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B2B Telesales Tips – How To Increase Telesales Output

B2B Telesales Tips

Try visualizing a contact centre. What is the first image that comes to mind? 

Whether you picture a bunch of people with smiles as bright as the setting sun or a bunch of people at the brink of losing it, they are all players on a highly competitive field.

The level of competition and complexity is even higher in a Business to Business (B2B) environment. So, if you are still using the same telesales strategy as they did 18 years ago, then it may be time to rethink it.

We have put together 11 of the best B2B telesales tips that will help you close more deals!


How to increase B2B telesales output?

On an organizational level, increasing telesales output will mostly pertain to providing lucrative incentives, acknowledging efforts publicly, holding regular training and motivational sessions, and so on.

However, there are many things that must be done at the individual level to maximize the output gained from telesales efforts. 


11 tips to help you maximize your B2B telesales results

From planning a full-fledged outreach to taking a break, here are some of the best B2B telesales tips that will help you to change your sales game.

Strategize or do nothing

When you are finally ready to buy or build a house, you don’t start building it yourself or ask someone to just do it, do you?

From financing to designing, there’s a lot you’ll need to plan and the same goes for your B2B telesales. B2B companies have a much smaller audience than B2C companies, so it’s important to have clarity on your business’ target audience, know your brand positioning, strategize how you will reach out to your audience, and address their needs. 

B2B Telesales Tips

Set no limits to understanding

Your research should not end at knowing who your audience is or what your product or service is all about. 

Broaden the horizons of your knowledge by researching extensively about your industry and the industries related to your business, know your competitors and know what is unique about your brand.

Prepare as if B2B sales were a battlefield and consider all the different weapons and tactics that could be used against you. 

Aim realistically

For most of us, setting targets and missing them is quite normal. Several reasons could contribute to this, including getting something much more important on your plate, being unwell or setting goals at a time you were extremely geared up to achieve almost anything.

Goal setting is a serious business, if your goals are too low, you are not challenging yourself enough and stunting your own growth, while if your goals are unrealistic, you are only inviting trouble and pressure into your life.

In B2B telesales, even bringing one quality leads every day is a huge achievement. Don’t settle, however.

Know your script

You can only be successful at B2B telesales if you are pitching to the decision-maker or someone who holds a position of influence. And how much time do you believe these people are willing to spare to listen to you?

Your time and their time are both valuable. Ensure you have a well-drafted script at hand, not for you to read it as it is, but for you to stay on point and not wander off-topic. Be relevant and concise in your sales pitch.

Give importance to timing

RingDNA recommends calling prospects in the late afternoon before lunch. Although this might vary from industry to industry, the point is that people take calls at a certain time, so calling them during that time will be more fruitful.

Make sure that you know the ideal time to call your leads or prospects and follow that timing properly. Say, you set your calling time between 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM, make it a point not to switch between activities and break your flow. Unless there is something of high priority, don’t deviate from your schedule. 

Always put quality first

Meeting targets always puts pressure on salespeople, and in these situations, they tend to under-qualify leads in order to increase the number of leads generated. Moving forward, such leads, if pursued, prove to be useless.

Again, in B2B telesales, generating one lead holds immense value but only if it is a qualified lead.    

Master objection handling

There must be some questions that you will certainly find common across your calls and how well do you know the answers to them? 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself – 

  • What is stopping them from buying my product? 
  • Is it the price? Then what is the next best offer for them? 
  • Are they really my target audience?   
  • Why might they not be interested?

Does it have to do with a competitor’s product? Is there anything that I can offer that  is unique?

b2b telesales

The skill of handling objections simply cannot be underestimated. It is common for questions and objections to arise at different times, and knowing what to answer at those points will not only help ensure a smooth conversation but also positively impact the listener’s mind

Know when to stop

The aim of your call should not be to simply say what you want to say. Knowing when to stop talking and start listening is of utmost importance. 

There will certainly be times when you talk endlessly and your respondent is as silent as they can be. Therefore, it’s important to ask questions every now and then and let the other person speak and reveal their pain points.

Follow-up on time

Many opportunities are lost only because one didn’t follow up on time. Don’t let that be the case with you. If someone has given a certain time for you to call, ensure that you call them at that time or day.

Also, make sure you don’t overdo it. While persistence is good, it can be frustrating if you don’t know when to stop. According to studies, more than six follow-ups within a short span are too many. 

Understand that technology is here to help

If your approach to telesales remains unchanged from years ago, you’re only wasting your time and energy in the wrong direction. 

Call management solutions have transformed telesales so much that businesses are increasingly implementing them to achieve superior results. Be sure to take advantage of the right solutions to obtain the best results

Have a KitKat

It is impossible to implement any of the above-mentioned tactics without being in the right headspace to work. 

Take breaks when you can and schedule them in a way that makes you more productive and allows you to have more time for yourself. For instance, you could work for 45 minutes and then take a 10-minute break before returning to work.



The above-mentioned B2B telesales tips on how to increase telesales output are some of the many tactics that can be religiously followed every day to achieve remarkable results. 

It’s most important to keep to a specific process. Unless you do, you won’t see definite results. Moreover, B2B sales is not something that comes easily; there are multiple steps, repeated follow-ups, extensive research, and a lot more involved.

What makes these steps a lot easier is using the right tool and if you are looking for a call management solution that is easy to use and will boost the growth of your business, then NeoDove is the solution you need.

From increased number of calls per day to effective management of every lead, our telecalling CRM and sales engagement platform is designed to drive greater performance and productivity.

If you would like to know more about how NeoDove can help you increase your sales you can book your free demo today!

Read Also: Complete Guide on Telesales

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