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10 Ways To Boost Automobile Workshop Performance

10 Ways To Boost Automobile Workshop Performance - NeoDove

Did you know that 95% of vehicle buyers use digital media as a source of information?

However, to maintain the optimum performance of a vehicle, it needs regular service as it ages. This is one of the reasons why automobile workshops have helped dealerships’ revenue grow steadily.

However, new and existing customers are increasingly turning to standalone mechanics and small local workshops. So, how do you beat such competitors?

In this article, we will explore how you can improve automobile workshop performance and increase profit.


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    How does the automobile industry work?

    There are two main categories of services in the automobile industry – paid services and free services. Your vehicle is typically provided with free service within its first year.

    How does the automobile industry work - NeoDove

    Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>Source

    Free services, even though they in the short run may not generate much revenue for your automobile workshop. However, they can be vital in the long run. 

    Ideally, your customer should be happy with your work during the free service period. This then increases the chances of them coming back to your automobile workshop for paid services. Hence, improving the services at every touchpoint will help in generating more revenue for the dealer.

    Also Read: Top 15 Telecalling Scripts For Automobile Sales

    10 Ways To Improve Automobile Workshop Performance Revenue

    Automobile workshops rely heavily on customer loyalty, which can only be earned by providing excellent service.

    10 Ways To Improve Automobile Workshop Performance Revenue - NeoDove

    Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>Source

    Here are 10 ways how to increase service revenue in automobile workshop:

    1) Adopt innovation

    Innovation is not only important for improving the means of buying cars and closing deals. It is also important for the after-sales service. 

    There is not much opportunity for buyers to obtain this kind of innovation at the corner car store. Shouldn’t they expect similar treatment at the dealer store? 

    Most often clients are probably not going to venture out to longer distances for their vehicle service needs. Here lies an opportunity for your automobile workshop to tap customers in your local vicinity.


    Use WhatsApp, SMS, digital marketing and outbound calling to find potential customers in your area.

    Ready to revitalize your car sales with effective telecalling scripts? 

    Let’s shift into gear: Explore the top 15 telecalling scripts tailored specifically for car sales, designed to engage prospects, overcome objections, and drive conversions in the automotive industry. 

    2) Offer auto fix financing

    Few out of every odd assistance visit goes as easily as we’d like it to. But sometimes the mechanic may find other things to consider. In such cases, financing is an amazing arrangement that your automobile workshop can offer.

    Automatic repair financing will be something excellent to provide to your customers. In dealership management, competing for cost is common, and automatic repair financing helps you gain an edge over others.

    If you want your fixed ops to be as profitable as possible, then auto repair financing is a great option. Moreover, it can easily be made available for your service customers.

    3) Become your client’s choice

    There are multiple places from where clients can get their vehicle’s service done. 

    For clients to choose your dealership’s service station, you will have to deepen your ties with them. You can do this by providing them with something extra.


    Free services like wheel arrangement and adjusting, vehicle washing, extras, and so on influence the client’s decision.

    Each time a service is due, they know what all you offer as compared to others. So, it’s important to create that distinction in their minds.

    4) Make help advantageous 

    When managing customers, comfort plays a big role. Customers today prefer not to go to the automobile workshop to drop off their vehicle for service and later collect it.

    Recent research by Accenture indicates that 70% of customers would prefer invisible service. That is the service/repair of a vehicle without the owner visiting the dealer point. 

    Pick-up and drop services can prove beneficial for your automobile workshop’s service station. Not only will this decrease competition from the local automobile workshops, but will also keep local mechanics at bay.


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    Eager to rev up your automobile sales with effective email communication?

    Let’s hit the road: Discover 15 meticulously crafted email templates designed to accelerate leads, nurture prospects, and drive conversions in the dynamic world of automobile sales.

    5) Improve the experience

    Your automobile workshop should prove to buyers that your fixed operations are better than independent stores. Do this by providing them with a more advantageous service experience, your customers will rely on you increasingly. 


    Follow-up with your customers and ask them for feedback. Furthermore, send them relevant information to keep them updated on everything important for their vehicle. 

