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The Art Of Writing A Perfect Gentle Reminder Email – Ultimate Guide

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Key Takeaways: 

  • Clearly state the purpose of your email in the subject line and opening sentences. Avoid using vague or generic language.
  • Use a polite, respectful, and friendly tone throughout the email. Greet the recipient appropriately and sign off courteously.
  • Use exclamation marks sparingly. Rely on clear and concise language to convey the importance of your message without sounding demanding or urgent.

Have you ever wanted to send a point across to someone, but don’t know how to go about it?

A gentle reminder email could be just what you’ve been looking for. 

In fact, 89% of marketers use email as their main marketing channel for generating leads.

If executed correctly, gentle reminder emails can be a polite, persuasive, and professional way of communicating a point across effectively.

Writing a perfect reminder email can be quite difficult at times. However, that doesn’t always have to be the case. By following our tips and tricks, you’ll be able to send a perfect gentle reminder in minutes.

In this article, we will cover what gentle reminder emails are, and the right time to send them alongside their format. We’ll also be examining how to send a reminder email in various situations, sample templates, and some mistakes you should avoid.

What Is A Gentle Reminder Email?

A gentle reminder email is a polite and friendly message sent to remind someone about a particular task, request, or deadline. The purpose of a gentle reminder is to nudge the recipient without being too pushy or demanding. It is usually used in professional settings to ensure that important matters are not overlooked or forgotten.

What Is A Gentle Reminder Email-NeoDove

In a gentle reminder email, it’s important to maintain a respectful and considerate tone. You should express appreciation for the recipient’s time and attention while kindly reminding them of the task. You must be firm enough to emphasize the importance of the matter while being understanding of the recipient’s busy schedule.

Check out – Different types of Email Templates

Why Are Reminder Emails Important?

Keeping everyone on the same page can be a delicate task in the business world. For some people, a reminder is needed and gentle reminder emails keep up productivity smoothly. 

Here are some reasons why reminder emails are important: 

1) Timely Payment

Reminder emails help ensure that customers or clients make timely payments for invoices, subscriptions, or services. This helps businesses maintain a steady cash flow and avoid payment delays or defaults.

2) Improved Customer Relationships

Sending polite and professional reminder emails shows that you value your customers and their business. It demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to providing excellent service.

3) Reduced Missed Payments

Forgetfulness is a common reason for missed payments. Reminder emails serve as a helpful nudge, reducing the likelihood of customers overlooking due dates and incurring late fees or service interruptions.

4) Increased Efficiency

Automating reminder emails can save businesses significant time and effort compared to manual follow-ups. It streamlines the collection process, allowing teams to focus on other critical tasks.

5) Compliance and Record-Keeping

In certain industries or situations, sending payment reminders may be a legal or contractual requirement. Reminder emails provide a documented trail, helping businesses maintain compliance and protect themselves in case of disputes.

Anatomy Of A Reminder Email

Every e-mail has some sort of format and by understanding the format deeply, you will know the art of effectively writing the mail.

By thoughtfully crafting each of the following components, businesses can create reminder emails that are not only effective but also engaging, building trust and strengthening relationships with clients and stakeholders alike.

1) The Subject Line

This is the attention-grabber, the headline that piques curiosity and entices the reader to open the email. Clarity and specificity are crucial in crafting a compelling subject line.

2) The Greeting

A warm and personalised greeting sets the tone for the entire email, building a sense of rapport and making the recipient feel valued.

3) The Context

Providing context is essential to jog the recipient’s memory and ensure they understand the purpose of the reminder. This section should be concise yet informative.

4) The Call-to-Action (CTA)

A clear and actionable CTA is the beating heart of the reminder email, guiding the recipient towards the desired outcome, whether it’s making a payment, attending a meeting, or completing a task.

5) The Deadline

Highlighting the deadline or due date adds a sense of urgency and reinforces the importance of timely action.

6) The Tone

Maintaining a polite, professional, and friendly tone throughout the email is crucial to building strong relationships and fostering goodwill.

