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An Ultimate Guide To Cold Texting Sales Prospects

Key Takeaways:

Cold texting is a dynamic sales tactic, engaging potential customers through text messages with a high open rate.

Similar to cold calling, it offers a direct approach but with written communication.

This article delves into its effectiveness, benefits, and transformative impact on sales strategies.

Imagine that you’re a sales pro armed with a powerful tool – cold texting.

Cold texting is not just about sending texts, it’s about building real connections and turning prospects into valued customers.

Did you know approximately 98% of text messages are opened by customers as compared to just 22% of emails? Cold texting allows you to reach out to potential customers, just as you would over the phone with cold calling.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the do’s and don’ts of cold texting, its benefits and how it can transform the way you approach sales.

So, let’s dive into the world of cold texting and discover how it can open doors to new opportunities and elevate your sales game.

What is Cold Texting?

Cold texting refers to reaching out to prospects you have no relationship with via text message. Typically, cold texts involve you purchasing a contact list or finding your prospect’s phone number online.


Businesses often consider cold texting to be a more personal method of communication. As such, it can be a useful tool to help you reach your target audience effectively.

Is Cold Texting illegal?

Cold texting, or sending unsolicited text messages to individuals who have not explicitly given consent, can be a legal gray area. It’s essential to understand the laws and regulations that govern communication through text messages.

In India, cold texting falls under the purview of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations, 2018.

According to these rules, businesses engaging in cold texting must obtain prior consent from the recipients, maintain a “Do Not Disturb” registry, and clearly identify themselves in the messages. Failure to adhere to these regulations can lead to penalties and legal consequences.

While cold texting isn’t explicitly illegal in India, it’s subject to strict compliance with these regulations.

Cold Texting Vs. Cold Calling: What’s the difference?

Cold texting and  cold calling are two distinct approaches to reaching out to potential prospects, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks.


1) Cold Texting

Cold texting involves sending unsolicited text messages to individuals or businesses you believe could benefit from your product or service. It’s less intrusive than cold calling and provides the recipient with the flexibility to respond at their convenience.

Moreover, cold texting allows you to craft carefully worded messages, providing valuable information and sparking interest.

2)Cold Calling

In contrast, cold calling entails reaching out to prospects via phone calls without prior contact. While it offers real-time interaction, it can be interruptive, and many people may find it intrusive or off-putting.

The choice between cold texting and cold calling depends on your target audience, your product or service, and your personal preferences. Some may prefer the directness of a phone call, while others may appreciate the non-intrusive nature of a cold text message.

Ultimately, both methods can be effective when used judiciously and respectfully.

Also Read: SMS Marketing: The Magic Potion For Your Growing Business

The Benefits of Cold Texting

In the world of modern communication, cold texting has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to connect with potential customers.


Here are some of the main benefits of cold texting your prospects:

1) Higher Open Rates

One of the significant advantages of cold texting is the higher open rate compared to emails. People tend to check their text messages promptly, making it more likely that your cold text message will be seen and read.

2) Cost-Effective

Cold texting is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. It eliminates the need for printed materials, postage, or phone call expenses, making it a budget-friendly choice for businesses of all sizes.

3) Instant Delivery

Unlike emails or traditional mail, cold text messages are delivered instantly. This means that cold texting can reach your prospects when they are most engaged and ready to take action.

4) Better Conversion Rate

Cold texting often leads to better conversion rates. The direct and personal nature of text messages can prompt quicker responses and actions from recipients.

5) Greater Audience Reach

Cold texting allows you to reach a broader audience, including individuals who may not frequently check their email or answer calls from unknown numbers. It extends your outreach and increases your chances of finding potential customers.

y and clarity. Your message should be easy to understand and get straight to the point.

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How Not To Cold Text Your Sales Prospects

Cold texting can be an effective way to connect with potential customers, but it’s crucial to do it right.


Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1) Don’t Write a Novel

When cold texting, keep your messages concise and to the point. Avoid sending lengthy paragraphs that might overwhelm or bore your prospects.
Instead, provide clear and brief information that captures their interest. Remember, the goal is to initiate a conversation, not deliver a sales pitch in the first message.

2) Don’t be Overly Casual

While it’s important to sound approachable, being overly casual or informal can backfire. Avoid using slang, emojis, or language that may come across as unprofessional. Striking a balance between friendly and respectful is key to making a positive impression.

