15 Effective Cold Calling Script Templates & Tips

For many salespeople, making cold calls is a terrifying experience knowing that the average conversion rate is 2%.

But, did you know that the conversion rate soars to 18% when highly-qualified prospects are targeted?

Cold calling scripts can make the process a lot easier. In fact, your salespeople can even use cold calling examples as a point of reference while making cold calling scripts.

Cold calling can be an effective way to break into corporate accounts and establish a relationship.

In this article, we will look at what cold calling is alongside some of the best cold calling scripts.

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    What is a Cold Call?

    Cold calls involve a salesperson calling up a potential client who hasn’t previously shown interest in your business. As a form of telemarketing, cold calling is considered one of the oldest and most popular means of marketing.

    Cold calling can have a variety of results. From acceptance, to hang-ups, to call terminations and more. However, one cannot deny their effectiveness.

    Top 10 Cold Calling Scripts (With Examples)

    It is crucial to have a good introduction and a value proposition in your sales call script. Alongside these, qualifying questions and a closing statement are necessary in all cold calling scripts. 

    A single sales call script isn’t going to work for everyone when it comes to cold calling. Customers won’t buy from you if your cold calling scripts don’t meet their needs. 

    Here are some effective cold calling scripts and cold calling examples:

    1) Introductory Script – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling script serves as a warm and engaging introduction to your prospect. It aims to capture their attention and create a positive first impression.

    [Salesman]: Good morning/afternoon! I'm [Name] from [Company]. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I'd like to briefly introduce our latest [Product/Service] that could benefit your business. May I have a couple of minutes?

    [Customer]: Sure, go ahead.

    [Salesman]: [Brief product/service explanation and key benefits]. Does this sound useful for your company?

    [Customer]: It does seem interesting. Could you send me some details via email to review further?

    [Salesman]: Absolutely! I'll send a brochure and case study. When's a good time for a follow-up call to address any questions?

    [Customer]: How about next week on [Day and Time]?

    [Salesman]: Perfect! I'll send the materials right away. Looking forward to our conversation next week.

    2) Value-Driven Script – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling example script focuses on showcasing the value and benefits of your product or service. It aims to pique the prospect’s interest by highlighting how your solution can solve their pain points.

    [Salesman]: Hello, I'm [Name] from [Company]. I appreciate you taking my call. Our [Product/Service] has been delivering exceptional value to businesses like yours by [1-2 key value propositions]. May I have a few minutes to understand your current challenges and goals?

    [Customer]: Okay, I can spare a few minutes. What did you have in mind?

    [Salesman]: Great, thank you. [Ask 1-2 relevant questions to understand the customer's pain points/goals]. Based on what you mentioned, our solution could potentially [Explain how your product/service can specifically address their challenges/goals]. Does this align with your priorities?

    [Customer]: That's interesting, it does seem relevant to our needs. Could you share some success stories and pricing details?

    [Salesman]: Absolutely, let me send you a few case studies and a pricing summary right away. When would be a good time for a brief follow-up call to discuss this further and ensure we're on the same page?

    [Customer]: How about [Day/Time] next week?

    [Salesman]: Perfect, thanks for your time. I'll send the details now and look forward to exploring how we can drive meaningful value for your organization.

    3) Cold Call Script to Get Appointment – Cold Calling Script

    With this cold calling script to get an appointment, you can secure a commitment from the prospect for an appointment. It aims to efficiently schedule a future interaction.

    [Salesman]: Good morning/afternoon! This is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. Do you have a couple of minutes to discuss how we can help [Key Pain Point]?

    [Customer]: Sure, go ahead.

    [Salesman]: Great! Many of our clients in [Industry] were struggling with [Pain Point] until we provided [Your Solution]. I'd love to set up a brief meeting to understand your specific challenges and explore if our [Product/Service] could be a good fit. When would be a convenient time?

    [Customer]: Hmm, I'm quite busy this week. How about next Tuesday at 10 AM?

    [Salesman]: Absolutely, next Tuesday at 10 AM works perfectly. I've got that booked in my calendar. During our meeting, I'll explain how [Key Benefit 1] and [Key Benefit 2] can significantly improve [Pain Point] for your business. Looking forward to it!

    [Customer]: Sounds good, I'll make sure to block that time off. Talk to you then.

    [Salesman]: Thank you for your time, [Customer's Name]. Have a great rest of your day!

    4) Probing the Prospect’s Pain Points – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling example script is used to uncover the specific challenges or pain points the prospect is facing. It aims to gather valuable information to tailor your solution to their needs.

    [Salesman]: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. Am I speaking with the person responsible for [Department/Role]?

    [Customer]: Yes, that's me. How can I help you?

    [Salesman]: Great! I wanted to briefly discuss some of the challenges businesses in your industry often face related to [Pain Point 1] and [Pain Point 2]. Can you share if these are issues you're currently dealing with?

    [Customer]: Well, [Pain Point 1] has been a real headache for us lately. We've been struggling to [Describe Specific Situation].

    [Salesman]: I see, that does sound like a major challenge. What has been the biggest impact of [Pain Point 1] on your business?

