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How You Can Use Cold Calling In Sales – An Easy Guide

Key Takeaways:

  • Ditch the stale scripts – cold calls work best when they feel like natural conversations.
  • Ask questions that uncover the prospect’s actual needs and challenges.
  • Find shared interests or connections to quickly build rapport.
  • Always leave the call with a small, agreed next step to keep momentum.
  • Persistence pays off – consistently following up is crucial for cold calling success.

Cold calling – the mere mention of it can make even seasoned sales managers feel awkward – not kidding. But what is cold calling, really? In its essence, cold calling in sales is the practice of reaching out to potential customers who haven’t expressed prior interest in your product or service. It’s a form of cold calling lead generation that can be incredibly effective when executed properly.

While the term “cold calling” might invoke images of telemarketing scripts and dial tones in your mind, the truth is that it can be a powerful tool in your lead generation funnel. With the right cold calling tips for sales and a thoughtful strategy, you can turn those bad introductions into good conversations and, ultimately, closed deals. In this guide, we’ll share the expert’s insights on cold calling and provide you with actionable insights to improve your sales.

What Is Cold Calling? 

Ever gotten a call from someone trying to sell you something, when you didn’t even know their company existed? That’s the cold calling meaning in a nutshell. It’s when business development executives reach out to potential customers who haven’t interacted with the company before. No warm introductions, just a cold outreach attempt.

In sales, it is a common technique for cold calling lead generation. Representatives make these calls to prospect for new business opportunities from scratch. While it may seem like an outdated marketing strategy in our post-social-media world, cold calling in sales is still very much alive. Many companies fuel their sales pipelines through this old-school tactic.

The key is making those cold calls not seem so cold anymore… we will share the “How” in the later part of this guide. 

How Cold Calling Can Help You In Lead Generation 

When it comes to cold calling lead generation, there’s nothing quite as direct and effective as picking up the phone. While inbound marketing is great for capturing leads that are already interested, cold calling allows you to proactively seek out new prospects.

A strategic cold calling campaign can fill your sales pipeline with fresh, qualified leads that you may have never reached otherwise. By having real conversations, you can quickly grab their interest and pain points in a way that email marketing or ads can’t match.

Plus, cold calling puts you in control. Instead of waiting for leads to come to you, you’re taking the initiative to find them. When done right, it can supercharge your entire lead generation engine and drive impressive ROI, despite its time-intensive nature. 

14 Effective Cold Calling Tips & Tricks 

Enough of talking! Now, let’s have the real thing get started. But first, let’s be real – cold calling isn’t exactly fun for anyone involved. The cold calling meaning is right there in the name – “Cold”. But with the proper strategy and mindset, you can transform these cold outreach attempts into warm sales conversations.

Here are some 14 cold calling tips for sales which are hand-picked from the industry expert’s insights:  

1) Do Your Research 

Before picking up the phone, thoroughly research each prospect and their company. Identify their potential pain points, buying triggers, and how your offering could provide value. Having this context makes your calls feel warmer and more personalized.  

Important Tip: Leverage tools like LinkedIn and the company’s website/marketing materials to gather valuable information about them.

2) Nail the Opening Line 

Forget the old “Did I catch you at a bad time?” opener. Instead, start with a casual, conversational line that piques curiosity about the reason for your call. Get them engaged from the start. Realize you only have a few seconds to capture their attention. 

Important Tip: You can role-play different opening lines and see which ones work best for you.

3) Ask Engaging Questions

Cold calling shouldn’t feel like an interrogation. Ask thought-provoking questions that encourage a healthy back-and-forth dialogue. Seek to truly understand their needs, challenges, and goals. The best questions will get the prospect talking and sharing insights.

Important Tip: Prepare a list of thought-provoking questions tailored to your ideal prospects.

4) Listen Actively 

Arguably more important than what you say is how you listen. Pick up on vocal cues, read between the lines when prospects respond, and dig deeper into their offhand comments where insights are often hidden. Quiet your internal monologue and be fully present. 