3) Don’t Use Text Shorthand

Text shorthand like “u” instead of “you” or “r” instead of “are” might save character space but can make your message appear unprofessional. Opt for complete words and proper grammar to convey professionalism and clarity.

4) Don’t Neglect Timing

Timing matters when cold texting. Avoid sending messages during late hours or weekends unless you know it’s convenient for your prospects.

Consider their time zones and schedules to increase the chances of your message being seen and responded to promptly. Sending messages at inappropriate times may lead to annoyance rather than interest.

Don’t Ignore Opt-Out Requests

Always provide recipients with an option to opt out of receiving further messages from you. Ignoring or making it difficult for prospects to unsubscribe can lead to frustration and damage your reputation.

Respect their preferences and promptly remove them from your contact list when they opt out.

How To Cold Text Your Sales Prospects

Cold texting can be a valuable tool in your sales arsenal when done right. Here are some essential tips for effectively cold texting your sales prospects:

1) Follow the KISS Model

KISS stands for “Keep It Simple, Stupid.” When crafting your cold text messages, aim for simplicity and clarity. Your message should be easy to understand and get straight to the point.

Tip – Avoid jargon, complex language, or lengthy explanations.

2) Keep Texts Clean and Concise

Mobile screens are small, and attention spans are shorter. Keep your texts brief and focused. A concise message is more likely to be read and acted upon.

Tip – Highlight the most important information and provide a clear call to action.

3) Be Mindful of Area Codes and Time Zones

Pay attention to the area codes and time zones of your prospects. Sending messages at inappropriate times can be intrusive and counterproductive.

Tip – Use scheduling tools if necessary to ensure your texts arrive during acceptable hours.

4) Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Consider how your message will be received from the recipient’s perspective. A customer-centric approach is more likely to resonate with prospects.

Tip – Craft your message to address their needs or pain points.

5) Ask for Permission

Before diving into your sales pitch, ask for permission to continue the conversation. Seeking permission demonstrates respect and professionalism in your approach.

Tip – Respect their consent and let them know why engaging with you can benefit them.

When Should You Cold Text Your Sales Prospects?

Timing is crucial in cold texting to maximize your chances of success and avoid annoying potential customers.


Here’s when you should consider sending cold texts:

1) During business hours

Send your cold texts during regular business hours when prospects are more likely to be available and attentive to messages. Avoid early mornings, late evenings, and weekends unless you know it’s suitable for your specific audience.

2) After initial interest

If a prospect has shown initial interest in your product or service, such as visiting your website or downloading a resource, it’s an opportune time to send a follow-up cold text. Reference their previous interaction to make your message relevant.

3) When you have value to offer

Cold texting aims to provide value to the recipient. Whether it’s a special offer, relevant information, or a solution to their pain points, ensure your cold text message offers something worthwhile.

4) Before key events or deadlines

If your product aligns with specific events or deadlines in your prospect’s industry, sending cold texts beforehand can be timely and appreciated.

5) After proper research

Cold texting should be informed by research about the prospect and their needs. Send messages after gathering enough information to personalize your approach effectively.

So, should you cold text your sales prospects?

Absolutely, you should consider cold texting as a valuable tool for reaching out to potential customers.

In today’s digital age, cold texting offers a direct and immediate way to engage prospects. It allows you to establish a personal connection, share relevant information, and nurture leads.

When done right—by sending well-crafted, personalized messages—cold texting can yield impressive results. It’s an efficient way to kickstart conversations, build relationships, and ultimately, boost your sales prospects.

So, yes, embrace cold texting as a valuable addition to your sales strategy. But, always do so respectfully and within the boundaries of legal and ethical standards.

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    In the world of sales, mastering the art of cold texting is like unlocking a treasure trove of potential opportunities.

    Through this guide, you’ve gained valuable insights into the strategies, do’s, and don’ts of cold texting sales prospects. Remember, it’s not just about sending messages; it’s about creating connections.

    Craft your cold text messages thoughtfully, respect your prospects’ time, and always focus on providing value. With practice and persistence, you can turn those cold text messages into warm relationships, building a network of loyal customers.

    So, venture forth with confidence, and may your cold texts open doors to a world of sales success!

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