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8 Must-Have Qualities Of A Great Sales Manager

8 Must-Have Qualities Of A Great Sales Manager - NeoDove

Key Takeaways:

Sales managers excel with positive outlooks, motivation, discipline, empathy, creativity, transparency, adaptability, and goal-driven mindsets. Key skills include analytics, leadership, coaching, communication, and strategic thinking.

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    Blog - CTA l Telecalling Team l May 2024

    Why did the sales manager get lost in the forest? Because they couldn’t close the deal with the trees! 

    Jokes aside, being a sales manager is no easy feat. To be a good sales manager, you require a unique set of skills to motivate a team, build relationships with clients, and drive revenue. 

    In fact, according to a recent study, 85% of business owners believe that a good sales manager is critical to the success of their organization. 

    A sales manager is someone who is responsible for guiding as well as leading a sales team within any business. 

    Their other sales manager responsibilities lie with setting goals and sales quotas, building sales plans, analyzing data and more. In addition to this, they also oversee sales training and the mentoring of members of their sales team.

    But what exactly makes a great sales manager? 

    In this article, we’ll explore the 8 essential qualities and responsibilities of a sales manager. From communication to motivation, we’ll cover it all, so grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s get started!


    Top 8 Essential Qualities Every Sales Manager Should Have

    Sales manager qualities and responsibilities can sometimes vary based on the size of their organization. 

    Top 8 Essential Qualities Every Sales Manager Should Have - NeoDove


    However, there are some essential sales manager qualities every sales manager should aspire to have:

    1) A positive outlook

    Sales managers need to possess a positive attitude in their workplace. This sales manager quality is so that they can reinforce a positive work environment for their employees. 

    A positive outlook is also quite a necessary sales manager quality when sales reps don’t make as many sales. After all, it’s up to the sales manager to keep up their sales team’s morale.

    2) Be able to motivate others

    An ideal sales manager is one who can create unique strategies or develop fun incentives. This sales manager quality can prove essential to help motivate employees to meet or even exceed sales goals.

    Motivation also involves encouragement as well as recognition. This can be shown via rewards or bonuses to those who make the greatest sales during a specific time frame.

    Sales managers could also divide their team into sub-groups. In this way, they’d be able to compete with each other for group rewards alongside fostering teamwork.

    3) Be able to execute discipline when necessary

    A good sales manager should be able to discipline their employees when needed. Moreover, you should also be able to provide constructive feedback to help them improve.

    This sales manager quality influences workplace conduct, and level of productivity and also sets a standard for the rest of the team.

    For example, say an employee repetitively took personal calls in place of sales calls. In this situation, appropriate disciplinary action would have to be taken to reprimand them.

    4) Be able to empathize

    At the end of the day, sales managers are people managers. To be a good sales manager, you should be able to show your employees that you care. The ability to empathize tells them that they are more than just a revenue stream.

    Each of your employees is unique. By demonstrating this sales manager quality of understanding, you build trust. As a result, this can also increase or further drive their productivity.

    5) Be creative

    As a sales manager, you should be able to develop unique selling points (USP), promotions, sales pitch ideas, and more.

    Moreover, they should be able to think on their feet and be able to come up with interesting customer incentives as well to drive more sales. For all these reasons, creativity is an important sales manager quality to have. 

    6) Be transparent with the team

    Practicing transparency helps your employees understand the reasons behind certain department activities or specific sales quota expectations.

    A sales manager that is transparent about their workplace activities will more easily earn their employee’s trust and respect. This sales manager quality helps employees feel actively valued.

    7) Adaptability and openness to continuous learning

    In any industry, sales managers should be able to adapt their current strategies based on changes in trends or target markets.

    To continuously maintain your knowledge, you should take part in seminars or certification courses. Additionally, you can also read industry magazines to stay up to date. 

    8) Be driven to the end goal

    A key requirement for all sales managers is to focus on the big picture within their departments. You need to thoroughly think about how current sales activities could end up affecting your long-term sales goals. 

    With this in mind, sales managers can then accordingly change motivational incentives and sales quotas to reach these goals.


    5 Skills Every Great Sales Manager Should Have

    A good sales manager is able to foster a cooperative and peaceful atmosphere in the workplace. Moreover, they should be equipped with all the skills and qualities of a sales manager necessary to motivate their team to achieve set goals.

    5 Skills Every Great Sales Manager Should Have - NeoDove


    Let us explore some of the skills that can show you how to be a good sales manager:

    1) Analytical Skills

    Sales managers need to be able to analyze and review sales data in order to set sales goals. Additionally, you should also be able to conduct in-depth research of the market to help identify prospects and partnerships.

    Tip – Enhance your analytical skills by regularly reviewing sales data, identifying trends, and using tools like CRM software to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

    A sales manager who’s good at managing the sales pipeline can forecast sales team revenue for a specific time-frame based on analytics.

