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10 Easy Steps To Setup A VoIP Phone System

10 Easy Steps To Setup A VoIP Phone System - NeoDove

👉🏼 Key Takeaway:

VoIP phone systems use internet protocol for calls, distinct from analog systems.

To begin, you need internet, a router, hardware, software, and a provider.

Setting up involves identifying needs, testing, finding a provider, hardware investment, and enjoying benefits like flexibility, cost-effectiveness.

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    Blog - CTA l Telecalling Team l May 2024

    According to research, using a VoIP phone system can help you save an average of 32 call minutes per day.

    Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a great alternative to communication via traditional phone systems. Not only does it allow your users to effectively communicate with customers from anywhere, but it is also cost-effective. 

    Truly, a VoIP phone setup has a lot of benefits to offer businesses across various industries. You may be thinking that VoIP setup is quite challenging. But, you couldn’t be more wrong. 

    In this article, we will help you understand VoIP setup and how to set up VoIP in 10 easy steps.


    What is a VoIP Phone System?

    A VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Phone System is a modern communication solution that enables voice calls over the internet rather than traditional phone lines. 

    What is a VoIP Phone System - NeoDove (1)


    Setting up a VoIP phone system involves installing the necessary hardware and software, transforming voice signals into digital data for transmission. 

    Unlike conventional phone setups, VoIP installation is cost-effective and scalable, making it an ideal choice for businesses. As a whole, embracing VoIP technology ensures efficient communication with a user-friendly and cost-efficient approach.


    How is a VoIP Phone System different from Analog?

    A VoIP Phone System stands apart from traditional analog systems in its innovative approach to communication. 

    Unlike analog setups, where voice signals travel over traditional phone lines, VoIP utilizes the internet for transmission. Moreover, setting up VoIP involves a digital transformation of voice signals, offering cost-effective and scalable solutions. 

    When compared to the complex wiring of analog phones, VoIP installation is simpler, often requiring minimal hardware. 

    Additionally, VoIP setup opens doors to advanced features like video calls and seamless call routing. Making the switch ensures a modern, efficient, and future-ready communication system, highlighting the dynamic difference between VoIP and analog.


    What You Need to Get Started With VoIP

    Do you want to learn how to set up VoIP? No worries, we’ve got your back. 

    What You Need to Get Started With VoIP - NeoDove


    Here’s your quick guide on what essentials you need to get started.

    1) An Internet Connection

    The backbone of VoIP setup is a reliable internet connection. Opt for a high-speed, stable connection to ensure smooth voice transmission without lags or disruptions.

    Important Tip

    Opt for a wired connection over Wi-Fi for your VoIP setup. A direct Ethernet connection provides more stability, reducing the chances of call disruptions or voice quality issues.

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    2) A Router

    A router acts as the traffic cop, directing data between your devices and the internet. Make sure your router is VoIP-compatible for seamless communication.

    Important Tip

    Prioritize Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router to allocate sufficient bandwidth for VoIP calls. This step enhances the overall performance and reliability of your VoIP phone installation.

    3) Other Hardware

    Depending on your preference, you can use a computer with VoIP software, an IP phone designed for VoIP, or adapt traditional phones with a VoIP adapter and gateway. Choose the hardware that suits your needs.

    Important Tip

    When using a traditional phone with a VoIP adapter, opt for an adapter equipped with echo cancellation features. This choice minimizes background noise and echoes.

    4) VoIP, PBX & Other Software

    VoIP software, along with PBX (Private Branch Exchange) systems, facilitates call management and additional features. Ensure your chosen software aligns with your business requirements for an efficient VoIP installation.

    Important Tip

    Regularly update your VoIP software and PBX system to incorporate the latest features and security patches. Keeping your software current is vital for a secure and efficient VoIP installation.

    5) VoIP Provider

    Finally, select a reliable VoIP provider. They act as the bridge between your system and the external network, offering call routing, number assignment, and other essential services.