7) The Sign-Off

A warm and sincere sign-off punctuates the email, leaving the recipient with a positive impression and reinforcing your commitment to excellent service.

How To Write A Gentle Reminder Email

Apart from actually sending your gentle reminder email, it’s highly important to maintain a friendly tone. 

Ideally, you would want to strike a balance between understanding alongside an undertone of urgency. In simple terms, the gentler you come across, the better.

Once you’ve finalized your intention and ensured it matches your target’s, it’s time to actually write the email. 

We’ve already gone over several situations where it would be suitable to send a reminder email. Now, let’s focus on the actual gentle reminder email format.

Step 1 – Selecting a great subject line

The importance of a catchy subject line for your gentle reminder email cannot be stressed enough. Remember that this is the first thing your recipient will see. You absolutely have to make it count!

You can use any of a variety of power phrases that will captivate their attention. For example, phrases like “Action Needed” or “Response Required,” etc.

Ensure that you include enough relevant information for your contact to understand what you’re reminding them about. Try to keep your subject lines short, concise, and to the point.

Important Tip: Ensure that you include enough relevant information for your contact to understand what you’re reminding them about. Try to keep your subject lines short, concise and to the point.

Step 2 – Greeting the recipient

In a similar way to the subject line, a salutation is a necessity when sending a gentle reminder email. It helps your message sound professional but also friendlier at the same time.

You may use the standard “Dear” if you don’t know the person or wish to keep things formal. In addition to this, you can also use “Mr.”, “Ms.” or “Mrs.” in other formal messages. 

If you want to establish a more casual tone, opt for a friendly “Hi” or “Hello”.

Important Tip: If you want to establish a more casual tone, opt for a friendly “Hi” or “Hello”.

Step 3 – Writing the content/body

Once you’ve created a proper greeting, it’s time to get to the main point of your gentle reminder. You could easily divide the body of your gentle reminder message into two distinct parts:

1) Explanation for the reminder email: After the greeting, ensure you are brief yet polite. Whatever event/ issue you’re reminding them about, should be explained in 2-3 short and easy-to-understand sentences.

2) A call-to-action (CTA): Once you’ve conveyed the main reason for your email clearly, you add a CTA. A CTA button or link makes it easier for your contact to respond quickly. 

Remember that one call to action is enough for getting your point across. You need your customer’s undivided attention so they can proceed with the aforementioned action.

Important Tip: One call to action is enough to get your point across. You need your customer’s undivided attention so they can proceed with the aforementioned action.

Step 4 – Wrap things up and add the finishing touches

Always remember to end your gentle reminder emails on a positive note, giving your recipient the benefit of the doubt. An appropriate closing sentence could be “I look forward to your response,” or “Thank you for prioritizing this matter.” 

Furthermore, offering related content can demonstrate your commitment to providing value, such as sending a friendly reminder when an offer is ending soon, allowing you to showcase certain flagship products. 

Finally, the last crucial step is to sign off professionally. Consider your relationship with the contact and the tone you wish to convey. Some suitable sign-offs include “Kind Regards,” “Sincerely,” “Thanks Again,” or “Best Regards,” among others.

Important Tip: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) button or link within the email, making it easy for the recipient to take the desired action immediately.

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    6 Gentle Reminder Email Templates You Should Know

    Here are some gentle & soft reminder email templates that can be used for a variety of situations:

    1) Content Promotion Gentle Reminder Email Format

    Email outreach is a very popular way of promoting content. This is the perfect gentle reminder email example for when you’ve just published a new post and want to boost it.

    New Message


    Subject: Stay in the Loop: Exciting Updates Inside - Don't Miss Out!

    Hey [Name],

    Just a quick follow-up. Were you interested in an article on [Topic A]? I understand if you have other commitments. But it made me wonder…

    If you enjoyed reading [competitor company’s] article, then you would surely appreciate our unique take on the topic.

    Not trying to force you into anything. Just hoping to impress!


    [Your Name],

    Important Tip 💡: Highlight the specific value or key takeaways the reader can expect to gain from your content. Providing a clear benefit upfront increases the likelihood they’ll be interested in reading further.

