you’re engaged in or planning to engage in remote sales would almost certainly prompt them to feel you’re mad. However, in the current scenario, it is a fact that remote selling works pretty well. So, whether you’ve chosen to work from home rather than in the field or have been forced to stay at home due to a severe infection, we’ve put together a remote sales guide to assist you in being more productive.


What is remote selling?

It is critical to note that neither you nor your prospect should be in the exact location throughout the sales process when performing remote sales. It’s acceptable that a large percentage of your sales process will take place remotely, with just a few face-to-face interactions with customers.

Additionally, remote working may aid sales teams in adopting new habits and honing their selling talents, as well as providing a framework for communication and collaboration. Home-based small sales reps can create their own sales structures, which gives them a sense of empowerment.


Remote selling techniques

Some of the world’s most accomplished remote salespeople have generously shared their best practices. Here are some that are guaranteed to give you positive results:

1. Use more personal communication methods

If you want to become an expert at faraway selling, start with video calls. High-quality audio and video benefit both the consumer and the salesperson significantly.


2. Attempt to comprehend the client’s perspective

She advises against employing the hard sell when it comes to pandemics. Customers are more receptive to empathy. Provide a solution to a current problem, but avoid creating a new one. Developing your connections over time may result in a rise in revenue. Trust is critical to a sale’s success.


3. Set aside time for non-essential chores

Distractions are more widespread while working in a virtual environment. While Janice does not advocate for completely silencing email notifications, she does recommend doing so for short periods. You should maintain separate work and personal time – there is be no chance of becoming distracted if you can properly keep track of your time. Utilize these remote selling tips to maintain a laser-like concentration on market research and develop a compelling offer.”


4. In remote selling, results take precedence over time

It’s prudent for a small sales team to prioritize results over the procedure. The sooner one action is completed, the sooner you may go on to the next. Due to its capacity to produce more income more rapidly, remote selling may be the way of the future for B2B sales. Workers may increase their productivity in this environment.


5. For successful remote selling, put customer service before sales

You should obtain customers at a reasonable rate. Maintain a focus on your present customers while shifting to a remote sales approach. Determine what they’re experiencing difficulty with, or just ask if they’d want you to supply a solution.

You do not need to alter your strategy to succeed in a distant environment – you can readily transfer traditional sales strategies to the digital world. It’s all about setting priorities and determining what your customers desire.


Building a remote sales team

Consider the following four approaches for honing your leadership skills when managing remote teams. For building a productive and successful remote sales team, consider these steps:


1. Define your objectives

Encourage salespeople to perform above and beyond expectations. Establishing explicit expectations for your remote sales crew provides them with a reference point. The benchmark should include sales objectives, lead management strategies for internet leads, and time management tips.

Sales managers must be willing to video conference with their remote sales team to establish targets and provide detailed reporting on each employee’s responsibilities and performance goals. Demonstrate how to generate leads, cold contact prospects, follow up, close the deal, and what to do if there are complications.


2. Invest in public assets

The cloud is pervasive. Employees may securely access a shared cloud through Google or Box. Cloud computing has not obviated the need for remote workers to be connected to a VPN for access, security, and administration. Employees may access and update prospect data remotely through a personal computer or smartphone using cloud-based storage systems.

Cloud software enables your distant sales staff to access the most up-to-date information. Consider using tools, documents, and other resources to ensure that each sales team member has enough and secure access if your company has a “bring your own device” policy.


3. Construct trust

Establishing trust with a remote sales team may be challenging. After all, you do not collaborate daily. It’s challenging to establish trust while working remotely. Sales managers’ schedules should be designed to overlap with their staff. Consider arranging some overlap time if your sales team is geographically dispersed and covers different time zones and sales areas.

As a result, if any problems or questions arise during online hours, team members may interact synchronously. You earn trust by listening to your employees. Despite the difficulty of monitoring their development from afar, avoid micromanagement. Team success needs to have a shared analytics dashboard, preferably activity-based selling. Allow your remote staff to regulate their time as long as tasks and transactions are completed.


4. Increase social interaction

A good boss promotes collaboration. Weekly team meetings encourage teamwork and allow your salespeople to learn from one another. Your finest salespeople can explain a novel approach of remote selling to hesitant consumers. Perhaps someone will share how they completed four deals in a single day. Scheduled team meetings also provide an opportunity to address critical concerns and create new sales techniques.

Participation, reflection on sales performance, and new sales techniques all contribute to individual and team sales success. Bear in mind that meetings are not just for business purposes. Remote sales teams miss out on traditional watercooler conversation.


Pshycology of remote selling

Remote selling pshycology is a critical component of a successful sales career. It’s crucial to gain a firm grasp of small sellers’ psychology to assist them in communicating successfully with customers and prospects. While cold phoning, email blasting, and networking events were effective, they are now obsolete.

Customers nowadays do not want to be marketed to; they want tailored information, education, and beneficial involvement. To be successful in remote selling, remote salespeople must use an omnichannel strategy for prospecting, including digital and video sales.

One of the most advantageous parts of remote marketing is its freedom. Frequently, workers cannot take time off work, and businesses may decrease travel expenditures with the Phycology of distant selling. Additionally, they may provide their staff flexibility by working when and where they wish. 

Furthermore, a firm may save travel and meeting room expenses. Ultimately, a firm will gain from remote selling’s lower client acquisition cost. Both the consumer and seller benefit from understanding the phycology of distant selling. Nowadays, many buyers choose to do independent research on providers online.

This implies that contemporary vendors must adjust to the changing customer and seller relationship. They are technologically savvy, socially active, and video-obsessed. By eliminating travel expenses, a business may concentrate on customers’ demands. Remote selling physiology is critical for a successful sales career.



Nowadays, businesses must be prepared to use remote selling. Many firms employ and manage their global sales force beyond their borders, and it’s a no-brainer to use. Enhance your remote sales team by enhancing their capacity to work remotely with improved communication and automation capabilities.