    Important Tip

    Choose a VoIP provider with responsive customer support. A reliable support team ensures quick resolution of issues, contributing to minimal downtime and a dependable communication network in your VoIP phone installation.

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    How To Set Up VoIP for Your Business

    Getting your VoIP setup ready does not have to be complicated. Here is an easy guide on how to set up VoIP in 10 easy steps:

    Step 1: Identify your business needs

    First and foremost, you should identify what your business needs are. Begin by examining your current phone system. Consider what your current system is doing, your call volume, types of calls you get, etc.

    Ensure that you completely understand what it is that you need. Determine how important mobility is for your business. At present, do you have a workforce that could benefit from a VoIP setup?

    By first understanding your current solution’s advantages and disadvantages alongside your business needs, you can plan for success. 

    Step 2: Test your network and internet connection

    An important factor of VoIP setup is your internet connection. VoIP call quality largely relies on your internet connection. 

    Moreover, this is even more important if you want a system equipped with video conferencing, chat and other collaboration features. This is because your internet connection will affect how fast your data is transmitted. For these reasons, it’s important to test your internet connection for potential issues like – low bandwidth, jitter, latency and packet loss. 

    With this test, you can understand if your internet connection can or cannot handle VoIP setup. If your connection falls short of your industry standards, you should consider upgrading your internet connection plan. 

    Additionally, talk to your service provider to find out what else you need to prepare for your VoIP setup.

    Step 3: Research the different types of VoIP

    Now that you’ve successfully identified your business needs and tested your network, you must do your research. It’s vital that you know the way VoIP works alongside the different types of systems available.

    Research the different types of VoIP - NeoDove

    There are 3 main types of VoIP systems to choose from:

    On-premise VoIP

    With on-premise based VoIP, you purchase your own hardware. This includes servers, switches and on-site hosting of the VoIP service. You, the owner, will be responsible for updates, maintenance as well as security.

    Cloud-based VoIP

    With cloud-based VoIP solutions, your business will not need to purchase any on-premise equipment. Instead, you will select a VoIP provider. This third-party provider then acts as a host, maintains and updates your software and hardware and delivers connectivity from a remote location. 

    Hybrid VoIP

    Another option your business can choose is a hybrid VoIP software. Here you can choose to invest in and combine parts of an on-premise VoIP system with a cloud-based system.  

    Step 4: Find a VoIP Provider with your desired features

    When you switch to a VoIP setup, it doesn’t just mean replacing your landline. Alongside this, it’s also an opportunity to modernize your business communications at no extra cost. 

    When you’re looking for a VoIP service provider, ask the correct questions. Remember to get a demo of their service as well as discuss how it’s going to be implemented. 

    The right VoIP provider will help you eliminate internal communication errors. Some critical aspects you should pay attention to include call management, unified communications, third-party integrations, mobile apps and security. It’s essential to consider all the features a VoIP provider offers and how compatible they are with your business needs. 

    Step 5: Invest in the right hardware 

    Once you’ve selected your VoIP provider, the next step’s to invest in the right VoIP setup requirements. 

    If you want your phone calls to sound amazing, you should go for a high-end VoIP desk phone. However, there are also cost-effective options available if you just want to make and receive regular  phone calls.

    In addition to this, VoIP headsets are a great companion to your business phones. With a headset, your agents can move while on calls. Furthermore, they’ll also have their hands free to look up customer information or add notes onto a CRM.

    You can also minimize hardware costs by investing in a business phone app, softphones. Instead of a desk phone, softphones allow you to handle calls using the app itself and eliminates a need for dedicated hardware.

    Step 6: Get yourself a business phone number

    Majority of VoIP plans include a local phone number. This is the ideal option for your business if you want to service a limited market area or build a local presence. 

    Get yourself a business phone number - NeoDove

    There are different ways you can get a phone number for your business. You could select an available local number or choose a toll-free number. If you already have one, you could just ask your VoIP service provider to port the number. Remember to always pay attention to fees involved in number porting.