    [Customer]: It has really affected our [Specific Consequence, e.g., productivity, costs, customer satisfaction]. We've tried [Their Attempted Solution], but it hasn't worked as well as we hoped.

    [Salesman]: I understand. Many of our clients faced similar issues before implementing our [Product/Service]. Based on what you've shared, it seems like we could potentially help by [Key Benefit]. Would you be open to a brief meeting to explore this further?
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    5) Establishing Trust – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling script focuses on building trust with the prospect. It aims to reassure them of your credibility and reliability.

    [Salesman]: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. Before we proceed, I want to assure you that our conversation will be focused entirely on your needs and how we might be able to help your business. I'm not here for a hard sell, but rather to have an open dialogue and explore if there's a good fit. Does that sound fair?

    [Customer]: Yes, that's appreciated. Go ahead.

    [Salesman]: Excellent. As I mentioned, we specialize in [Your Industry/Service Area]. Some of our longstanding clients include [Name 1-2 Well-Known Clients]. They've been able to achieve [Impressive Result 1] and [Impressive Result 2] by working with us.

    [Customer]: I see. Those are certainly impressive results.

    [Salesman]: Absolutely. Now, I don't want to make any assumptions about your current situation. Could you share a bit about your biggest challenges related to [Pain Point]? I'll listen first and then we can explore if we might be able to help.

    [Customer]: Well, our main issue has been [Describes Pain Point]...

    [Salesman]: I understand, that does sound like a significant challenge. Thank you for sharing that context. Based on what you've described, here's how some of our other clients have addressed similar issues... [Provides Relevant Example]. Does this resonate with your situation at all?

    6) Setting Up a Demo Call or Meeting – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling script is used to arrange a demo call or in-person meeting with the prospect to showcase your product or services.

    [Salesman]: Thank you for taking the time to discuss your challenges with [Pain Point] today. Based on our conversation, it seems like our [Product/Service] could potentially provide a good solution.

    [Customer]: Yes, I'm definitely interested in learning more about how you could help us address those issues.

    [Salesman]: Excellent. I think the best next step would be to schedule a short demo or meeting where I can provide an in-depth overview tailored to your specific needs. This way, you can see firsthand how our solution works and ask any additional questions you may have.

    [Customer]: That sounds like a good idea. What did you have in mind in terms of timing and format?

    [Salesman]: For the demo, I'd recommend setting aside 30 minutes for a screen-share session where I can walk you through the key features and capabilities. Would you prefer a virtual meeting or should I plan to come on-site?

    [Customer]: A virtual meeting would be perfect for now. How's your availability next week?

    [Salesman]: I have openings on Tuesday at 2 PM or Thursday at 11 AM. Which day and time work better for you and your team?

    [Customer]: Let's go with Thursday at 11 AM. Should I send you a calendar invite with a video conferencing link?

    [Salesman]: That would be great, yes. I'll make sure to send over some background information ahead of time so we can make the most of our session. I'm looking forward to providing a tailored demo for your business.
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    7) Getting Past the Gatekeeper – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling script helps you navigate conversations with gatekeepers to reach the decision-maker. It aims to politely request access to the key person responsible for lead management.

    [Gatekeeper]: Hello, this is [Company Name]. How can I assist you?

    [Salesman]: Good morning/afternoon! This is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I have a scheduled call with [Decision Maker's Name] to discuss [Brief Context/Reason]. Could you please confirm if they are available?

    [Gatekeeper]: I'm afraid [Decision Maker's Name] is in a meeting currently. Can I take a message?

    [Salesman]: Thank you for checking. Since we had a pre-arranged call, I'm happy to hold briefly if they're free in the next 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, I'd appreciate if you could let them know I called and ask them to provide a few alternate times we could connect today or tomorrow.

    [Gatekeeper]: Let me check on that meeting...[puts you on hold]

    [Salesman]: Thank you for your patience, I really appreciate you double-checking their availability.

    [Gatekeeper]: Unfortunately, their meeting is running long. [Decision Maker's Name] asked me to reschedule you for [Suggested New Time] if that works with your schedule.

    [Salesman]: Absolutely, [Suggested New Time] works perfectly on my end. Thank you for your help rescheduling and please let [Decision Maker's Name] know I'm looking forward to our discussion then.

    8) When You Receive No Response and Need to Follow Up – Cold Calling Script

    You can use this cold calling script for following up when you haven’t received a response from a prospect. It aims to re-engage the prospect and remind them of your previous outreach.

    [Salesman]: Hi [Contact's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Company Name] following up on the voicemail I left last week. I wanted to briefly discuss how our [Product/Service] could help [Pain Point] for your business. Did you happen to receive my message?

    [Customer]: Yes, I did receive your voicemail but haven't had a chance to respond yet. This isn't the best time for me, to be honest.

    [Salesman]: I understand, your time is valuable. However, based on our initial research, we may have some solutions that could significantly improve [Key Metric] for your company. Would you be open to a quick 10-minute call later this week to explore this further?

    [Customer]: Well, I don't want to commit to anything right now. Why don't you send me some additional information via email?

