15 Ways To Prepare For A Demo Call That Wins

If you’re in the business of selling a product or service, a demo call can be a powerful tool to showcase what you have to offer. 

Whether it’s a software demo, product demo, or a free demo call to potential clients, it’s important to make a great first impression.

In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about demo calls, from preparing your materials to handling objections. 

Furthermore, we promise you that by the end of this article you will be able to:

1) Perefctly prepare for every demo call

2) Become an expert at executing demo calls 

3) Close every demo call successfully

So, put down that phone and let’s dive into the world of demo calls. With our tips and tricks, you’ll be giving demo calls like a pro in no time!

What is a Demo Call?

Did you know that more than 50% of prospects want to see how your product works on the first sales call?

This first call is a demo call.

A demo call is when a sales rep calls a prospect to present the features, capabilities, and value a product or service offers. The purpose of a demo call is to close a deal. 

A demo call lays the groundwork for acquiring new customers. In a way, a demo call alone can make or break a deal. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the nuances of how to do a demo call to close deals effectively.

Why do you need to have a Demo Call with the prospect?

In simple terms, a sales agent does a demo call to close a deal. However, there’s so much more to it. In a demo call, you are not just showing your prospect the features of your product or service.


Instead, you’re also understanding their pain points and customizing the demo call according to their specific needs. This makes your prospect want to buy or at least be interested in the further conversation. A demo call might even convert them into paying customers. 

However, this becomes a real challenge when you don’t have enough knowledge about the product or service your business is selling. Therefore it is important to understand your product or service thoroughly before attempting a demo call. 

Additionally, you need to have a proper understanding of the lead status. Depending on where the lead is in the buyer’s journey, there are specific situations where you can schedule a demo call. 

Why does preparing for a Demo Call matter?

Preparing for a demo call is not just about crossing off items on a to-do list; it’s a strategic move that can significantly impact your chances of success. A well-prepared demo call can make the difference between gaining a new customer and losing an opportunity.

Firstly, it ensures you make a strong first impression by showing professionalism and dedication. It’s your chance to showcase your product or service effectively, leaving a lasting positive image. Moreover, understanding your audience and their specific needs allows you to tailor your presentation, making it more relevant and engaging.

In essence, preparing for a demo call matters because it maximizes your chances of turning a prospect into a satisfied customer, which is the ultimate goal of any sales effort in today’s competitive market.

Top Tips To Follow Before Starting A Demo Call

Starting a demo call can be daunting for a lot of sales agents. 


Here are some tips you can follow to master every demo call you attempt. 

1) Understand your product or service like a pro

Knowing your product gives you leverage over your competitors who are trying to sell to the same people. It also makes perfect sense. You can’t do a demo call without knowing anything about your product or services. 

You need to answer questions that the prospect may have regarding your product or service. You should also be more than ready to clear all of their doubts in their demo call itself.

2) Research about your prospect

Before hopping into the demo call, make sure you know about your prospect’s interest. You should know about their business challenges, which areas to focus on, and almost anything you can gather about them. 

This allows you to tailor your demo call according to their needs and what they have in mind. It is a crucial part of of any demo call, so make it worth your while, 

3) Plan your demo call beforehand to avoid confusion

You can plan your demo call in several ways. Usually demo calls are not only restricted to phone calls. So, you can prepare a presentation and share your screen while doing a demo call. You can make something engaging using designing tools to grab your prospect’s attention during the free demo call.

Try to make the demo call more interactive rather than just a boring free demo call. Make sure to include a Q&A session in the demo call so that your prospect has the opportunity to ask relevant questions. 

4) Catch your prospect’s attention

Phrases like – “Hi, I am Raghav, nice to meet you, let’s start with the demo call” kill your chance to grab anyone’s attention, to say the least. 

Now, this is where your prospect research comes into action. Start with something funny or uplifting to grab their attention. 

Wait for their reaction and gradually continue the conversation and take it towards the free demo call presentation. Throw in some humour in between to keep the conversation light and meaningful.

5) Anticipate Questions

Imagine the questions your audience might throw at you during the demo call. Will they ask about features, pricing, or technical details? Anticipate these queries and have well-thought-out answers ready.

6) Practice, Practice, Practice

Rehearse your entire demo call, from the opening statement to the closing remarks. Practicing not only makes you more confident but also helps you refine your delivery, ensuring a smooth and engaging presentation.

Read Also : Get Past the Gatekeeper while Telecalling

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15 Ways To Prepare For Your Demo Call

When it comes to demo calls, thorough preparation can be the difference between a successful presentation and a missed opportunity. 


To help you make the most of your demo calls, here are some essential preparation steps:

1) Know your audience

A crucial aspect of preparing for a demo call is understanding your audience. Research your prospects, their industry, and their specific pain points or challenges. 

In your demo call, tailor your presentation to resonate with their needs and aspirations. Demonstrating a deep understanding of your audience’s concerns increases the chances of a successful demo.