Important Tip: Take brief notes during calls to remind yourself to circle back on important points.

5) Find a Personal Connection 

This won’t be possible every time but try to reference any mutual connections, alumni ties, or shared interests to help build rapport quickly. Finding commonalities helps prospects warm up to you. But don’t force it – let these rapport builders emerge naturally. 

Important Tip: Spend a few minutes before calls browsing the prospect’s LinkedIn/social media for shared interests. 

6) Manage Objections Smoothly 

Prepare responses for common rejections like “I don’t have time” or “We’re all set with a vendor.” Don’t get disturbed- have a strategy for addressing objections calmly. View them as opportunities to continue the conversation. You can also check out our guide on how to handle objections – it is very helpful for salespeople like you. 

Important Tip: Create an objection-handling cheat sheet with proven rebuttals you can quickly reference.

7) Stick to Your Call Structure

Have a proven call structure that moves the conversation forward naturally without feeling overly scripted. Changing it constantly threatens managing or missing key points. But allow for flexibility to have a natural discussion. 

Important Tip: But be ready to go off-script if the prospect wants to diverge in an interesting direction.

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8) Schedule Purposeful Call Blocks 

Dedicate chunks of time solely for cold calling when you can stay focused. Squeezing it between other tasks often leads to distracted, ineffective calls. Treat it as a critical priority, not a checklist task.  

Important Tip: Use a scheduling app to block off sacred calling hours you won’t compromise. 

9) Leverage New Data & Insights 

If you uncover new info about a prospect’s company or role between calls, quickly tailor your approach accordingly. Staying relevant keeps you sounding sharp. Continuously update your research. Read industry blogs – go explore new tools in the sales field. 

Important Tip: Set Google Alerts for your prospects’ companies to stay updated on relevant news.

10) Record Your Calls

Recording calls allows you to self-critique and identify areas to improve things like tone, listening skills, and objection handling. But be transparent and compliant with regulations. Reviewing calls is a powerful way to refine your cold calling strategies over time.

Important Tip: Take notes immediately after calls to capture fresh observations while they’re top of mind.

11) Be Mindful of Vocal Tone

How you say things is as important as what you say. Monitor your pace, projection, and inflexion – you want to sound natural and confident. Energy and enthusiasm are contagious over the phone. Remember, your vocal quality can make or break a cold call. 

Important Tip: Do vocal warmups and stay hydrated to keep your voice energized throughout call blocks.

12) Know When to Persist or Move On 

Some prospects may need more nurturing, while others are truly disinterested. Develop a sense of knowing how hard to push each opportunity. Don’t miss buy signals by giving up too soon. But also respect their boundaries – pressuring too hard can backfire. 

Important Tip: Track your touchpoints and activity to identify the ideal cadence for each prospect.

13) Ask for the Next Step 

Don’t let calls cut with no clear action item. Always attempt to map out a small commitment to continuing the dialogue. Micro-commitments can lead to larger ones down the line. Having an agreed next step keeps the sales momentum going. 

Important Tip: Have a list of easy, no-pressure next-step options to propose (e.g. email an article, or schedule a meeting).

14) Follow Up Persistently 

The fortune is in the follow-up. Even if initial calls don’t lead anywhere, consistently circling back in a respectful way can eventually pay dividends. Touch base with helpful insights or updates. Persistence is key for cold calling success – you’re playing a long game. 

Important Tip: Use an effective CRM like NeoDove to automate regular follow-up reminders so no prospect falls through the cracks.

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    That’s it, you may now understand the true cold calling meaning. Cold calling may seem like an outdated tactic, but it remains an incredibly powerful tool for generating sales opportunities when done right. By developing a strategic, human-centric approach focused on engaging conversations rather than robotic pitches, you can turn those cold calls into warmly received outreach that fills your pipeline.  

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