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Access lead information in real-time

Get real-time lead data for most of the integration in NeoDove. Being a centralized platform you can have access to lead data anytime you want.

Why is capturing real-time lead data important?

Real-time lead data is important to reduce lead response time and help your sales team to get to understand the leads’ pain points as soon as possible. The more information your sales team gets, the more you get the opportunity for better conversion.

Get real-time lead data before calling your prospect

Have access to all lead data in real-time to understand your prospects’ pain points better and provide them with a well-equipped solution.

Actionable Insights

Reduce the waiting time by getting real-time lead data directly in NeoDove’s dashboard.

Proactive approach

Take a proactive approach towards your customer engagement strategy by getting information about your leads beforehand.

Reduce response time

Get accurate real-time lead information and take immediate action. Reduce lead response time to achieve your goals.

Increase sales productivity

Give your sales team the advantage of knowing the prospect before interacting with them. Increase their productivity by giving them the right real-time lead data

Related features

Auto lead capture

Third party APIs

Custom integrations

Trusted by 2500+ customers

Frequently asked questions

Having real-time lead data increases your chances of conversion, giving you the leverage of knowing the information of your prospects before interacting with them.
Yes, you can plan your marketing campaigns in a personalized way as you have the real-time information of each prospect.
Only authorized users can have access to the real-time lead data to avoid data duplication.
Real-time data gives you the leverage of reduced response time to interact with your prospects before they go to your competitors.
As this gives you a real-time insight about your lead, your sales team can take immediate action which increases their productivity, thereby increasing sales.

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These outcomes and beyond can be yours.


Lead Leakage


Increase in call attempts


More Engagement






4.6 Rating


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