2) Conduct detailed research on your product

You should be an expert on the product or service you’re showcasing during the demo call. Thoroughly understand its features, benefits, and how it addresses common pain points. 

Tip – Be prepared to answer questions comprehensively and provide real-world examples of how your product can solve your prospects’ problems during your demo call. 

A deep knowledge of your offering instills confidence in your audience and enhances your credibility.

3) Set objectives for your demo call as per your prospects

Before your demo call, it’s essential to establish clear objectives aligned with your prospects’ needs and expectations. Determine what your prospects are looking to gain from the call. Be it understanding specific product features, solving particular challenges, or evaluating the product’s fit for their requirements. 

4) Capture more data and use visual aids

During your demo call, leverage visual aids and data to enhance your presentation. Visuals can make complex information more accessible and engaging. 

Tip – capture relevant data during the demo call, such as prospect interactions, questions, and areas of interest. 

Share compelling charts, graphics, or product demonstrations that illustrate key points effectively. 

5) Exhibit how your product helps prospects issues

The core of any successful demo call is showcasing how your product can address your prospect’s pain points and challenges. Be prepared to highlight specific features that directly align with their needs. 

Share real-world examples or case studies that illustrate how your product has benefited similar clients or resolved similar issues. By focusing on solutions and outcomes, you can show how your product can positively impact your prospects’ businesses.

6) Choose the right tool to connect your demo call session

The first step in preparing for a successful demo call is selecting the right platform or software to host the call. Consider factors like ease of use, compatibility with your audience’s devices. 

Moreover, think of any additional features you might need, such as screen sharing or chat options. A smooth and reliable connection tool is essential for a glitch-free demo.

7) Invest in a good microphone

Good audio quality is crucial for effective communication during your demo call. Investing in a high-quality microphone can make a significant difference. 

Tip – Ensure your microphone captures your voice clearly and minimizes background noise. 

This investment ensures that your audience can hear you without any distractions. Thus, making the demo call more engaging and professional.

8) Prepare a structure for the demo call

Structure provides direction and clarity to your demo call. Plan the flow of your presentation, including an introduction, agenda, main content, and a clear call to action. 

This call demo structure keeps you on track, helps your audience follow along, and ensures you cover all essential points during the call.

9) Rehearse your demo call

Practice makes perfect. Before the actual demo call, rehearse your presentation multiple times. 

Tip – Familiarize yourself with the content, transitions, and any demonstrations you plan to showcase. 

Rehearsing allows you to identify potential issues, refine your delivery, and boost your confidence. It also helps you anticipate questions or concerns your audience may raise, allowing you to address them effectively during the call.

10) Confirm the scheduled demo call again

It’s always a good practice to confirm your scheduled demo call in advance. Reach out to your prospect or audience a day or a few hours before the demo call to remind them of the meeting time and any specific details. 

Not only does this ensure that everyone is on the same page, but it also demonstrates your professionalism and commitment.

11) Recheck everything before you start your demo call

Just before you initiate your demo call, take a moment to recheck everything. Ensure that your equipment, such as your computer, camera, and microphone, is functioning correctly. 

Tip – Double-check that your presentation materials, software, and any documents you plan to share are readily accessible and in working order. 

This last-minute review helps avoid technical hiccups and ensures a smooth start to your call.

12) Keep only relevant tabs open

During your demo call, it’s essential to have the relevant tabs or applications open on your computer. Close any unnecessary windows or distractions to maintain focus. 

Keep your presentation, call demo tools, and communication platforms accessible. This allows you to seamlessly navigate through your content without interruptions.

13) Always have a backup plan ready

Despite careful preparations, unexpected technical issues can sometimes occur during demo calls. It’s wise to have a backup plan in place for such situations.

Having a backup plan demonstrates your commitment to delivering a successful demo call, no matter the circumstances.

14) Don’t interrupt your prospects when speaking

It’s vital to maintain a respectful and attentive demeanor during your demo call. Avoid interrupting your prospects when they’re sharing their thoughts or asking questions. 

Instead, actively listen to their concerns and comments. Let them express themselves fully before providing your responses. 

15) Seek feedback post the demo call session

After the demo call concludes, don’t consider your work done. Take the initiative to seek feedback from your prospects. 

Tip – Ask them about their experience during the call, what they found valuable, and if there are areas for improvement. 

Constructive feedback provides valuable insights to enhance your future demo calls and better cater to your audience’s needs.

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    Just like how we all want a  happy ending in a movie, your demo call should also end on a good note. This is the stage where you know if the prospect is going to make a purchase or not. 

    More often than not a demo call would go really well. However, as the sales agent gets restless for an answer the prospect gets inclined to say no. Don’t force them into making a purchase. Give them their sweet time to decide on opting for your product after finishing the demo call.

    Create your perfect free demo call with NeoDove’s Telecalling CRM. It gives you the leverage to call your prospects directly without saving their contact. Moreover, you can manage leads effectively, automate the sales process and get a plethora of features to master your demo calls!
