How To Share Facebook Posts On Instagram – 7 Simple Steps

 Key Takeaways 👉🏾

1) Cross-posting allows you to maintain a strong brand identity across Facebook To Instagram.

2) Instead of juggling separate accounts, the Facebook to Instagram cross-posting feature consolidates your efforts.

3) Instagram interactive tools like hashtags and locations increase engagement on cross-posted Facebook posts.

4) For businesses with an inside sales team, cross-posting boosts reach, interaction, and sales potential.

Did you know that Instagram posts with location tags receive 79% more engagement? Cross-posting your Facebook content to Instagram can give your posts that extra boost!

If you’re wondering how to share a Facebook post on Instagram or how to share a post from Facebook to Instagram effectively, you’re not alone. In today’s social media marketing, maximising your reach across multiple platforms is key to building a strong online presence. 

The good news is that with the right tips and tricks in this guide, you can understand the power of cross-promotion and leverage the strengths of both platforms. 

So, get ready to explore the Facebook to Instagram crossover and take your social media game to new heights!

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    Why You Should Share Posts From Facebook To Instagram?

    While the primary advantages of posting from Facebook to Instagram are quite well-known, there are a few hidden gems that often go unnoticed. Let’s explore some of these under-the-radar benefits that can give your Facebook to Instagram cross-posting thing a better angle:

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      1) Build a Brand Presence

      Maintaining a strong brand presence across social media platforms is crucial. By sharing posts from Facebook to Instagram, you can ensure that your brand’s messaging, visuals, and overall aesthetic remain consistent, reinforcing your brand identity with your audience.

      2) Better Social Media Strategy

      Rather than managing multiple accounts separately, the Facebook to Instagram cross-posting feature simplifies your social media strategy. With this approach, you can maximise your time and effort, focusing on creating high-quality content.

      3) Increase Engagement

      Business is all about sales, and if you are an Inside Sales Manager, you know how important engagement is for higher sales. By posting from Facebook to Instagram, you can leverage Instagram’s interactive features, such as hashtags, location tags, and mentions, to drive more engagement.

      4) Stay Top-of-Mind

      In today’s crowded digital space, it’s essential to stay top-of-mind with your audience. By sharing a post from Facebook to Instagram, you can increase your visibility and maintain a consistent presence across multiple channels.

      7 Simple Steps On How To Share A Facebook Post On Instagram Automatically

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        1) Link Your Instagram Account to a Facebook Page

        The first step is to link your Instagram With your Facebook Page. Open a web browser on your computer, go to, log in to your account, and then click on your profile picture to access your profile settings. Under “Accounts,” select “Linked Accounts,” and then link your Facebook account.

        Important Tip: Note that only one Instagram profile can be connected to a Facebook Page and vice versa.

        2) Go to the Meta Accounts Center

        Open your Instagram on the web, click the “More” button then click “Settings“. You will see “Accounts Centre” in the top left corner, click it.

        3) Access Connected Experiences

        Once opening up the Accounts Centre, navigate to the “Connected Experiences” section in the left menu of the Meta Accounts Center.

        4) Select Sharing across profiles

        Under “Connected experiences,” locate and click on the option labelled “Sharing across profiles.”

        5) Choose Sharing Preferences

        A pop-up window titled “Sharing across profiles” will appear. Here, you can specify which account you want to share content from (e.g., your Facebook account) and which account you want to share to (e.g., your Instagram account).

        6) Enable Automatic Sharing

        After selecting the “Share from” and “Share to” accounts, you’ll see options to “Automatically share” your Facebook story and/or Facebook posts to your connected Instagram account.

        7) Toggle On Facebook Posts

        To enable automatically sharing your Facebook posts to your Instagram account, toggle on the switch next to “Your Facebook posts.

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          Look, cross-posting from Facebook to Instagram is a total game-changer in today’s social media landscape. It’s all about working smarter, not harder. By streamlining your approach and automatically sharing posts from Facebook to Instagram, you’re freeing up valuable time and energy to focus on creating killer content and truly connecting with your audience.

          At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about – building genuine relationships and leaving a lasting impression. Sure, the tech side of things is important, but don’t get too caught up in the hassle. Have fun with it, experiment with Instagram’s interactive features, and let your brand’s personality shine through. 

          Trust me, your audience will thank you for keeping things fresh and engaging across multiple platforms.