    2) Late Payment Gentle Reminder Email Template

    Late payment gentle reminder email formats can be a bit tricky. The key lies in providing an incentive for your client to follow through with their payment. More importantly, you should do this without sounding pushy.

    This gentle reminder email example is especially useful for sending out to your client on the due date of their payment.

    New Message


    Subject: Act Now: Resolve Outstanding Payment to Maintain Account Access

    Hey [Name],

    Just a reminder that payment on invoice [number] (total{sum}), sent on (date), is due today. You can make your payment directly to the bank account specified on the invoice.

    If you have any questions, please reply and I’d be more than happy to clarify them.


    [Your Name]

    Important Tip💡: Maintain a polite, helpful tone by offering to clarify any questions about the payment details. This courteous approach prevents the reminder from feeling abrasive or demanding.

    3) Event Gentle Reminder Email Template

    In a similar way to meetings, event soft reminders should be sent out before any event. These are great for informing contacts about a specific event’s time and location or thanking them for attending.

    This particular gentle reminder email example is great to use as a follow-up after someone has registered for your event.

    New Message


    Subject: Don't Miss Out: RSVP Today for [Event Name]

    Hey [Name],

    Thank you for registering for [Event Name]. We are really looking forward to seeing you at

    Location: [Address]

    Doors will open at [Date and Time]

    Please RSVP to [X name] by [Date].

    Hope to see you there!


    [Your Name]

    Important Tip💡: Include all the crucial logistical details like date, time, location, and any RSVP requirements. Providing this key information upfront eliminates potential confusion.

    4) Business Gentle Reminder Email Template

    Business reminder emails can relate to all types of work-related messages. 

    They are used when your team member/ employee is behind on a task and needs a gentle reminder message.

    New Message


    Subject: Important: Project Update Needed - We're Waiting on You

    Hey [Name],

    Hi [Name], Your analysis for [Project X] was very helpful. Thank you for carrying out such thorough work.

    However, you’re behind on [specific phase of the project]. It was due on [date], and we need it to be completed as soon as possible. This is necessary so we can move ahead with the next phase of the project.

    Please let me know the revised completion date for [phase of the project] by the end of the day. If you’re facing any issues completing this stage, be sure to contact me. I will be happy to answer and resolve any issues you may have.

    Thank you so much for giving your prompt attention to this matter.


    [Your Name]

    Important Tip💡: Reference the project’s bigger objectives when requesting an update on a delayed task.

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    5) Sales Gentle Reminder Email Template

    Sales follow-ups can sometimes be just as tricky as late payment reminders. You must provide potential customers with a CTA to convert, all without sounding impatient or bossy.

    This gentle reminder template works great for reeling in prospects by giving them additional facts about your company.

    New Message


    Subject: Just Checking In: A few thing you may not have known about [Your Company Name]

    Hey [Name],

    I sent you an email some time ago about [Your Company Name] and how I think we’d be a great fit for you and [Their Company].

    Did you know that our clients report a [X%] increase in sales when they use our [software]? Additionally, we also offer full training and a 25% discount.

    If you’d like to hear about this in greater detail, please let me know. I would be happy to tell you everything you need to know.

    I look forward to your response.

    [Your Name]

    Important Tip💡: Substantiate your value proposition with quantifiable metrics or client success stories. Concrete data builds credibility for your product/service offering.

    Read: B2B sales email templates

    6) Meeting Gentle Reminder Email Template

    Before any professional meeting, it is quite important to send all participants a soft reminder email. This ensures that nobody forgets about it and refreshes everyone’s memory about what’s to be discussed during it.

    This is a gentle reminder email template that can be used for all kinds of meetings, online and offline. It includes additional info to remind participants about its purpose.

    New Message


    Subject: Mark Your Calendar: Don't Miss our Important Meeting

    Hey [Name],

    Just sending a friendly reminder regarding our upcoming meeting on [date and time].

    I’ve made sure to include a copy of all details about the meeting below. Looking forward to talking soon!