    [Salesman]: Absolutely, I'd be happy to provide an overview and some case studies of results we've helped similar companies achieve. Could you confirm the best email for me to send that to? And if the information looks compelling after you review it, would you consider a brief call?

    [Customer]: Sure, send it to [Email Address]. I'll take a look, but I can't make any promises about a call just yet.

    [Salesman]: I understand completely. Let me get that overview over to you, and we can regroup from there if it makes sense for [Company Name]. I appreciate your time today.

    9) Script to Handle Rejections – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling example script is used to gracefully handle rejections and objections from prospects. It aims to maintain a positive and professional relationship for potential future interactions.

    [Salesman]: Hi [Contact Name], this is [Your Name] from [Company]. I wanted to follow up on the voicemail I left about how our [Product/Service] could help [Pain Point] for your business. Do you have a couple of minutes to discuss this?

    [Customer]: Thanks for following up, but I'm not interested. We've already got that covered.

    [Salesman]: I understand, thanks for letting me know directly. Since you've already explored solutions, would you mind if I ask what you've implemented to address [Pain Point]?

    [Customer]: We're using [Their Current Solution]. It works well enough for our needs.

    [Salesman]: I see, that's good to know you've found something that works for now. However, many companies think they have [Pain Point] covered until they see how our [Key Benefit 1] and [Key Benefit 2] allow them to take it to the next level. Would you be open to a 10-minute call to see if there's an opportunity for further improvement?

    [Customer]: To be honest, I really don't have the bandwidth for additional calls on this right now. We're satisfied with our current approach.

    [Salesman]: No problem at all, I appreciate your frankness. Since you're already handling [Pain Point] effectively, let me ask - what are some of the other top priorities or challenges you're focused on? I'm always looking for ways we could potentially add value down the road.

    [Customer]: Well, one area we're working on is [Different Business Pain Point]...

    [Salesman]: That's really helpful context. Let me make a note of that, and if any solutions come to mind, I'll try circling back in a few months to see if the timing is better. Thanks again for your time today.

    10) Generating User Referrals – Cold Calling Script

    This cold calling script is used to ask satisfied customers for referrals to potential prospects. It aims to leverage your existing happy customers to expand your client base.

    [Salesman]: Before we wrap up, I'm wondering if you could provide 1-2 referrals of companies that could also benefit from our [Product/Service]?

    [Customer]: Sure, how about [Company 1] and [Company 2]? They have similar challenges that you solved for us.

    [Salesman]: Great, do you have any specific contact names there?

    [Customer]: For [Company 1], try [Contact Name & Title]. And at [Company 2], it's [Contact Name & Title].

    [Salesman]: Awesome, thanks for the referrals and direct contacts. Client recommendations are really valuable for us.

    [Customer]: No problem, happy to refer you.

    📝Also Read: Cold Calling vs. Warm Calling: Which Is Better?

    5 Effective Cold Calling Tips You Must Know

    Cold calling is an essential part of reaching out to potential customers, and mastering it can significantly boost your sales efforts.

    To help you succeed in cold calling, here are five key tips that can make a real difference in your cold calling scripts:

    1) Do Your Research

    Before making a cold call, take the time to research the prospect and their business. It shows your sincerity and increases the chances of engaging the prospect in a meaningful conversation.

    Tip – Understand their industry, challenges, and any recent developments. When you call, reference this knowledge to demonstrate that you’ve done your homework.

    2) Listen Attentively

    Effective cold calling is not just about talking; it’s also about listening. Listening helps you understand their pain points and needs. It allows you to respond more effectively and tailor your pitch to address their specific problems.

    Tip –  Pay close attention to what the prospect is saying, and don’t interrupt.

    3) Offer Problem-Solving Solutions

    Instead of pushing a generic pitch, focus on how your product or service can solve the prospect’s specific problems. Demonstrating the value you can bring to their business is more compelling than a one-size-fits-all approach.

    Tip – Provide concrete examples and case studies to illustrate how you’ve helped others in similar situations.

    4) Be Yourself

    Authenticity is key in cold calling. People are more likely to connect with and trust a real person rather than a sales script. Let your personality shine through while maintaining professionalism.

    Tip – Be genuine and approachable. Avoid using overly scripted or robotic language.

    5) Track, Record, and Follow Up Persistently

    After every call, make detailed notes about the conversation and set a clear follow-up schedule. Effective follow-up is often the key to closing deals. Use a CRM system to track and manage prospects efficiently. 

    Tip – Send follow-up emails or materials as promised to stay on the prospect’s radar.

    📝Do Check Out: The Ultimate Guide to CRM in 2023


    Cold calling has changed a lot over the years, and it’s just going to get better. 

    Cold calling scripts are a great approach if you deal with a great number of customers on a daily basis. These cold calling scripts can be used for several purposes, including introducing your products/services to potential customers. 

    Moreover, sales call scripts allow you to do so in an informative manner. 

    Use these sales call script examples to help you get over any initial jitters. Pay attention to the language that you are using in cold calling scripts. The language you use in your cold calling scripts should resonate most with the prospects. 

    You’ll notice that your cold calls lead to a more successful outcome as you improve your cold calling scripts. So, take pointers from these cold calling scripts and improve your sales game!

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