    2) Leadership Skills

    Being a sales manager means being ready to lead every step of the way. It is your duty to create a healthy workplace atmosphere. 

    Tip – Develop leadership skills by setting a clear vision, empowering your sales team, and leading by example. 

    A good leader stays calm and level headed in stressful situations and helps fellow team members cope with pressure. Moreover, you should be compassionate and understanding towards challenges faced by your employees.

    3) Ability to Coach and Motivate Salespeople

    Remember your sales record is meaningless if you aren’t able to positively influence your team members’ sales performance. 

    An effective sales manager must have an active role in improving the quality of salespeople’s sales process. This can be done by always providing coaching, guidance and support whenever needed.

    Tip – Coach and motivate your sales team by providing constructive feedback, offering regular training sessions, and recognizing and rewarding their achievements.

    It’s important that if you are a sales manager, you should keep your team motivated toward their goals. You can do this by organizing activities alongside team-building exercises to push people outside their comfort zones.

    4) Great Listening and Communication Skills

    All the previous sales manager qualities are meaningless if a sales manager doesn’t possess the needed communication and interpersonal skills. 

    You should be able to convey goals, visions and strategies clearly. This ensures that your employees are aware of what their role is and know what they must do.

    Tip – Improve your listening and communication skills by actively engaging in conversations with both your team and customers. Practice empathy and respond thoughtfully to feedback and inquiries.

    To handle various roles like employee mentorship, building customer relationships, managing clients, etc. you must have strong communication skills.

    5) Strategic Thinking

    A sales manager must be able to think strategically and develop effective sales strategies. They should be able to analyze market trends, identify opportunities for growth, and create action plans to achieve sales goals.

    📙 Also Read – Inside sale manger The Ultimate Guide !

    Tip – Cultivate strategic thinking by setting long-term goals, creating a sales strategy that aligns with the company’s objectives, and adapting your approach based on market dynamics and competitive analysis.

    This requires a strong understanding of sales processes, customer behavior, and industry trends. A strategic thinker can anticipate challenges, develop contingency plans, and allocate resources effectively. 

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    Top 5 Responsibilities of a Sales Manager

    Sales management plays a key role in the success or failure of any organization.

    As such, sales managers must be very clear about their role in the organization. Moreover, they should be well aware of what is to be done in the workplace. To do their job effectively, the role, skills and qualities of a sales manager play a vital role.

    Top 5 Responsibilities of a Sales Manager - NeoDove


    Let’s understand more about the various roles of a sales manager to know how to be a good sales manager:

    1) Meeting sales targets

    They are responsible for meeting sales targets via effective planning and budgeting.

    2) Brand promotion

    As a sales manager, you are also responsible for brand promotion. It is a sales manager’s duty to make your product popular amongst consumers.

    3) Proper supervision of their sales team

    In addition to this, they must also make sure that their team is delivering desired results. Supervision plays a key sales manager quality alongside tracking their performances. 

    An ideal manager should also be a role model for their team members. It’s up to you to set an example and be a source of inspiration for them.

    📙Also Read – Inside Sales Manager – Job Role & Description

    4) Examining insights and analytics

    Sales managers must contribute towards growth of the business. One of the main ways to do this is by examining insights and analytics to make data-driven decisions.

    5) Managing customer relationships

    Alongside selling, sales managers are also responsible for maintaining as well as improving relationships with clients. 

    You now have an understanding of the various roles undertaken by a sales manager. Now, let’s examine some skills every sales manager should possess.


    As you can see, being a sales manager is no walk in the park. You have to develop the right sales manager qualities to be an effective sales manager.

    A sales manager’s job comes with a huge list of responsibilities and they must be ready to fulfill them. They have to be great at identifying quick wins and going for them. 

    These include driving collaboration in strategy development, championing ideas and developing talent – all with a constant eye on exceeding targets.

    It requires a multi-faceted individual who must have many essential sales manager qualities and skills. With our help, we hope you’ve been able to broaden your understanding of the essential qualities of a sales manager.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

     The role of a sales manager is to lead a team of sales representatives to meet the company’s revenue targets. Sales managers are responsible for developing and implementing sales strategies, setting goals and quotas, analyzing data, and coaching their team to improve performance. 

    Qualifications for a sales manager vary, but typically require a bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, or a related field. Experience in sales and leadership positions is also necessary, with many employers seeking candidates with a minimum of five years of sales experience and three years of management experience. 

    As a sales manager, I believe I would excel due to several key strengths and qualities. Firstly, I possess strong leadership skills, demonstrated by my ability to motivate and inspire teams to achieve their goals. I believe in leading by example and fostering a positive and supportive work environment that encourages collaboration and growth.

    Sales managers possess a diverse range of strengths that collectively contribute to their effectiveness in leading and managing sales teams. At the core of their skill set is strong leadership, enabling them to inspire and guide their team members toward achieving organizational goals.

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