    Sincerely, [Your Name]

    [Your Name]

    Important Tip💡: Attach the agenda or any prep materials needed for productive discussion.

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    Tips For Successful Reminder Emails

    Do you know what makes a reminder email special? Perhaps you know the tricks but experts advise the following strategies to get the best result in terms of productivity:

    1) Personalisation

    Personalise the email by addressing the recipient by name and including relevant details about their specific situation or account. This personal touch makes the reminder feel more relevant and less like a generic mass email.

    2) Clarity and Conciseness

    Be clear and concise in your messaging. Explain the purpose of the reminder in a straightforward manner, and avoid any ambiguity or unnecessary details that could confuse the recipient.

    3) Appropriate Tone

    Strike the right tone based on your relationship with the recipient. A friendly yet professional tone is generally advisable, but you may need to adjust the level of formality depending on the context.

    4) Provide Context

    Include relevant context or background information to help jog the recipient’s memory and reinforce the importance of the reminder.

    5) Offer Assistance

    Make it clear that you’re available to provide assistance or answer any questions the recipient may have regarding the matter at hand.

    10 Situations Where You Should Send A Reminder Email

    As you have seen, reminder emails are quite useful when something important is coming up. Additionally, they’re also required when something should have happened but did not. 

    Here are some situations that could benefit from sending reminders:

    1) Late Payments

    Fulfilling a payment on time is just standard business etiquette. Things may happen, but you still have a right to your owed dues. 

    Don’t feel guilty about sending a gentle reminder if a deadline has passed and you haven’t received the promised funds.

    2) Missed Work Deadlines

    In today’s business world, no worker is an island. If someone fails to complete a task in a promised set of time, entire projects can fall behind.

    Keeping this in mind, it’s much better to send a gentle reminder email before too much time passes.

    3) Important Upcoming Events

    Certain events or deadlines are too important to risk missing. So, you can send a kind reminder email in advance to ensure everyone stays on track.

    4) Vendor Issues

    At times, you’re the one who must pay but a vendor may have forgotten to send an invoice. Alternatively, perhaps you’ve ordered something and it hasn’t arrived.

    Your business could depend on those invoices or products. As such, it is completely fine to get in touch and check in with the person concerned.

    5) Pending Interviews or Job Applications

    If you’re actively in the running for a job, a follow-up email could increase your chances of success. 

    However, do be careful to not flood the hiring manager with messages. But, a well-timed gentle reminder email could definitely help you stand out.

    6) Lapsed Communication

    Sometimes situations occur where someone promised to do something and get back in touch but didn’t. 

    A gentle reminder email can help re-establish contact. Moreover, you discover if the task just slipped their mind or if you can do anything to help.

    7) Project Updates

    When working on a project, you could send a gentle reminder email to provide updates on the progress or share important information. 

    Not only this, it also reminds team members about pending tasks and keeps everyone on track and aligned towards the project goals.

    8) Event RSVPs

    Sending a gentle reminder email to remind recipients to RSVP for an event helps organizers with accurate headcounts.

    Furthermore, it ensures participants don’t miss out on important details, and helps maintain effective communication channels.

    9) Subscription Renewals

    If a subscription or membership is about to expire, a gentle reminder email can be sent to inform the recipient. 

    In this email, you can also provide instructions for renewal to ensure uninterrupted access to the desired services or benefits.

    5 Examples of ChatGPT Prompts For Gentle Reminder Emails

    In today’s fast-paced world, gentle reminder emails play a crucial role in maintaining effective communication.

    Here are five examples of ChatGPT prompts specifically designed to generate gentle reminder emails:

    1) A gentle reminder email for a meeting

    With this ChatGPT prompt, you can effectively remind your team members or business associates about any upcoming meeting.

    Write a gentle reminder email to remind [name] about the upcoming team meeting on [date] at [time]. Include the meeting agenda and emphasize the importance of their presence and contributions. The meeting agenda is [agenda details].

    2) A gentle reminder email for an RSVP about an upcoming event

    With the help of this ChatGPT prompt, you can ensure you get a timely RSVP for any event.

