Link Instagram To Your Facebook Page In 5 Simple Steps

Key Takeaways👉🏾

1) Do link your Instagram to your Facebook page to cross-promote and expand your reach.

2) Leverage Instagram’s story features and promote top stories on your linked Facebook page.

3) Explore Facebook Ads that allow promotion of your Instagram posts for increased visibility.

4) It will help monitor analytics to identify top-performing content types and optimise your cross-promotion approach.

Is your Instagram account feeling alone and disconnected from the rest of your social media world? If you’re not linking Instagram to your Facebook page, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to boost your brand’s reach and create a massive online presence.

So, why don’t we link Instagram to Facebook page and boost our fan following? Sounds difficult? 

It’s not! The good news is that bridging this gap is incredibly simple. In this guide, we’ll put you through a step-by-step process to link Instagram to Facebook on computer.


Reasons To Link Your Instagram To Facebook Page

Well, linking your Instagram To Facebook page isn’t a formality. Instead, it is very important, especially if you are in social media marketing. Following are 5 reasons to link Instagram to Facebook page:

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    1) Boost Your Reach

    By taking the simple step to link Instagram to your Facebook page, you can automatically share your Instagram posts to your Facebook audience with just a few clicks. This cross-posting expands your content’s reach dramatically, exposing your brand to potential new followers and customers on both platforms.

    2) Integrated Advertising

    Linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts allows you to run integrated advertising campaigns across both platforms from a single interface, simplifying your ad management and potentially reaching a wider, more targeted audience.

    3) Boost Engagement

    When you share your Instagram content on your linked Facebook page, you open it up for engagement from your existing Facebook fans. More likes, comments, and shares mean increased visibility and brand awareness across both platforms. You will lack better engagement if your Facebook & Instagram are unlinked.

    4) Build Brand Consistency

    A consistent brand presence is crucial, and linking allows you to maintain a cohesive look, voice, and messaging across Instagram and Facebook. Whether you link Instagram to Facebook on computer or mobile, you’ll ensure better brand recognition and loyalty.

    5) Gain Valuable Insights

    With your Instagram and Facebook accounts linked through Facebook Meta, you can access comprehensive analytics that provide insights into your audience demographics, top-performing content, and engagement metrics across both platforms in one place.

    6) Improved Credibility

    Having a strong, interconnected presence on multiple major social media platforms can enhance your brand’s credibility and reputation, making you appear more established and trustworthy to potential customers.

    Important Tip: Regularly review and adjust your cross-posting settings to ensure optimal performance and alignment with your social media goals.

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      How To Link Instagram To Facebook Page On Desktop?

      Though it may sound very difficult, it is not even challenging to link Instagram to Facebook on computer. Just follow these 5 simple steps to link Instagram to your Facebook page on your desktop:

      Link Instagram To Facebook Page From Facebook On Desktop:

      1) Log in to your Facebook account in your browser

      2) Navigate to your page, go to ‘Manage Page‘ and then ‘Settings‘ in the menu on the left

      3) Find and click on ‘Linked Accounts‘ at the bottom left.

      4) Select ‘Instagram‘ on the next screen.

      5) A new window will open that will prompt you to connect to your Instagram account.

      6) Click the blue button that says ”Connect” and use your credentials to log in.

      Link Instagram To Facebook Meta From Instagram On Mobile:

      1)  Open the Instagram app on your mobile device.

      2) Tap on your profile icon and go to “Settings“.

      3) Scroll down and select “Accounts Centre“, then choose “Sharing Across Profiles”.

      4) Tap on “Add Accounts” then select “Add Facebook Account” and follow the prompts to log into your Facebook account.

      5) Allow access and customise settings to link and share Instagram posts directly to your Facebook page.


      At last, bridging the connection between Instagram and Facebook is not just a formality, it’s a strategic move for enhancing your brand’s online presence. By linking Instagram to your Facebook page, you open a box of benefits, from expanding your reach and simplifying your social media strategy to boosting engagement and maintaining brand consistency. 

      So, don’t miss out on this opportunity to strengthen your brand’s presence in the digital world—link Instagram to Facebook Page today and take your social media marketing to the next level.

      Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ’s)

      To unlink your Instagram account from your Facebook page, go to your Facebook page settings, select “Instagram”, and then click “Disconnect”.

      No, Facebook allows linking only one Instagram account to each Facebook page.

      If you change your Instagram username after linking it to Facebook, your posts will continue to be cross-posted to your Facebook page, but your Instagram username will not be updated on Facebook.

      Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a digital marketing approach leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote brands and engage with audiences.