    Alongside these, another option to retain your phone number is Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC). This is the ideal option when your current provider’s rates are the best and if you plan to expand to new territories. With BYOC, you can easily add existing and additional carriers for new locations.

    Step 7: Configure and install your VoIP setup 

    Perhaps one of the most important steps is properly configuring and actually implementing your VoIP setup. The way you install your VoIP system depends solely on the type of solution you chose. 

    With on-premise VoIP, installing PBX in your office will involve a team of system administrators, project managers and VoIP-certified electricians. With cloud-based VoIP, the installation will primarily happen on your digital devices. You just have to download the app from your provider onto your mobile and desktop.

    Post installation of software and equipment, you can complete your VoIP setup with some additional practices. For example, designing call flow, making test calls, implementing third-party tools, etc. 

    Step 8: Test your new VoIP system 

    After you’ve finished installing your VoIP setup, it’s time to test your network strength. 

    This can be done using your provider’s customer support application. Some specific aspects you should pay attention to are latency, audio quality and connection stability. 

    Try to test your lines when there is a lot of activity on the network. Before you go live, remember to ensure that all numbers are correctly routed. Always test your system!

    Step 9: Train your staff to get the most out of VoIP

    We’ve now completed discussing all the steps involved in the technical VoIP setup process. However, you must also see that your employees understand how the new system works. This isn’t a problem as VoIP is designed to make things easy and is very user-friendly. 

    This should be your approach with your employees, when you adopt a new VoIP setup:

    Train your staff to get the most out of VoIP - NeoDove

    To best ensure that your staff takes full advantage of VoIP’s features, set aside some time to train your team. Although appearing unnecessary, it is. 

    Before you go live, train your team to use voicemail, calling, text messaging as well as other features. By doing this, your team members will become more comfortable with your new system and its processes. 

    Step 10: Regularly monitor and maintain your VoIP system

    Stay calm and do not worry when it comes to maintaining your VoIP setup. Your provider will take care of regular maintenance while hosted VoIP providers support and update your system.

    Try to keep an eye out for communication regarding new features or updates. Then, pass this information onto your team.

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    The Benefits of using A VoIP Phone System

    Considering a VoIP setup for your communication needs? VoIP installation can lead to many benefits for you and your business. 

    Here’s a look at the key advantages that make VoIP installation a smart choice:

    1) Flexibility

    VoIP offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you’re at the office, working remotely, or traveling, your VoIP phone setup ensures seamless communication without boundaries.

    2) Cost-effectiveness

    Embracing VoIP is a budget-friendly move. Traditional phone systems often involve costly hardware and maintenance. In contrast, VoIP setup requires minimal physical infrastructure, reducing upfront costs. 

    3) Scalability

    Once you’ve completed your VoIP setup, these systems grow with your business. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, VoIP installation allows easy scalability. You can add or remove lines effortlessly, adapting your communication network to match the changing needs of your organization.

    4) Reliability

    VoIP systems are renowned for their reliability. With advanced features like call forwarding and automatic rerouting during outages, a VoIP setup ensures continuous communication. 


    Choosing a VoIP setup provide an effective means of handling customer communications and interactions. Not only are they cost-effective, but they’re also portable and easily scalable. 

    As such, VoIP serves as the perfect asset for any business to grow and achieve new heights of success. However, the actual process of VoIP installation can be quite daunting at first glance.

    With this easy-to-follow guide, we hope you too can set up your own VoIP setup with no trouble whatsoever. Consider investing in a VoIP setup today and instantly reap the benefits!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Yes, but your features would be limited. VoIP is not something you can set up all on your own as you need to sign up for the service with a VoIP provider. Without a service provider, you would only be able to use your VoIP system for internal calls.

    For your VoIP system to function, you will need a modem and router, which are already part of your current internet setup. Users are able to make and receive calls that have your software downloaded. Additionally, you may need VoIP desktop phones and VoIP headsets to handle calls efficiently.

    In a word – yes! There are many free VoIP software and applications to choose from that allow you to make and receive calls over the internet. For example, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, etc.

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