    Generate a gentle reminder email requesting a response from [name] regarding their attendance at the [event name] on [date]. Mention the fun activities planned and emphasize the need for an accurate headcount for catering arrangements. The fun activities include [activity details]

    3) A gentle reminder email for a late payment 

    With this ChatGPT prompt, you can send a gentle reminder for any delayed payments in a polite manner.

    Create a gentle reminder email asking [name] to settle the outstanding payment of [payment amount] for the [services] provided. Include the original invoice number [mention the invoice number], due date (specify due date), and provide various payment options for his convenience. The payment options to be includes are [payment options]
    Tired of chasing late payments?

    Discover the top 11 overdue payment reminder email templates that will make your follow-ups effective and stress-free

    4) A gentle reminder email for an approaching project deadline

    With the help of this ChatGPT prompt, you will be able to receive updates or any important information needed for upcoming projects.

    Write a gentle reminder email to follow up with [name] regarding [specific data] for the [project name]. Politely inquire about the status of the data and emphasize the upcoming deadline for the report submission [deadline date].

    5) A gentle reminder email for feedback or review requests

    You can use this ChatGPT prompt to collect feedback or reviews from your customers.

    Generate a gentle reminder email asking [name] to share their feedback on the recent product purchase of [product]. Highlight the benefits of their input and provide a direct link to the customer review platform for their convenience. Express appreciation in advance for their valuable contribution.

    Different Types Of Gentle Reminder Example Emails

    Understanding the various types of gentle reminder examples can help you know what should you use for a particular situation 

    1) Friendly Payment Reminder

    This type of email is typically used to politely remind customers or clients about an upcoming payment due date. It maintains a cordial and helpful tone, ensuring a positive customer experience.

    2) Meeting or Appointment Reminder

    These reminders aim to ensure that attendees don’t forget about an upcoming meeting, conference call, or appointment. They often include relevant details like date, time, and location to help recipients prepare accordingly.

    3) Task or Deadline Reminder

    This type of email serves as a friendly nudge for employees, team members, or collaborators to complete assigned tasks or meet project deadlines. It helps keep projects on track and fosters accountability.

    4) Contract or Document Reminder

    In business settings, these reminders are sent to request the timely submission of signed contracts, agreements, or other important documents. They help streamline processes and maintain compliance.

    5) Event Registration Reminder

    For events like webinars, conferences, or training sessions, these reminders encourage recipients to register or confirm their attendance, ensuring optimal participation and planning.

    6) Follow-up Reminder

    These emails are sent after an initial request or communication, gently reminding the recipient to take action or provide a response. They help maintain momentum and prevent tasks or inquiries from falling through the cracks.

    Worried about no-shows at your meetings?

    Discover 12 effective meeting reminder email templates that guarantee timely attendance and better participation!

    5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Gentle Reminder Emails

    Sending a gentle reminder email can be an effective way to communicate important information and keep everyone on the same page. 

    However, it’s crucial to approach gentle reminder emails with care and avoid common mistakes that could impact their effectiveness.

    Here are five common mistakes you should avoid:

    1) Being Too Vague

    When crafting a gentle reminder email, it’s important to be specific and clear about the purpose of your message. 

    Avoid using generic subject lines like “Gentle Reminder” or “Important Notice.” Instead, provide a concise summary of the subject matter to grab the recipient’s attention and clearly indicate what the email is about.

    Important Tip: Include relevant details or context in the subject line itself, such as “Project Deadline on [Date]” or “[Event/Task] Update.”

    2) Neglecting Politeness and Respect

    Maintaining a polite and respectful tone in your gentle reminder email is crucial to maintain positive relationships. 

    Always begin with a friendly greeting and use courteous language throughout the message. Avoid sounding demanding or condescending, even if the recipient has missed a deadline or forgotten a commitment.

    Important Tip: Avoid sounding demanding or condescending, even if the recipient has missed a deadline or forgotten a commitment.

    3) Overusing Exclamation Marks

    While exclamation marks can add emphasis to important points, it’s important to use them sparingly in professional emails. 

