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Is Cold Calling Still Relevant? Pros and Cons

Is cold calling still relevant Pros and Cons - NeoDove

Cold calling has seen its fair share of popularity and has been there as long as the telephone. But, did you know that the average success rate of cold calling is only 2%?

However, it is still effective and must be implemented into your sales strategy.

In cold calling, a representative of a company or a salesperson calls a prospective client or customer. Over this call, they introduce a problem and pitch a service or product that can solve the issue. 

The term “cold” in the phrase cold calling implies that the call is completely unsolicited. Your call receiver has not shown any interest in the product or service and is unaware of the company.

This is where the main difficulty with cold calling lies. Due to the unsolicited and unexpected nature, it becomes difficult to predict the results. 

As a result, cold calling is not appropriate for every product, service, or type of company. Yet, it is used by both B2B and B2C companies invariably and B2B cold calling differs from B2C calling.

In this article, you will learn more about the importance of cold calling and the pros and cons of cold calling. 


What is the importance of Cold Calling?

Despite some challenges, cold calling can be quite beneficial for businesses. It allows companies to reach out directly to their end users.

Furthermore, cold calling is done in the awareness stage of a customer’s journey. Thus, cold calling gives a first-hand review of customer awareness about the brand. 

What is the importance of Cold Calling - NeoDove

Cold calling also helps sales representatives understand the audience’s response towards the company, and their interest in the offering. 

These details are useful for a business competing in the public sector. Using these details, they can market their products to meet the demands of their users. Feedback collected from cold calling also helps companies innovate better products based on the feedback.

Read: Complete Guide on Cold Calling


The Pros and Cons of Cold Calling

If you are considering adding cold calling as your next sales approach, then look into the following pros and cons: 

The Pros and Cons of Cold Calling - NeoDove

The Pros of Cold Calling

Cold calling makes it easier to reach out to new customers and introduce your company to those unaware. There are chances that after a positive cold calling experience, the customer would be more aware of your company. Cold calling could convince them to invest in the products or services. 

Some other benefits of cold calling are:

1. Targeted calling

This refers to cold calling individuals who fit into the typical customer profile. The profiling is made based on geographic and demographic specifications. Correct target-based cold calling can lead to successful customers who have also been looking for what you are offering. There’s also a good chance that your other marketing channels would not have reached them.

A marketing approach of cold calling is personal enough to interest them in your company. However, obviously, it all depends on their overall experience during the cold calling itself

2. Reinventing the sales pitch

Cold calling is an excellent training opportunity for sales and marketing representatives who are just starting their careers. It would allow them to communicate with the end-users and understand their requirements. Thus, they would be able to pitch in the product in a way that would increase its chances of a successful purchase. 

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3. Prospective clients

There are many variables involved for the perfect cold calling experience and the perfect pitch. It is impossible to win over every person you call. But if you cannot persuade them to buy the product, you can persuade them to trust your company and leave them with a pleasant experience. 

Prospective clients in cold calling - NeoDove

This way, you have a prospective client who is now aware of your company’s existence and the type of products you offer. They are now a prospective client who will be more likely to be involved with the company .

4. Great experience for freshers

Cold calling is a great experience for freshers who want to make it big in the sales and marketing industries. It gives them the freedom to interact alone with the client. 

Cold calling will lead them to study the details of the process. They will understand what most customers require from the product and expect from salespeople. It is a great learning experience that teaches them to communicate, pitch a product, and other core parts of marketing. 

5. Economical and hassle-free

Last but not the least, cold calling is an economical and hassle-free way of spreading the word about your product. Many businesses singularly provide hassle-free telemarketing and cold calling services. 

Outsourcing cold calling services would guarantee expert telecalling services from trained and experienced technicians.

Want to design your own cold calling calling script? – click here


The Cons of Cold Calling

There are some aspects of cold calling that did not stand the test of time. Experts and businesses have now altered the traditional cold calling ways to eliminate these issues.

Some of the main cons of cold calling are:

1. Irritating to most customers

There is nothing great about receiving unsolicited cold calls. It is simply annoying and pointless to talk to a stranger about a product you don’t know of and don’t need. A probable solution for this problem is warm calling. Warm calling refers to calls made to the customers who have interacted with the company in some way and shown some interest in it. 

2. Lack of professionalism

There is not much scope to control how two individuals interact over the call. Their behaviour might even seem to be unprofessional. But again, following the strictly professional way might not get the callers the results they seek. 

It is important to call to the interest and emotion of the buyer. So a middle ground needs to be found that does not seem too unprofessional to the listeners and gives the caller scope to pitch in their product well. This can be done through effective cold calling scripts.

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    3. Fear of rejection

    To enhance the chances of success, cold calling must be done professionally. The call should be professional, positive, and strike a chord with the listener. But after facing multiple rejections, it is not always possible to be optimistic. Day after day of making calls and facing rejection is likely to stress out the caller too.

    Read: Cold vs warm calling



    So, does cold calling still work? 

    In the end, it all boils down to how you plan to use the cold calling method. Cold calling depends on what is the product or service you will be calling about, and who are your target customers. 

    With advancing time and technology, there have been several advancements and software available to make the process of cold calling more efficient and productive. Not only is it beneficial for your business but it is also easy to implement and execute. 

    Now you too can opt for a hassle-free and economic marketing approach through cold calling!


    Reasons why cold calling has a negative reputation - NeoDove

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    The term “cold” in the phrase cold calling implies that the call is completely unsolicited. The call receiver has not shown any interest in the product or service and is unaware of the company.

    Cold calling refers to those calls that are completely unsolicited. That means the customer is unaware of the company and hasn’t shown any interest in its products. 

    Warm calling refers to calls made to the customers who have interacted with the company in some way and shown some interest in it. 

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