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Mastering ACW: 4 Reasons Why it is important

Why did the call center agent bring a ladder to work? Because they were ready to climb the heights of ACW excellence!

Now, let’s get down to business. ACW, also known as After Call Work, is a crucial aspect of call center operations. It refers to the time agents spend completing tasks after wrapping up a customer interaction. From updating customer records to writing notes and preparing for the next call, ACW ensures smooth transitions and efficient workflows.

But why is ACW important? Well, just like a quarterback reviews plays between games, ACW allows agents to review and prepare for the next customer encounter. It’s their chance to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, ensuring accuracy and completeness. So, let’s dive into the world of ACW and explore its significance in optimizing call center performance.

What is after call work (ACW)?

The after call work meaning becomes quite clear from the name itself. These are certain tasks that the call centre representative does after they have ended the call with a customer. It is also known as post-call work or post-call processing. ACW makes sure that the call agents deliver appropriate service of standard quality to the customer. 

Why is ACW important for tracking agent performance?

After call work is a great way to record information that would help when the customer calls again. Furthermore, it adds to the metrics by tracking various measurable outcomes. It is essential for maintaining the quality of any outsourced customer service program for an organisation.

 Some other reasons after call work is important include:

1) Quality assurance

It is easy to plan what needs to be done to fulfil the customer’s needs. All the necessary actions are immediately taken and not left for later. After call work processes also include enquiring the managers or supervisors about anything noteworthy. This way, they can also remain informed and take necessary actions promptly.

2) Facilitates CRM processes

Including call work into the workflow ensures that the company has enough data on managing relationships with customers. This data can be used for development and training purposes and help deliver customised services where a call agent can reference information from the previous call. 

3) Highlights any operational issue

Post-call work successfully highlights any issues or problems that the call agents are facing. It also identifies any skill or knowledge gap among the callers so they can be given the necessary training. 

4) Improves agent performance

After call work gives agents the time and opportunity to ponder their last call and go over what they can do for the customer. This builds their confidence, and they are more likely to deliver a positive experience over the next call. 

What are the important after call work tasks?

Here is a list of the tasks that are included in after call work:

  • Sending follow-up emails and messages to the customer or appropriate departments to commence with the customer’s requests. 
  • Updating the CRM (customer relationship management) database
  • Scheduling further follow-up calls, contacts, or actions. 
  • Logging down the details about the call. This would include the reason for the call, the outcome of the call, and the further steps that have been taken. 
  • Write call notes for the kind of service the caller needs to be prepared for the next call.

How is after call work time calculated?

The after call work calculation process requires measuring the total time spent by an individual team or a department for call work. To get the total time, you will have to record the time required for each call and add them together. Record get the total number of calls made within the timeframe. Now you have the two variables for after call work calculation. Divide the total work hours by the total number of calls to get the average call work time. 

Read Also: Call Management System 

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    How To Complete ACW in 6 Easy Steps

    Step 1: Wrap up the call

    After ending the customer interaction, take a moment to summarize the conversation and ensure all necessary information is documented accurately.

    Step 2: Update customer records

    Update the customer’s account or profile with any new information or changes discussed during the call.

    Step 3: Write comprehensive notes

    Jot down important details, issues discussed, and solutions provided during the call to provide a clear reference for future interactions.

    Step 4: Follow-up tasks

    If there are any follow-up tasks required, such as sending emails, scheduling appointments, or forwarding information, make sure to prioritize and complete them promptly.

    Step 5: Review call metrics

    Take a look at call duration, customer satisfaction ratings, or any other relevant call metrics to gain insights into your performance and identify areas for improvement.

    Step 5: Prepare for the next call

    Take a moment to mentally reset, gather any necessary resources or materials, and prepare yourself for the next customer interaction.

    By following these steps, you can ensure that your After Call Work (ACW) is completed efficiently and effectively, setting the stage for a seamless customer experience and enhancing overall call center productivity. 


    After call work is a method to improve customer experience and ensure that they are satisfied. Measuring relevant statistics and training agents about how to conduct after call work will ensure that they outperform themselves.

    Motivated and productive agents serve as a competitive advantage for every call centre organisation. Even then, post-call work is a tedious process for the agents. Automating the process by depending on AI software for after call work can speed up the process and reduce wait times.


    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    ACW stands for After Call Work. It refers to the tasks and activities that call center agents perform after concluding a customer interaction, such as updating records, writing notes, and preparing for the next call. It ensures smooth transitions and efficient workflows in call center operations.

    After call work is also known as post-call work or post-call processing. It encompasses the various tasks that call center representatives undertake once a call with a customer has ended. These tasks are essential for delivering quality service and maintaining customer satisfaction.

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