    Overusing exclamation marks may give the impression of urgency or frustration, which can unintentionally create a negative tone. Instead, rely on clear and concise language to convey the importance of your message.

    Important Tip: Use bold formatting or underlined text to highlight crucial information or deadlines instead of relying on exclamation marks.

    4) Lack of Clarity on the Next Steps

    A gentle reminder email should clearly outline the action or response expected from the recipient. 

    Avoid leaving any room for misunderstandings by clearly stating the required steps, deadlines, or any additional information needed. This helps recipients understand what is expected of them and reduces the chances of further confusion or delays.

    Important Tip: Include a bulleted or numbered list of action items to make the next steps easily identifiable and digestible for the recipient.

    5) Lengthy and Overcomplicated Messages

    In today’s fast-paced world, people often have limited time to read lengthy emails. Avoid overwhelming recipients with excessive details or unnecessary information. 

    Keep your gentle reminder emails concise, focused, and to the point. Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight key information, making it easier for the reader to absorb and take action.

    Important Tip: Limit your soft reminder email to a maximum of 5-7 concise sentences or bullet points, ensuring that the message is clear and actionable without being overwhelming.

    4 Popular Tools and software for sending reminder emails

    1) Mailchimp

    A leading email marketing tool that provides basic email marketing features such as email creation, scheduling, and automation. It has a smart recommendations feature that provides valuable audience insights to optimise marketing efforts. 

    Mailchimp makes it easy to design emails using the Content Manager and automates emails at crucial steps of the buyer journey, such as sending welcome emails, order confirmations, and abandoned cart reminders.

    2) MailerLite 

    A free email marketing tool that offers sophisticated features like a landing page builder and pop-up customiser. It provides a drag-and-drop email builder, rich text editor, and built-in photo editor to create stunning emails. MailerLite also allows you to create responsive landing pages, run split tests on email variations, and get comprehensive campaign reports.

    3) Mailjet 

    An email marketing tool with intuitive and collaborative features to help build effective email campaigns. It allows you to customize pre-designed templates and create responsive emails. Mailjet also offers real-time collaboration features and the ability to add dynamic content for personalised and relevant emails.

    4) Moosend 

    Moosend is an email marketing tool that helps automate repetitive tasks and save time. It allows you to design behavioral email campaigns based on subscriber information and activities, and use advanced segmentation to send highly targeted emails to increase open rates, click-through rates, and ROI.

    Also Read: 5 Types of Reminder Email Templates You Should Know


    Overall, a gentle reminder email is a quick easy way of reaching out to contacts to convey various points.

    Remember that the main purpose behind reminder emails is getting a person to act. Be it via emailing back, calling you back, or sending work.

    By the end of the email, they should be well aware of what you want them to do. Alongside this, they should also understand how and when you want them to do it.

    The guidelines, reminder email format, and templates above should be a great reference to help you get started. Soon enough, you’ll be writing reminder emails that bring results in no time at all!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Begin with a friendly greeting and express appreciation. Use a polite tone and focus on the purpose of the email. Frame the reminder as a helpful gesture rather than a demand.

    Instead of using strong language, emphasize the importance of the task or deadline. Highlight the potential benefits or consequences of timely action, while maintaining a considerate and understanding tone.

    If appropriate, providing a brief context or reason can be helpful. However, avoid lengthy explanations. Focus on the essential information and maintain a concise and engaging tone throughout the email.

    A gentle reminder is a polite and respectful way to remind someone about a task, commitment, or deadline they may have forgotten

    A friendly reminder is a polite and approachable way to remind someone about a task, commitment, or deadline they may have forgotten, maintaining a positive tone throughout the message

    To send a polite reminder email, follow these guidelines:

    • Use a clear and concise subject line, reinforcing the importance of the reminder
    • Begin with a friendly greeting, acknowledging the recipient’s previous email engagement
    • Clearly restate the purpose of the reminder email, providing essential details about the upcoming meeting, event, or offer
    • Include a call to action, prompting the recipient to take a specific step

    End with a courteous sign-off, expressing gratitude or anticipation

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