    Use channels like WhatsApp to share offers or collect feedback on calls, but keep it consistent and well-placed.

    6) Integrate the service drive with sales 

    Incredible assistance throughout the buyer journey, for both pre-sales and post-sales processes, leads to increased customer loyalty.

    Data suggests that after five help visits, customers tend to buy their next car from one dealership only. If not buy, they at least become their brand advocate and give referrals. 

    Providing an exceptional automobile workshop experience is an incredibly effective and effective strategy for dealing with customers. Ensure that you have the ideal people and work cycles to associate your managers and service workshops with. This brings out maximum benefits.

    7) Add VAS to your service list

    VAS services like extended warranty, insurance, AMC, etc. act as additional channels of revenue. Not only this, but they also help increase automobile workshop revenue. 


    Start by understanding your customers’ needs. Conduct surveys or collect feedback to find out what additional services they might be interested in.

    Industry research indicates the chances of customers returning to your workshop for services increase exponentially when they take VAS. For example, insurance or extended warranties. To know more click here.

    8) Create a schedule

    Scheduling is crucial to ensure your automobile workshop operates at peak efficiency. By implementing a well-structured appointment system, you can better manage technician workloads and minimize idle time between jobs. 

    A structured schedule allows you to prioritize urgent repairs, preventing bottlenecks and customer dissatisfaction. It also helps allocate the right amount of time for each job.

    Ultimately, an organized schedule allows your automobile workshop to service more vehicles in a day, which directly translates into increased revenue.

    9) Conduct vehicle inspections

    Beyond addressing the immediate issue a customer brings in, vehicle inspections play a vital role in automobile workshop revenue generation. 


    Encourage your technicians to perform thorough and comprehensive inspections of every vehicle that comes through your doors. 

    These inspections can uncover additional service needs or repairs that the customer may not have been aware of. 

    Customers appreciate knowing the full scope of their vehicle’s condition. Furthermore, this transparency often leads to upsells of additional services or repairs. It’s a win-win situation—you provide better service, and your automobile workshop revenue increases.

    10) Minimize marketing costs

    Marketing is essential for attracting and retaining customers, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Minimizing marketing costs involves adopting cost-effective strategies that yield excellent results. 

    Invest in online advertising campaigns targeted at your local audience, ensuring your automobile workshop appears in relevant search results. Maintain an active presence on social media platforms where you can engage with your community and share valuable automotive tips. 

    Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and referrals, which can significantly impact your reputation and bring in new business to your automobile workshop. 

    Also Read: Automobile Software: A Boon to Automobile Dealerships and Workshops


    How NeoDove Telecalling CRM Can Help You Boost Automobile Workshop Revenue

    NeoDove Telecalling CRM is a powerful tool to help you rev up your automobile workshop’s revenue. Wondering how? Here’s the scoop.

    Firstly, NeoDove simplifies scheduling and follow-ups for your automobile workshop, ensuring that no customer slips through the cracks. With automated reminders, you’ll never miss a service appointment or a chance to upsell.

    Secondly, NeoDove tracks all your customer interactions, creating a rich database of insights. This data helps you identify trends, popular services, and customer preferences. Armed with this knowledge, you can fine-tune your offerings and marketing strategies.

    Lastly, NeoDove’s analytics provide a bird’s-eye view of your automobile workshop’s performance. You can see which services are driving revenue and which need attention. Overall, NeoDove isn’t just a CRM software, it’s your partner in boosting automobile workshop revenue.

    Eager to drive success in the automotive industry with digital marketing?

    Let’s hit the road: Explore the top 5 best automotive digital marketing strategies designed to accelerate your brand’s visibility, engage your audience, and drive conversions in today’s digital landscape. 


    Great service performance is a precursor for great sales performance. In a similar way, service loyalty generates sales loyalty. 

    Service conversion, when done effectively, is a tremendously powerful and efficient method of sales prospect generation. Ensure your dealership takes advantage of technology to up the game.

    NeoDove is an easy-to-use contact center and lead management solution that helps you touch base with your customers. With NeoDove, you can address their sales and service needs effectively and help their businesses thrive!

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